KFC Chicken = ?

Wow, second day on Mibba. I guess I like it, it's pretty good (but kinda slow >.>). Anyways. Today, I was playin this game called "Twisted Mama," or somethin like that. Its pretty disgusting, but the message comes across. There are these video's about all this mutating stuff and slaughter. Well, you can't spell slaughter withought "laughter," and those slaughter-er people didnt look so sad....
March 22nd, 2009 at 10:36pm

Hey Mibba (: My First Entry

Hey Mibba. This is gonna be short and sweet. I came here because I liked quizilla and I thought that I should check out some other sites. So when I heard about this site from a friend, I came here. Looks cool enough. I'm eager to see what kinda stuff is on here. (:P.S. I dont know why there's this thing above that says "The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can’t be silly...
March 21st, 2009 at 11:57pm