New Entry

title is totally original. i mean who can not click on it right? my life.well my sister just looked over my shoulder and goes, "it says write about something worthwhile." well i replied with, "hey, my life is worth while.." and you know what she did? just just looked at me like i was a moron.. thanks sister.. i see how much my life means to you...anyways. on the topic of my life.. hum.....
May 18th, 2009 at 05:02am

hello again

well, lets contiune with my bullcrap life. um finals are coming up, so that means that school if finally ending. hurrah.. i got my licence... hurrah... and im really really bored..i dont like all of this end of the year crap. all teachers do is ram things into your brian as fast as they can just so they can put that on your final and boom, you get a bad grade because you have no freaking idea what...
May 17th, 2009 at 06:47am


well this is my first journal on here. actually, can i just call it a blog? since techincally when you write about your life on the web its called blogging. journaling is something you do in private and noone is supposed to read it. you know?well anyhow. my life is kind of screwed up. my parents are so close minded! im serious!.. they dont want my sister to date the love of her life because of his...
May 11th, 2009 at 07:54am