Liera_Fufu / Comments

  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I was just about to go to bed when I saw you'd updated, and I couldn't just leave! XD

    Sometimes forgetting how the original went is a good thing. ;) It makes room for new, better ideas. And the good ideas from the old works usually come back. =) I can't wait to see where you take the story!
    November 18th, 2015 at 11:06am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    @ Haylie Jaed

    Thanks! I haven't reviewed them in awhile. I would probably want to re-write if I did. I am more than sure actually that I DID start re-writing Mending the Broken. It was a while ago.
    November 18th, 2015 at 12:48am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    No worries! *hugs* And after just having read the two stories you had posted, I can't believe you don't have more readers! =O Your work is seriously refreshing!
    November 17th, 2015 at 10:49am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    @ Haylie Jaed
    Exactly! *Cries*, you get me! I'm so glad you came back! I've missed you! And I shall definitely keep that in mind!
    November 17th, 2015 at 10:23am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    I completely get that: "But it also just takes sooo much time when I feel I could be moving on." That was a big issue for me with re-writing. Why bother going back and re-doing something when you can move on to bigger and better things, right? But it's a necessary evil. Especially if you dream of being a published author. It sucks, but it's the truth.

    I also know that feeling of wanting to give up when you get no feedback. This makes me realise how lucky I've been in my writing journey, but I've only really ever had that happen to me once. I was sixteen or so, writing on an original fiction website, and I started posting this story I was super excited about. It was called Live Life Like a Rockstar, and I was going to make all sorts of points about how the media tells us we always have to be better, and how girls are never good enough, etc. It's still an idea that I play with, and I'm actually about to integrate it with a new story, but I digress.

    I was super excited to be posting it - and at the time, I was sure I was going to get tons of readers. I wasn't exactly popular on the site, but I had my regulars. But six chapters in, nobody had commented. At all. And it was just so... It really makes you wonder what you're doing, right? You look at some other stories and you know that yours is better, but they're getting tons of feedback and you're getting nothing. I can see why it would make you want to quit - because I did, too.

    I think that was the first story I ever really abandoned.

    Is it cliché to say that you need to write through it, that you'll get feedback eventually? Absolutely. And I'm not going to give the age-old "if you're writing for yourself, feedback won't matter" speech, because feedback does matter. I can't even share secrets on how to gain readers, because I have no idea where all of mine come from. I'm sure some of them are people whose stories I read and they're just returning the favour, but other than that who knows? I guess sometimes we just get lucky.

    But I can offer this: if you do start posting a story again that you're excited for, I can advertise it to my readers. I might not have a ton of them anymore but it's a start, and I'm a firm believer that writers should help each other. =) I'm also sorry that I myself wasn't around to read it. I haven't read anything on Mibba in aaaaaaaaages. =(

    I hope it doesn't keep you down. The world needs more writers. <3
    November 17th, 2015 at 10:13am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    @ Haylie Jaed
    I know exactly how that feels to want to re-write every piece of work you do. It's been both my savior and curse. Because when I DO re-write something, it's sooo much better. But it also just takes sooo much time when I feel I could be moving on. There was one story that I was suuuper excited to start on here. I was feeling great about it. Had all these plans for it and someone even made me a bad ass banner for it. I wrote a couple of chapters to it and didn't receive a single comment on anything. I even kept reposting it so that it would be at the top and people would read it. I never received any feedback from it. It was disheartening and I discontinued it and stopped writing after that.
    November 17th, 2015 at 09:26am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    You might find it funny to know then, that that's exactly how I feel about the chapters I have posted so far: "I guess that will have to do, even though I know I can do better."

    I was on here re-reading comments one day, and ended up going back to read some of the final chapters of my story Lost. And I distinctly remember having this moment of realisation, of "Wow, I really can write." I'd been reading a few different authors, feeling down because "Oh my God, my work will never be this good!" and then I re-read those chapters and just...felt like I was at a publishable standard. Those chapters were balanced, and well-written, and it was a serious boost for me. The story as a whole had its problems, but it was nice to remember that I could actually write.

    But no matter what I do, I feel like I can't get back to that standard right now. I finished that first chapter of Crash... and couldn't stop picking at it: the ending was too abrupt; I didn't feel like Haylie's true emotions really showed through in the funeral scene (there was supposed to be a moment of panic in there). But I had written and re-written that chapter so many times that I knew what would happen if I tried to fix it again.

    I would end up hating it, deleting it, starting from scratch for the millionth time, and I would never end up getting anything posted.

    I gave myself one night to think on it. I finished writing it, then went straight to sleep before I could start hating it. In the morning I re-read it and decided, "That's it. It's good enough." It still has its problems. I already want to go back and re-write it, but I won't. Because it's good enough, and it means that finally - after two damn years of nothing - I am working on a second chapter. And that feels amazing.

    I'm still considering writing it as an original too, so I would definitely edit the first chapter in that case. But for now I'm just working on getting back into things. Sometimes there needs to be disappointment before there's accomplishment.

    Stick with it. =) You have all the time in the world to do everything that you want to with your writing. And don't be scared to embarrass yourself - Google is your best friend if it's something that can be researched, and if it's not... Fake it until you make it! My favourite author wrote in a blog post that if you believe what you're writing, your readers will, too. And if somebody does by chance correct you, that's great - it means you've got the information you need for the next time you write it!
    November 16th, 2015 at 10:41pm
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    @ Haylie Jaed
    Awe, I'm smiling like a buffoon over here xD I find you admirable because even though you've been through so much, you still pushed through and you wanted to pick up your passion again. It's a hard thing to do. I've started fics on here that I have not finished. I always want to start over or try to continue, but I just can't bring myself to do so. I know that I am a great writer if I put my mind to it (I used to top out my classes when it came to writing), but I just can't bring myself to get into it. I always think about writing, but then I get discouraged because there is so much that I am not really educated in, that I don't want to embarrass myself. That and sometimes I just get lazy. If I write, I want it to be great, not "I guess that will have to do even though I know I can do better". I don't know. That's why I like reading your stuff so much. You do so good. Maybe one day, I can get back in the game. I don't really see it happening, so for now, I'll just sit back and enjoy your stories :) 'Cause, I don't actually read books often xP
    November 16th, 2015 at 10:35am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    A familiar face! =D I was highly excited when I saw it was you who had commented on my stories. As much as I love getting new readers, nothing beats the thrill of seeing the old ones come back for more. It tells me I'm doing something right. ^_^ So thank you, for your comments on both Crash Into Me and The Demons in Us! You've absolutely made my day!

    CIM: I was actually hoping that a lot of people would have forgotten most of the original story, because it makes things new again. This one won't be exactly like the old one, so even if things start coming back to you, I hope it reads like something new regardless. =) I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle, and I know you'll know I'm telling the truth when I say I know how you feel. <3 I tried to keep the chapter separate from my experiences in a few ways (where Haylie's family is buried, mine were cremated - it's a somewhat different ceremony), it was indeed still fairly difficult to write. But I'm confident that having experienced family deaths myself now, where I hadn't when I originally wrote the story, is definitely going to make things more believable. So we'll see how things go.

    I don't think I'm anything to be admired. I'm still trying to pick up the pieces, and writing isn't coming as easy to me as it used to. But thank you so, so much for your words. Those are inspiring. They make me want to be better, but they also make me feel better. I love you for that. <3

    TDiU: I'm honoured to have you reading, if you usually only read Zacky stories. =) I finally started working on the second chapter of this one this morning, and I'm hoping it turns out okay. So I hope you continue to enjoy!

    Ahh, it's so good to be seeing your name again!
    November 16th, 2015 at 08:32am
  • aznvlngurl02

    aznvlngurl02 (100)

    United States
    Thank you so much for your comment on my story! I was starting to assume not a lot of people were reading it b/c of the lack of feedback and readers. I hope you continue reading and I'll try to update again real soon :)
    May 8th, 2015 at 07:00pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey love! Thanks for the comment on the latest chapter! ^^

    Yeah, I completely understand you not knowing what to say. xD It was definitely a crazy chapter that was all over the place. And yeah, it's obviously going to be pretty devastating to Zack.

    ...But, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. (;
    May 7th, 2014 at 01:20am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I'm glad you felt for her, there! I was getting pretty ready to punch Zacky in the face for not realizing how exactly he was making her feel by constantly pushing her away.

    But yeah, the clues are definitely there. Subtle, but there. xD

    Your wish is my command; I'll be updating again very very shortly. I never have the heart to leave such big cliffhangers hanging for longer than absolutely necessary. Sorry to cut it off there, by the way, but a point of view switch was necessary, and besides, the next chapter deserves to be its own chapter.

    Thanks for the comment! (:
    May 1st, 2014 at 11:38pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, yeah... you should probably expect that from most chapters by now, though. (;

    I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update! I know it was pretty terrible of me to disappear. I'd promise to never do it again, but I never know. /shrug. I can promise a few very exciting updates coming in the near future, though! (;

    Thanks for the comment, love!
    April 30th, 2014 at 02:01am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, good! I'm glad you enjoyed it and weren't like totally annoyed with me for spamming your wall or something. xD I meant for it to be such a nice, shorter commentary, but somehow it just blew up on me. I suppose I could write entire stories just psychoanalyzing some of the main characters. Or how-to guides. xD

    I completely understand how difficult it is to really consider everyone's emotions at once, to consider each of their backgrounds. Hell, I have trouble with it sometimes, and I have so much more background information on each of their lives than you guys know, so it should be so much easier for me.

    I'm glad I could help you understand Brian more. Like I said, feel more than free to disagree with his actions and wish he was less of a dick -- I do, too! -- as long as you can at least see where he's coming from.

    And I get the forgetting thing, too, don't worry! I reread WWLU and Slip all the time to make sure I'm not misquoting things or doing something that would conflict with a character's past actions.
    March 11th, 2014 at 03:28am
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    @ addictedsevenfold.
    Lmao, no, thank you actually! I thoroughly enjoyed that input. And as usual, you get me to see more to it. I totally took on a new perspective. I mean, I do know all of this, but it's not just one character we're really focusing on, so taking in all of their different emotions is well, a little hard to face all at once. But once you put in the time and think of each person's view, it's all easily understandable. So, okay, I don't HATE Brian. I could never. Your long rant helped me see more and understand more. Well, I understood, so more like accepted it better. Thank you :) and I enjoy the long comments. They always make me smile. This one specifically though actually had me in thought as I was in taking the different views you were giving me. And I thoroughly enjoyed it because I understood all views quite perfectly after. I will admit, there are things that I do forget in stories. Especially if it has been awhile.
    March 10th, 2014 at 08:23am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, no catch! Well, I suppose the only catch is that whenever I go into writing sprees like this, I inevitably run dry at some point, and then struggle with an update or two before getting back into it... and I suppose if I'm updating ridiculously fast instead of pacing them out, that means you might feel that struggle more than you otherwise would. But... at the same time, the more I post, the more motivated I am to continue. ...It's a complex relationship. You try to figure out the actual catch. xD

    Now, allow me to play the devil's advocate.

    I get why you hate Bri right now, I really do. Hell, I think everyone hates Bri a bit right now. And I get what you mean about how he shouldn't be able to pick Ava so easily over Zacky, since he's supposed to be both of their best friends. I get that. And let me promise you, time this to back in What We Left Unsaid right before the two of them decided to mate with each other, and put Brian standing in between the two of them with one car about to crash into Ava and one about to crash into Zacky, and Brian wouldn't know who to save. He wouldn't dive for Ava first without thinking about it, I promise you. He honestly wouldn't be able to make the decision.

    He loves both Zacky and Ava. He considers both of them his best friends. However, he's been in the role of protecting Ava for longer, because while Zack's just been a best friend, Ava's also been like a little sister, one that he feels responsible for. That weighs him a little differently, and while he doesn't love one more than the other, he feels more inclined to protect her because he feels that she needs it more than Zee does.

    Yes, Ava and Zacky have both done shitty things, and it's always seemed like Brian is on Ava's side. With the mating thing, he assumed Zacky had forced Ava into it, and when he believed that Zacky had raped Ava, he couldn't help but side with Ava. He tried to check that at the door once he realized how much of a dick he was being, though, and if you remember from that very brief point of time in WWLU, he did get better about it. And then there was Zacky almost killing Ava by almost strangling her, which threw that into chaos again. Yeah, he was pissed and way hateful and completely on Ava's side then, but he was still looking for a way to redeem Zacky. He couldn't believe that his friend could do such a thing (he'd told Ava before that Zacky would never actually hurt her, remember?), and he was still desperate to find a way to forgive him, beneath all of the anger. He told Matt he was. He told Zacky they could work past the almost-strangling thing, because he knew that they could.

    But him leaving her there in the explosion? Brian can't get over that. I know, I know, your point is that she didn't die, she only almost died... but that's not what Brian lived through. She died to him. Not almost, did. He buried her. He mourned her, and never got over it. And he put all of his pain and hatred into Zacky, partially because it was the easiest way to deal with the pain, and partially because he honestly hated Zacky. They're not best friends right now. To Brian, Zack doesn't deserve to be treated as one, and it's no longer choosing between two best friends. Zack killed Ava... he did the one thing that Brian never thought he was capable of doing, something so utterly horrible and devastating that the only way it makes sense to Brian is if he was wrong all along about Zee. If they weren't ever actually best friends. Johnny pointed out that he does still care about him in the most basic of levels, but Bri's a wreck. Emotionally, he hates Zacky. Logically, he hates Zacky. But a part of him does care about his wellbeing... he just manages to lock that part away because he can't deal with all of them together.

    Yes, he says hateful things when he's angry. Things that even make Matt (pissed as he was) uncomfortable. It's not just Zacky he says them to, remember, as he was pretty up in Matt's face in the last chapter. But he's worst with Zacky, yes. Don't forget that he's a pureblood. He was raised in a world where anger and hatred went hand in hand with saying vicious, awful things. And for all of that indoctrination, Brian has managed to come out of it not having prejudices against mutts and whatnot. But when he's so emotional, so devastated, it's easy to revert back to those kinds of familiar things, it's easy to take comfort in lashing out like that, even if it's not what he truly believes.

    I couldn't be Zack either. And don't get me wrong, I don't hate Zack; I don't believe any of the things Bri does about him, because I know what Zee went through, too. I know how devastated and wrecked he was. But knowing that doesn't change Brian's own devastation, you know?

    Yeah, Ava's alive. That'll make things better for Brian, but it doesn't just magically make her death seem any less real to him, you know? Like I said, he buried her; it's still real to him. And more importantly, the Ava that's coming back isn't Ava. She doesn't have her memories, and as long as that is true, to Brian, it's going to seem like everything she does is nonconsensual. If she isn't in her right mind, after all, she can't consent. Can't consent to being with Zacky, to forgiving him, to anything. He's... not wrong. I mean, I don't really agree, but I don't think he's wrong to feel that way, either. To him, once again, not only has Zacky killed Ava, but he's using her, he's forcing her to be with him against her will... and worse, he's getting away with it. Matt defended Zacky, and that only made Brian all the more motivated against Zacky, because he feels like everyone should see it the same way he does, and if they don't, then he needs to compensate.

    ...I ...I wrote entirely too much. I got wayyyyy to deep into psychoanalyzing Brian. Sorry! Like I said, most of that was devil's advocate, but I just wanted to make sure you understood his point of view on everything, too. Even if you don't agree, and even if you're still as pissed at him as you were, because you totally have those rights.

    Anyways, thank you for the comment! I very much enjoyed reading it, and I'm so very glad that you chose to share your thoughts with me! (Even if I went off on a huge tangent because of it xD)
    March 10th, 2014 at 07:09am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Were you already worried Drake would show up? Yeah, it wasn't the smartest move letting her go anywhere alone, but after all, she'd been living 'normally' before Zack showed up without getting caught, and she was only going downstairs in the lobby to tell the valet to bring around the car; Zacky wasn't about to send her anywhere less safe than that.

    Good guess, though! Obviously. Yeah... Zack had a very specific choice there. He couldn't really send Ava anywhere else in the hotel, even back up to the room, because he didn't know if Drake had any of his... friends hanging around somewhere waiting for just that. Obviously Zacky would've preferred her staying where he could see her and protect her, but he couldn't risk her being in earshot of Drake in case the pureblood managed to cause any more damage by spouting out lies... or truth, for that matter. So the only option was to get Ava somewhere safe that wasn't in the hotel... and that really just leaves Mabel. He wasn't happy about the choice.

    Eh... Ava was a little preoccupied; she might not have noticed his eyes and whether they were green or amber, especially from a distance. But Zacky certainly had them controlled when he was right in her face, you're right, and that's impressive enough.

    And... well, she didn't really think much was off about the run in with Drake; she believed him, too. She just didn't question Zacky when he told her to get out of there; she didn't stop and wonder who or what the problem might be. She might not have connected the dots. Besides, does she seem to be questioning Zacky about anything lately?

    And don't worry too terribly much. They're in a hotel lobby with bystanders and cameras all around. Zacky can't start a battle, and he also can't stand leaving Ava for very long... so there's not too much risk of him getting badly injured or kidnapped or anything. He's a big boy; he'll be smart.

    Haha, glad to make you feel like a kid on Christmas! Thanks for the comment, love! You know I appreciate it! (:
    March 9th, 2014 at 07:10pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey, love! I'm so sorry for taking forever to get back to you, but thank you ever so much for commenting on the two latest chapters! Your comments always bring a smile to my face, and I'm so sorry that I disappeared without properly thanking you!

    It means a lot to know that the story's able to be a positive note on a bad day; I'm sorry you've have a few bad days now, but I'm glad to be able to help bring them around!

    That's an interesting theory you've got there with Mabel potentially having something to do with Ava's memory loss. It's certainly plausible, like I've said before. And you're not the only one to think that now, so... we'll see. It does seem odd that, as the doctor pointed out, she's not really behaving like a /normal/ amnesiac, in that she doesn't remember what species she is and everything. But at the same time, brain injuries are never the same, and you can't usually predict what's going to happen with them. We'll see. (;

    Haha, shit will hit the fan at least a few times in the story, but I've already told you I won't promise that nobody good dies. I will promise that the story isn't a tragedy, so take that as you will.

    And the blood thing! Right! Yeah, no comment on the Rinaldi reasons for anything they do, but I do promise you will find out within the context of the story. After all, maybe it's written in one of those books somewhere? Or maybe Ava will get her memory back and share? Or who knows what will happen. (; You're right, them not being fullbloods would definitely be a reason not to share that, but at the same time, they've got a pedigree to back it up, and Ava herself explained that part of the reason Zacky's reaction to the mating mark was so severe was because she was a pureblood. Well, she said partly, and that could have been a lie, and documents can always be forged...

    And, yeah, her sudden decision to start throwing things at him in the latest chapter was a little surprising. But you shouldn't have worried too much about her remembering anything -- after all, she wasn't landing any real blows on Zacky, and that's a definite sign of New Ava. Haha, yeah, she wanted sex. Well, originally, she was just trying to prove a point, but that escalated quickly.

    And yeah, Zack's self control is rather impressive right now, isn't it? Although, it's not all self-sacrificing, considering he'd be screwed if she suddenly remembered anything (and he still worries about that, even after all of this time), and he'd probably rather not get his ass kicked by the entire pack by 'taking advantage of her' (even though that's debatable). But you're right, he's being super sweet, and that's not something we saw in the last chapter. We'll get to see more of it in the story, don't worry!

    I promise I won't disappear for another month right now! And I'm super sorry for doing it the first time! And, once again, thanks ever so much for the comments! (:
    March 8th, 2014 at 04:26pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Don't even mention it, I hope you will keep enjoying it. Cute
    February 26th, 2014 at 02:36pm
  • Liera_Fufu

    Liera_Fufu (100)

    United States
    @ XXXataktoulaXXX
    Ah! Thanks for letting me know! I've been working a lot, so I wouldn't have known xD
    February 26th, 2014 at 04:47am