GRRRR Need to Vent and if Ne body can help PLEASE COMMENT!!!!

Okay ill get to da point cuz i hate beating around da bush.....there's dis guy i lyk and he lives 6 hours away and he asked me to be his LONG DISTNACE GIRLFREND and wen i asked him y just his long distance grlfrnd and not his real grlfrnd he told me cuz we liv too far away fr each othr and dat he already has a real grlfrnd, who btw is a total B*TCH >.< (ive talked to her on myspace)shes so...
July 19th, 2009 at 11:26pm


Well there's nothing relle exciting bout my life.I live in a small ass town n texas i go to the local small ass high school.There's nothing to do here and im soooo fucking bored rite now. Um i cuss a lot so if u dnt like ppl who cuss dnt talk to me. My sparetime is spent writing my stories poems and lyrics wich i may post sumtime nxt week.they r pretty discriptive but i like them one has actually...
March 27th, 2009 at 07:58pm