why me?

so i moved in to my own apt. with my boyfriend of 2 years. its hard to do. its hard to keep up with rent and bills. im scared im gonna get kicked out. im scared my boyfriends gonna kick my teeth in. no one said it was gonna be easy most people told us we werent gonna be able to do it. we promised each other we can do it and that no matter what we wouldnt give up. but the security check bounced and...
August 10th, 2010 at 05:45am

Artic freeze in the middle of july!!!!!

So the last time I wrote a journal entry I got a comment from who ever, that said my journal entry would be worth reading if the grammar and spelling wasn't so fucked up. So I deleted the comment and thought about it for about an hour, why? Why did I let someone I don't even know get too me? This is my journal if you don't like how I write or spell then don't come back every time and read what I...
January 11th, 2010 at 06:11am


So here goes,my father raised me with my grandmother from poland, my mother was in and out different rehabs until i was 10. i fought so hard to be with my mom that now i am with my mom i have used her. I have walked all over her and used her because she wanted me to have the best things and be happy and she never once disaplined me or yelled at me until the other night. i have been begging her to...
January 9th, 2010 at 07:25pm

Car on it's roof top and I go slip slip

So 3 days before christmas i saw a car flip on it's roof and as i was trying to go help i slipped on the ice and broke the very back and bottom of my tibia bone. my boyfriend chad has been helping me and so has sandra but i hope i'm not being too much of a pain. right now i'm in virginia with chad and the family just playing video games and eating left overs. so in 3 i go back to the orthopedic...
December 27th, 2009 at 02:00am

should i wake up and smell the roses? or should i wake up and realize the roses died with my dreams

so today i realized that life in general is falling around me and i cant change it or stop it. when i was younger it felt like i could fix everything but really i didnt change anything i made it better but never fixed it. so y cant people realize that i am trying to deal with my stuff yea i have budget issues and anyone who can i help me i will try anything i dont want to be broke anymore. i hide...
July 8th, 2009 at 04:35am

So is it really turtle soup?!?!?!?

HAHAHAHAHAHA well u know what is really funny? Nick is dating a horse and this horse is getting into a fight with a turtle on myspace. and nick wants to punch the turtles face in, i told him to make it a clean fight and to not make it dirty because no one likes turtle soup, and if he throws the first punch to have it be the one that knocks his ass out. now see heres the thing the turtle has a kid...
June 9th, 2009 at 06:19pm

Dance like no one 1 watching and sing as though no 1 is listening

so i have realized i gave u my all. i bought u things i love u i gave u my heart, what did u give me? A headache, heartache, a bruised rib, and all my friends hate u. so listen to this i got this kid everything, a kobe bryant jersey, a picture frame that says dance like no 1 is watching, sing like no 1 is listening and love like u have never loved before (simply because one day we were waiting for...
May 6th, 2009 at 05:38am

i dont understand the penis

ok so i dont understand the penis. 1 minute ur in my arms telling me how comfortable u r with me and how u havent been this happy in a long time. then the next minute ur asking me to find u that girl who will love u for u and not ur $$$ who wants kids and a family soon. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u sleep in my bed at night, u fall asleep in my arms, u take my...
April 8th, 2009 at 06:06pm