
I am so bored i have no swish for a whole weekend and i am bored its only friday my leg (and a bit higher) are really hurting but im not the only one swish is ill and i want to hold her but i can not and it makes me sad for not being able to hold her and make her better i cant stop thinking about her and how much i want to be with her and cant wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her perfect face...
April 3rd, 2009 at 09:44pm

Perfect but not

The amount of love between me and swish is unmeasurable but i believe that i may be to clingy and kissy for my own good every time i get close i realise that at somepoint i will have to let go and that makes me slightly sad for she will also be sad i never want to let her go she is gorgeous :-P ;-)I dont know whether swish should read this for how sad it makes me feel love you gorgeous you know...
April 2nd, 2009 at 05:44pm


Overall today has really been a bad day except being able to kiss my girlfriend at the end of the day she is the best in the world at any subject and also has the looks as well i dont know who i could ever have been so lucky i love her and she knows it and also she is one of the funniest people ever she is even hyper when she is ill but the same cant be said for me i get a sore throat and i get so...
March 31st, 2009 at 05:38pm

Yee ha today was perfect

today was absolutly perfect but also boring it was good for being with swish but nothing exciting happened i am supposed to be going out with her tonight if she can after has been to on her prom dress but on the way home we just walked slow and held hands and then we hugged it seemed to last forever it was perfect and then we said that we loved each other it couldnt get more perfect the french...
March 26th, 2009 at 06:04pm

How it all started between me and swish

It all started while listening to mcflys do ya. As in do ya do ya love me and she was singing along and i said yes after that she went quiet then going back to the classroom very quietly i heard i love you when i said it back she looked as if she was about to cry so we left it at that and then hooked up the day after and it has been good ever since apart from today when she had french on the way...
March 25th, 2009 at 09:40pm