Liera_Fufu / Comments

  • Ugh, girl, I don't even know where to start. It's been so long, and I'm such a terrible person for keeping you waiting all this time! Even though this is terribly late, I still wanted to drop by and thank you personally for your comment on the 22nd chapter of Slip. I didn't see it until recently (because I've been absolute shit at posting, and lately the only thing that ever really brings me back to Mibba is when I'm really trying to hunker down and grind out a new update for one of my stories. But please know that even though I didn't immediately respond, your comment still meant the absolute world to me!

    Not going to lie, the story sorta was dead before the last update, and then, of course, I very nearly let it die once again. But it's back to life now, and hopefully you'll be able to pop back onto Mibba again at some point and see what's new and happening. I have every intention of finishing this story, because it's been such a monster that I've been working on for so many years, and even when I'm struggling with bandfic or writing in general, I just absolutely adore these beautiful broken little babies far too much to ever let them rot away in the corner, completely forgotten. I know where this story is going, even if I don't have every step of the journey planned out just yet, and I can't wait to see them make it to the finish line. I hope you get to see that as well, since you've been with this story for so many years now, and I hope the eventual ending does not disappoint.

    For the record, I think you're the only person that expressed any concern for Rick after the last update (or, you know, ever, since that was really his only actual appearance in the story). I mean, no one's saying the guy's a great person, or anything, but he definitely hasn't had it easy, that's for sure. We'll see some more of him in future chapters, so you can see if your concern for him lasts long. (;

    Aaaand I have to admit, I'm super curious to know what you think Ava's feelings for Zack are right now, given what she's said lately and how she's been acting. I'm never entirely sure how Ava comes off to people, since she's such an odd combination of incredibly competent at lying but also, she's always so sure that she's being perfectly transparent and everyone else can read her mind and know what her true intentions are.

    Once again, thank you so much for commenting on the story; it means so much to me to know that you're still looking forward to seeing what happens, and your comments truly do breathe life back into this story every time I read them. Thanks again! (:
    April 20th, 2020 at 07:49pm
  • @ Haylie Jaed
    Haha, I'm sure you have. I haven't written anything in awhile though. Yea, I used to love writing too, but for me, comments let me know just how good of a writer I was or wasn't. I once came in top place out of a few classes back in middle school after we had some writing contest. My work got read to the class 90% of the time in creative writing in high school.

    So yea, I thought I was a great writer. Until I stopped receiving as many comments on here. Then my writing kinda died. I was extremely sad that nobody seemed to like my stuff. So, I just read instead.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 10:11pm
  • Aww, thank you, love. ^_^ That's really encouraging.

    I never used to care about comments, y'know? It was all about the writing for me. But these days I find myself feeling disappointed when I don't get them too, and I kinda hate that. That's why I think I need to take a step back. To go back to writing something just because I'm loving it. When did it become all about reads? D=

    I swear I've read some of your work in the past? I need to go through all my subscriptions to remind myself of what the hell I was reading when I was active on here.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 12:28pm
  • @ Haylie Jaed
    I completely know how you feel. I can't count how many times I used to rewrite my stories. And they were always sooo much better. But the lack of comments would disappoint me & I wasn't motivated anymore. There's so many different scenarios I think of where I'm like, "Man, this would be a great story!"

    I would get up to three chapters posted, but no commenters =/ I know I have skill, so it just stumped me. So, I read other people's stuff instead. Lol. I love C.I.M. so much & it has a lot of potential, but if you can't actually feel what the characters would be experiencing, then it kinda shows in the story. It makes it feel flat. And that's not your fault. If you're not feeling a story, then you're not.

    I'll always be a fan of your work no matter what. And I'll always be here to try to help inspire & encourage you. Mr. Green Mr. Green
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:39am
  • Thanks so much for your comment on Crash Into Me, love! =) And more importantly - thank you for your honesty.

    And you're absolutely right. Sometimes I go through phases where CIM is all I think about, and I want to sit and write and lose myself in that world. But for the most part... I don't love the story. I feel like I'm writing it (for the third time now) because it's my unfinished business. It's the one story I have that I know could be great but have never been able to finish and love. And hell, I've had the sequel planned for five years and never written it!

    I'm so conflicted. I think maybe it's just not time for this to be rewritten. I need to step back and work on my other stories first, until I find myself ready to get this one done. But I'm not sure.

    But for now, you're right. My heart just isn't in it enough. I'm not doing it the justice that I wanted to.

    Hopefully I'll take some time and fix it up. I'm already working on fixing the chapters that are stumping me, so we'll see how we go.

    I've been out of the writing game for too long!
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:05am
  • @ Haylie Jaed
    Yay!! Very Happy
    November 24th, 2016 at 11:54am
  • I promise I'm working on the next chapter. <3 I was distracted by NaNoWriMo, but I'm done with that now, so I have more time for CIM. =)
    November 23rd, 2016 at 01:05pm
  • Thank you so much for your comment on Crash Into Me, love! I always love seeing your name pop up! =D

    Hoping to have more chapters up soon. <3
    November 2nd, 2016 at 07:35am
  • Hey! Thanks for the comment. The sequel for I Like the Remix is called Until Forever Comes. There should be a link to it on the story page for I Like the Remix.
    November 2nd, 2016 at 12:50am
  • I never really answered your first comment on I Like the Remix! First of all.... Thank you for the comments... They really do keep me motivated. And hopefully you stuck with the picture because I know the pains of trying to find pictures for characters and completely understand that while googling pictures...we're all going to end up finding similar pictures.
    September 25th, 2016 at 11:04pm
  • @ Liera_Fufu
    <3 ! XD
    April 23rd, 2016 at 10:40am
  • @ Haylie Jaed
    Yaaaassss!!!! I'm super stoked! You really do love meh! XD
    April 23rd, 2016 at 09:55am
  • And thank you so much for the comment on Crash Into Me! ^_^ She will most definitely be seeing mysterious dark-haired boy with evil father at school. ;)

    I'm literally working on the next chapter of this right now. It's about 1/3 done.
    April 23rd, 2016 at 09:48am
  • Thank you so much for your kind words, love. They mean the world to me, and they always will. =) I'm hoping that I'll start to love the story a little more as it goes on, but we'll see what happens. On the bright side, my feelings won't change the way it goes - I know exactly what's going to happen and how it's going to end, so the plot is safe even if I start to hate it.
    April 23rd, 2016 at 09:27am
  • Thanks so much for the comment on Crash Into Me, love. Especially since I'm literally sitting here trying to write the next chapter, and struggling. You always do have good timing.
    March 1st, 2016 at 04:24am
  • @ st. james.
    Huh. I've never been on Quizilla. I'm loving it though! Can't wait for the next update! And I completely understand, no worries!
    January 27th, 2016 at 04:51am
  • Hey, no worries dear. I'm gunna update From Eden soon! I've just had a bunch of things happen in the past couple of weeks that has kept me from writing. X.x

    And yes, I used to post this on Quizilla but I'm currently re-writing it.
    January 27th, 2016 at 04:13am
  • Thanks so much for the comment on CIM, love. =)

    You got things pretty spot on. I imagine that Mrs Pritchard has never experienced a close death yes, and that she's just going off things that she was taught. Haylie is probably her first case of kid-whose-family-died. Being a social worker, she probably mostly works with runaways and juvenile delinquents. So they don't really compare.

    And I love that you said you would just sit there and hug her, 'cause that's kind of the feeling I wanted to evoke. I wanted Uncle Brian to be like that, but obviously he couldn't just be silent the entire chapter. But really, that's all she needs - somebody to be her shoulder to cry on. Or so I believe, because I'm basing her mish-mash of emotions off how I felt when both of my grandparents passed. She's lost and confused and dealing with things the wrong way, and a hug would do her good. =P

    Hopefully there'll be more up soon. <3
    January 8th, 2016 at 07:35am
  • @ aicon
    Hey, no problem :) just trying to give some love for us that don't receive much feedback when we worked so hard. And yea, I can't believe how long ago I wrote that. I just started the re-write of it. I got another chapter up just last night after nearly a year. I'm hoping I'll have another sometime soon lol. I'm glad you were a fan since fanworks. Man, I've almost completely forgotten about that sight. I probably would have never remembered it if you hadn't mentioned it xD
    November 19th, 2015 at 12:15am
  • it's kind of funny because i mainly came here to thank you for commenting on Gunslinger (because i never get nice long comments like yours virtually ever) and then i looked at your stories and i realized that you are the author of Mending the Broken. i got really excited because i remember about three years ago when i first found that story on it was one of my favorite stories ever so i had a small fangirl moment when i found out.

    but yeah, anyway - thank you so much for commenting on Gunslinger. you're right - it does suck when people don't acknowledge something you put so much work into as much as you would like. for instance, i posted it on another site as well, and i got no feedback whatsoever and i was pretty disappointed. but your comment defiinitely made up for that so thank you so much!! Mr. Green
    November 18th, 2015 at 11:50pm