Sadeyes / Comments

  • same here...

    there hasnt been a lot.
    July 4th, 2009 at 08:43am
  • so whats new?
    July 3rd, 2009 at 07:05pm
  • im ok and you?
    July 1st, 2009 at 07:24pm
  • gee I don't know how u did it. I like my lseep! especially during winter! i like to nice n cosy!
    June 25th, 2009 at 10:29am
  • Thank you very much. : )
    June 19th, 2009 at 07:41am
  • ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒██▒▒▒▒███▒▒▒▒██

    HUG WAR!

    Pass this hug to all of
    your friends, EXCEPT ME, and see how many
    you get back!

    1-5 HUGS....Your on
    someones mind!

    5-10 HUGS...Someone
    likes you!

    10-15 HUGS..Someone
    wants to be with you!

    15-20 HUGS..WOW! you're really loved
    June 14th, 2009 at 08:59pm
  • the sequel is out:)
    June 5th, 2009 at 10:14pm
  • yeah theres gnna be a sequel, i jst gtta figure out wat im gnna put >.>
    June 4th, 2009 at 04:30pm
  • Thanks for the story comment. i'll update as soon as i can
    May 28th, 2009 at 09:17pm
  • Thanks for the story coment- will update soon. XD
    May 28th, 2009 at 01:39pm
  • ok thanx maybe it is worthy of performing on stage after all then?
    May 28th, 2009 at 09:40am
  • here u go: Script

    Michelle (deep voice heard off stage): Coming this winter to a theatre near you is one movie that gives destiny a whole new meaning. Coming this winter, providing our investors don’t pull out (coughs)

    (Kirsten and Michelle walk on stage)

    Michelle: (Looks off stage and yells) Why did you give me such big wings? Are you trying to make me part of the QANTAS fleet? (Looks to audience) Sorry. So we have to promote a film that you shouldn’t see. I mean should see. (Looks off stage and yells) I SAID SHOULD!

    Kirsten: I play a princess called We-know-a-lie. Who names their kid We-know-a-lie? I’m sorry I don’t care weather your royalty or not.

    (Michelle pulls at tights)

    Kirsten: Dude it’s your line

    Michelle: These Tights don’t fit! (Looks off stage and yells) What size does the costume department think I am! (Looks to audience) Sorry. I’m Destiny Blah, blah, blah, blah. I know all your secrets, including what you ate for dinner last night. Gee I really do need a new agent. That’s a lesson to all you Kids Never Ever buy your agent off EBay!

    (Michelle pulls at tights)

    Kirsten: I should have taken the job as Bella Swan. I mean who Knew girls would want to be kissed by a vampire. (Sighs)

    (Michelle pulls at tights)
    Michelle: Yeah who knew?
    (Pretends to hear something off stage)
    Michelle: What more graceful? You want us to be more graceful. Oh I’ll give you graceful!
    (Michelle walks off stage, Kirsten follows, scream heard off stage)
    May 28th, 2009 at 09:13am
  • hey , thanks for the welcome 8)
    May 27th, 2009 at 06:06pm
  • 2 actors who have to promote a really dodgy movie their in
    May 27th, 2009 at 09:55am
  • hey how are you? Oh my god I'm so mad with myslef!!!!!!!! i wrote soemhting for the talent quest @ school, na di've only just relised its crap. Now i'm trying to rack my brains for some other idea!!
    May 26th, 2009 at 09:48am
  • Hm prolly today or not thursday. Most likely during this week, Thanks for commenting<3
    May 25th, 2009 at 01:54pm
  • Lol wait you do have MSN messenger? Ok well if you do I'm going to add you right now.^-^
    May 20th, 2009 at 01:51am
  • Awww don't feel bad really! I too have gone through a lot but that didn't stop me from being happy again. So once all of this drama rama that I'm having with my family it'll go straight back to happiness so no worries.^^ *Huggles you* but thanks for worrying.:) Yeah I understand don't worry I'm like that too it's sad to see someone going through so much pain but you can't do anything about it *sighs* that's the worst. Like for example I have this friend hows depressed because he feels like he has no life and no direction of where to go or what to do in his life and he's also had suicidal thoughts which is completely ridiculous because knowing him he's better then that he has people who'd miss him. *Sighs* I want to be the one who helps him and he wants that too but how can I when he doesn't know who he wants to be saved from?

    Yeah exactly but they also need someone that they can entrust with their personal feelings like my friend for example he has some close friends but he told me that he doesn't feel close to them which makes it more difficult because he really needs someone who can guide him and heal him. But will that person ever come? And when they do or if they have then will he ever let them fully heal his wounds? *Sighs* sorry he just really gets to me and it messes with my feelings irl. That's good I'm glad you do a lot of people need help out there. Maybe you should find a job where you can constantly help people? Yes it really does that's why I find you very inspirational. That is very wise, instead of looking back at the bad things look back at the good things so that you can continue your path of life in a healthy way like your suppose to.^-^ Hey do you have MSN messenger by any chance?
    May 19th, 2009 at 11:05am
  • Sorry for the late reply I had some problems. I made a journal about it since I knew that I would have been gone for a while. Yay!:D Your welcome.^^ Wow every time you share something with me about yourself my "wowing" grows more and more lol and I know that I have said this before but I'm going to say it again because it keeps popping up in my head when I read your comments. Your such a strong girl and I love it. A strong girl would say and think that exactly but other girls who aren't strong would have a difficult time saying these things and having those thoughts that you have. Man bravo seriously.
    May 19th, 2009 at 09:58am
  • Oh and by the way I put you on my "Top Friends" list.^-^
    May 9th, 2009 at 09:55am