
ugh well im supposed to be getting a boyfriend today... but im falling for someone else who has a girlfriend already but he thinks im hot... and then i told another guy that i like about this guy who thinks im hot and he seemed to not be happy about it?? but i thought he didnt like me.... and then this OTHER guy i like is flirting with me so im in a big ball of confusion... it sucks really... the...
April 11th, 2009 at 07:32pm

The Hoop

Ugh well i was supposed to go to the hoop this weekend with some friends (for everyone who doesnt kno wat the hoop is its a gym where they have 4 hour long dances) well apparenlty it was cancelled and im so mad cuz this guy i like was supposed to ask me out there and since he insists on doind it in person i have to wait for next week unless the hoop isnt really cancelled which i hope its not! Now...
April 4th, 2009 at 09:52pm