flawed_PERFECTIONEST / Comments

    Im kidding. IM SORRY I HAVNT BEEN ON MSN RECENTLY. life caught up with me and I died and came back to life c: Sooo yeah. I dont think I'll be on tonight though ( movies with an old friend woo? ) BUT i'll try to be on for a little if I can, alllright? ILY!
    April 17th, 2009 at 04:39pm
  • Oh, that does sound very very awful.
    And yes, yes, yes, spring break is just dandy, isn't it? Aside from the fact that I have absolutely nothing to do all week except read, write, watch tv, text, and have no life, I really do like the whole no school concept.
    April 6th, 2009 at 06:12pm
  • Again, sorry about that.I do it to just about everyone.
    *sheepish grin*
    April 6th, 2009 at 12:19am
    LOL I don't mind having a straight-forward-bitch-whore-slut-conversation with my friends but no rude sarcasm! Once we had a massive fight because of that and well 5 minutes later we were all hugging each other O_O

    Ah. I got used to my friends using sarcasm. I just don't like it when people who barely know you use it. I would be like "what the fuck?!" xD
    April 5th, 2009 at 10:44am
  • You seem like a totally awesome person. I so wanna be your friend.
    April 5th, 2009 at 06:57am
  • haha wonderful . WELL I DO TOO . ha . bet you didnt see that one comin(:
    wow ! i think you should see other people . you deserve better . haha jpjp wrong situation xD
    really ? my stepdad does that . but eh , i got used to it . HIT BACKo:
    hey at least they dont bite you . ...please dont say they do xD
    haha yeah i bought all the seasons . YEAH they rly thought it was fer real . i laughed so hard and the teacher was like smiling at me .
    haha woww rly ? i write all over myself cus im ambidextrous and flexible(((;
    i told my mom one day that my friends had drawn on me when i fell asleep in class and she didnt believe me . i mean damn , i was COATED xD
    aww then that means she cares about you ! she really cares ! [ sorry i suck at sounding dramatic xD ] trust me im a real drama king/:
    wow haha just dont get caught thats the thing ^^'
    yeahh . but i rarely get detention . they either expel me or suspend me my moms just about to kill me i swear haha

    heyyyy dont ferget bout mi secret stash(;
    *reaches in shoe and randomly throws another spork* HAH WHAT NOW BIATCH
    xx matt
    April 4th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • I agree, but part of me contradicts that.I belive in fate also, that life is already set for you by A greater being.Yeah, sorry I freaked you out there. :0)
    April 3rd, 2009 at 11:28pm
  • It's too bad that I'll end up that way.As much as I don't want to either. :0\
    I ment talking and not taking action.Ever had a sacratic seminar in any of your classes?That's what I am talking about.
    April 3rd, 2009 at 10:31pm
  • Haha yeah. Are you reading it for school? I have to read a whole damn book over spring break. It looks so boring...

    I'm doing gooddd. I was really really sad this morning and last night because I was having some problems, but I just resolved them, so now I'm feeling great and very loved. :D
    April 3rd, 2009 at 09:09pm
  • Ok. I'm cool with friendly sarcasm, but the rude ones get on my nerves >< I just don't like it because I'm such a dumbass, I never realize when my friends are using sarcasm :P I would actually mingle with the sarcastic sentence and they would be like "I was being sarcastic! No need to be responsive!" Yep, that's me :|
    April 3rd, 2009 at 07:59am
  • yeah lmao these arent the longest comments ive ever written but theyre def gettin there(:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 11:41pm
  • you suck xD
    hey , but i am pretty sexy right ? haha jkjk i'm too self-conscious fer mi own good ya know/:
    haha yeah its pretty freaky . i was gonna get my science teacher to play it on april fools day cuz it looks so effin believable and she did . three-fourths of the class thought it was real and now all these ppl are walkin around thinkin brains can talk lmao xD
    wow really ? haha well arent YOU special . you write notes on yer hand ... i thought i was the only one(:
    yeahh i say it every chance i get . that and "...in my pants" it works in almost every convo i swear xD
    wait whats that supposed to mean !? jpjp
    well then yer bestie would probably slap me a shitload . really i mean i get quiet so quick . but then again im bipolar so/:

    lucky . ive been expelled so many times my moms about to kill me haha
    wow really ? i do one thing wrong at the school im at now and all i get is four long hours of nothin but staight-up bitching . i hate my school/:
    LMFAO who ever heard of that ? detentions fer laughin . seriously , teachers these days . god i sound like one of them xD
    haha really ? i thought you did . heh ... heh ... *throws spork into woods* so uh xD
    April 2nd, 2009 at 11:40pm
  • Hahaha. I can't handle it. She'll speak sarcastically if I don't do it. I hate sarcasm so yeah... sucks for me :|
    April 2nd, 2009 at 06:25pm
  • Yeah, but only if I have to.I hate voilence.It's people like my brother who like to push things a bit too far.Then my parents get angry with me bacause I don't know any other way to handle it.I get sick of talking easily.
    April 2nd, 2009 at 01:33am
  • That's funny!
    My mom would just put on a you're-in-trouble-if-you-don't-do-it-face... it's annoying :P
    April 1st, 2009 at 07:06am
  • Yup, that's how Mibba works. Everyone helps everyone. Cuz most of the time everyone loves everyone. It's like one big family.
    So...whatcha doing?
    April 1st, 2009 at 02:26am
  • is it just me or did these comments get really long really quick ? (:
    April 1st, 2009 at 01:33am
  • well geez wayta crush it all over again ! and here i was thinkin i was a sexy cat . u shoulda told me before i said it xD
    hahaha nice one brain-eaters yeah mhmm ... xD
    like this show on [as] called look around you ... its fuckin creepy as hell haha they did one on brains ... look it up on youtube you will laugh your ass off i swear(:
    haha yeah i was just thinkin that . i still remember hearin that on adult swim when i was younger and i asked my brother what it meant . he called me gay ... which actually turned out to be true (;
    haha dont worry i'd only go to juvie , then it wouldnt be half that bad ... at least , not if jake was there HA i made a joke ... but not a good one /:
    well , im the exact opposite ... if i see like a hot guy ill run over to him and be like hey hey whats your name i'm matt nice to meecha . xD
    naw not really i'm much more shy than that ... ^^'
    haha but no rly i mean it i did that and got expelled fer it . seriously(:
    well sorry to burst yer bubbly-thing [ haha almost typed thong xD ] but you really cant get very private over the internet/:
    ill tell you what im on . im on CANDY MOUNTAIN charrrly((:
    noooo , i have a secret stash of them . their behind the porn under my bed . jpjp xD
    YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CANT HIDE *shifty eyes* i got a spork and i know howta use it(:
    April 1st, 2009 at 01:33am
  • Quite honestly, I think that that's cool.I am not physical, but wired shut?I could put people in places, but that woulndn't be any fun with me.I'd end up like Castro.I just don't want that.
    March 31st, 2009 at 10:47pm
    That is awesome! :D
    I do that with my brother all the time... lol :
    There was once I text him to say "I'm coming over to your room in 2 seconds"
    He went speechless!!! >v<
    March 31st, 2009 at 06:55am