War.In.Alaska / Comments

  • rawr_:D

    rawr_:D (100)

    random randomness is fun
    April 14th, 2009 at 03:53pm
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    i have no idea what its called =/
    but it has some funny british comedian as the main character.
    naw, i havent seen that movie, but i know what its about.
    i really wanna see the haunting in connecticut movie

    yeah, it was while i was on my way to the star. its like im in the middle of a frozen forest fire. its my little get away, i get so much inspiration from that place.
    that picture is the view from the cliff. and behind me is where the big metal star would be. thats the best spot in town =3

    lol, see, the deserts not so bad

    who knows, there could be. the truth is stranger than fiction, anythings possible. =3
    lol, whos gonna be murdered? that reminds me of something. im a morbid kid. every time i stay at a hotel, whenever i look into a window, i always think im gonna witness a murder. i dont know why, lol.

    hahaha, that sucks. we only would have to know places where the battles were and junk. but learning the states and all of their capitals is just totally fuckin senseless XD
    April 13th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    lol, thats okay, i can see my monster of a comment right under this one
    happy easter to you too =)

    it would be cool if you could talk to them and not just see them. you could learn so much.
    but then again, after a while it might get annoying, cuz i saw a movie about something like that. a guy got a surgery and he died for a little while in it, but the hospital didnt tell him. but the guy was a lonely, cold person. and then he said something to a ghost and the ghost was like "hey, you can see me??" and he was weirded out. and then more and more followed him until he was running away from a mob of ghosts trying to get him to finish their unfinished business. that was a funny scene though XD

    sounds really pretty =3
    i love the woods in the fall. especially at sunset when the sun hits the leaves just right. its amazing =)

    an underwater gas station? thats fuckin sick! how deep under water?
    lol, over the weekend i went to a theme park. on the way when we were going to meet my friends girlfriends mom, his dad had to leave us at a gas station in new jersey, right on the hudson river. and my friend and i were at this park thing on this cliff over the river where we could see the george washington bridge go into the city and we were watching all the people around us. and he was like "look at this, all these people have stories. they have lives and families and names." and i was like "yeah, if anyone asks, we're immortal nomads. we met up at a train station in chicago in 1909 and have since been searching for others like us because we have no memories of where we're actually from." ahhhh, that was fun. =3

    i love history too. but probably because its sooo easy. i like it because its more interesting, recent history like world war one and two and not the revolutionary and civil war for the 8th time over. ugh, i cant stand learning about the revolutionary war again, up until now, we've been learning that since like 4th grade, i fuckin hate it.

    lol, thats okay! nerdy girls are interesting! =P
    April 13th, 2009 at 12:11am
  • myperfectsonnet

    myperfectsonnet (200)

    United States
    Yay :D
    Thanks and yeah it is (: I'm missing it again today, because I went yesterday and got even worse. Today I'm feeling better though. Way less tired.
    D: That sucks!
    I hope you don't get mono.
    That's like a few month long sickness.
    April 8th, 2009 at 05:25pm
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    i love a happy ending =)

    lol, it was creepy in the tunnels in winter. cuz there was ice in it and it moved around in the water and echoed. it sounded like there was something besides us in it...
    and its really creepy now since my friends girlfriend is crazy and thinks she can see ghosts in the warehouse. i wrote (am writing/ idfk what im doing with that anymore) a story about that called 180 olive street. like none of us believe it, but its just the thoughts that she put in our heads. we wont go there at night anymore XP

    oh yeah, i'd never go into a building alone. but i love being in the woods alone. i'll take pictures of all the interesting things around my town and show you one day. (i just need a good camera, ugh)
    we went into another building before that we dont go in anymore... cuz that was breaking and entering, not abandoned, oopsies. we didnt get caught, but we didnt wanna risk it. anyways, upstairs there was an empty room with a cot and a big dusty mirror. and on the mirror someone wrote some apocalyptic crap. lol people are crazy.

    naw, the desert is still beautiful, just in a different way. thats how i look at it. but im crazy and can see beauty in anything XP

    i'd re-bury them and apologize. but damn, i'd be thinking about that for a long time. like thinking about who they were, when they lived, what kinds of lives they had. holy crap thatd be crazy.

    lol, well, i did do that. for a christmas one i wrote my own christmas story. and santa claus was a knight from another planet. i was proud of that one =3 then again, i had much more creative freedom in that one than i usually do. but i still find ways to make it work.

    random: i love the history channel. i just saw a show about the solar system explaining about something i knew all about. and im watching a 7 deadly sins show that i know all about as well. i feel so fuckin smart right now =3 who needs school =P
    April 8th, 2009 at 05:24am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    omg thats horrible! poor eight year old alaska =/ did u ever find your doggie?
    my grandparents are awesome. but most old people... theyre just jealous, they want our youth

    an old insane asylum? holy fuck thatd be freaky. idk if i could bring myself to go in there, im terrified of insane asylums. you ever hear of the game second sight? it took place in an asylum, i was about 10 when i played it, and it freaked me out. i started hyperventilating and everything, its just.. ugh. theyd have to kill me before i went to one.
    theres more abandoned buildings, well 2 more that i know of. one is supposedly haunted, its a house by the highway. and the other is a HUGE old place by the river, i never went in that one yet. theres lotsa things only us kids would know about this town, makes it almost impossible for cops to find us if we ran =3 for instance: it used to be a hobby of mine to find graffiti under bridges and junk and take pictures

    well we have to crouch in the tunnels, but you might be able to short stuff =P (jk jk) and yeah it snows here. and its really fuckin beautiful when it does. i gotta hand it to this place, it has some kickass natural beauty. and a wicked sledding spot in the horshoe

    no way. real human dead bodies??? did anyone else ever find them? where they skeletons or all rotting and gross? holy fuck, thats brutal

    lol, the thing is, i make it like im totally serious. like i really believe in what i'm writing, and sometimes i make such good stories up that they are totally believable, or at least they cant prove me wrong >=3 i mean, i cant prove it right, but they CANT prove me wrong either. the loophole is write about the most general topic you can. it wouldnt really work for like a book report, then you have to be serious, but for most of them i do. like for one i had to write a biography on a relative. so i wrote about a great uncle that i dont have and made up this big gang story. i got an a plus on that XD. even if its obviously made up, i mean, what can they do? tell me that i dont have a great uncle? lol i could see that, and then id start fake crying and make a huge scene. and i wrote one for my friend about "what do you believe?" and made it so he believed in giant squids that float in the air but only he can see and hear them.
    April 8th, 2009 at 03:17am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    my mom just hates the idea of warped being outside and a big event
    shes waaay too overprotective of me and yeah, well you know moms. :P
    i am doing a lot better in biology class after i drew it. haha.
    i would fail math over anything xD
    April 8th, 2009 at 02:35am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    *looks down* god damn, thats a long comment
    April 8th, 2009 at 12:39am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    i live in a pretty small town too. one high school for all the kids in the area, a middle school connected to the high school, and an elementary school close by. everyone would know each other, but most people tend to keep to themselves, theyre bitter old people. lets digress for a moment, i found a ball one day. my friends and i were playing kick and catch in the road with it. and my neighbor (old bitch) comes out and takes it claiming that it "hit her van" and it only lightly rolled into the bumper. we asked nicely for it back and they threatened to call the cops if we kept it up and gave it back to us popped. i swear to god im gonna egg their house one day, that still pisses me off. anyways.... yeah, lots of people tend to know me anyway, and i have no idea who most of them are X_X
    our main attraction is probably the stourbridge lion. apparently i live in a pretty historic place, it was one of the first steam engines that worked. but LOADS of towns claim that so its not really special.
    but there are loads of shops close by. down one of the streets, there are literally like 10 law firms. theres a few insurance agencies, and doctors offices, and churches, and a tatoo parlor, and a fitness store, and restaurants and then kwiki mart things where the majority of our shopping is done. and walmart and places like that are like a 5 minute drive away.

    dude, thats fuckin awesome. my friends and i find some pretty interesting places around here, not really pretty in that sense though. like theres a series of water tube things we like to run around in when we get bored, we refer to those as the tunnels. and theres this old abandoned place where we like to take out our teenage angst, we refer to that as the warehouse. and theres lots and lots of trees. there are 2 main woods we refer to as the star and the horseshoe. those are the two mountains that make up the valley of honesdale (if ur a pedophile, ur making a big mistake if u try and track me down =P). the horseshoe is just big, it goes on for miles and miles until u get other towns. my friends and i explore it and run around. we found a few caves (one is really narrow and really fuckin freaky) and a huge field. and i swear, one day, when i was wandering it alone, i came out to a place in honesdale that i never knew existed, it was like the shire or something. and the star is a cliff, we climb that on almost a daily basis when its nice out. and it gets its name cuz one of those christmas light up stars is there. (i'll put a picture of the view from it up actually) its my favorite place around.

    thats sick. i would keep them and make a scorpion circus. XD

    essays are no problem for me, since theyre for school and i never really give a damn. i usually make a mockery out of the topic and still get good grades. and in the beginnings, my stories are usually so boring that i bore myself. or i cant exactly lay down the setting or the plot a way i like, im my biggest critic
    April 8th, 2009 at 12:38am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    are there plateaus and big rocks to climb all over?
    you ever see any scorpions?

    lmfao, hmm.... "i think i just got done at that porn shop for that rich guy" XD
    yeah, it probably looks pretty bad

    lol, in 07? nice. i have problems with beginning my stories all the time. and i spend so much energy trying to come up with a beginning i like, i dont feel like writing the story. i have plot twists and relationships and main scenes figured out from the beginning, but i cant connect them. =/
    i'll bet your stories will be interesting at least XD

    lol i know. i had to boil that thing and there was still dirt on it. but idc. lmao, i was wearing that while walking through my town, and i discovered how much fun it was staring down people in cars while they pass. my mom didnt like that very much though, she said i looked like a terrorist XD oh well
    April 7th, 2009 at 01:52am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    do you live in a city?
    i think the desert would be kinda cool. not like the sahara desert but if there were plateaus and junk to climb around it'd be cool. but i prefer the woods =P you ever cut open a cactus and try to get water? i definitely wouldve. hahahahaha, cacti =P

    i only played the first one on the computer. and it was all glitchy and weird. so i let my friend have it and he beat it and i just watched. but it's cool cuz i got the references to the first game in the second one still, i love that game.
    damn, u didnt get far at all! i havent beaten it yet though, i havent felt like playing it. omg, if u ever get the chance, play condemned 2. its a 360 game and it kicks ass. =3

    lmfao "under cover cops killing dragons" thats funny. its not like you have writers block, you just have a horrible, horrible organization problem =P i try and write down the skeleton of the story and come up with names and places and all that and then embellish it later. good ideas will come to me in the right situation.

    thank you. lol, i'll let you in on a secret *shhhhh* its not a real gasmask. its a spray painters mask i found in my friends shed. but it still looks really cool and i like it =3 but its missing a piece that goes down in front =/
    April 7th, 2009 at 12:47am
  • myperfectsonnet

    myperfectsonnet (200)

    United States
    Hey there Aksala (may I call you that)? Hah, I'm pretty good. At home 'sick', even though I feel fine. I get to miss school though, so it's all good (:
    How about you?
    April 6th, 2009 at 04:53pm
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    i know whatchu mean. i cant stand my school either. but i think attending it is literally becoming a health problem for me. lol, literally allergic to school XD
    sometimes i just wanna walk in the woods and never come back =/

    yeah, the 360 is amazing. i love fable 2 for it. and gta4 of course. i just wish metal gear solid 4 was on it, then i'd be complete.

    lol, at least u wont have to worry bout writers block.

    and your hair is awesome =3
    April 6th, 2009 at 06:13am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    lol, well that would explain why you dont like that place. i think itd be really awesome to wander around that place, if you were allowed. i love nature. after highschool, i wanna take like a year off from everything and wander around the country. just me, a backpack, a few survival books, and like 50 bucks just in case. i'd stow away on trains to see where i end up and steal food from wal mart if i have to, but i seriously, seriously wanna do that. i wanna have a lifetime experience before real life actually starts and i dont get the chance.

    lol, thats okay, in fact, i was actually trying to be funny. glad it worked XD
    plus, i dont think i look too bad. *grabs mirror* yeah... i'll be here for a while

    thats kingdom hearts. but there are final fantasy people in kingdom hearts.
    and how do you not have a playstation??

    so you have lotsa ideas? sweet =3
    April 6th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    you didnt go to ap tour or anything?
    im not even gonna be here when warped comes over =/
    so im like waaay bummed about it
    i gave kennedy this insane doodle i made
    i was like took me a week and like 2 failed tests
    {btw i was so proud of it lol}
    he was like oh you do these after your tests? stay in school and study next time xD
    April 6th, 2009 at 04:53am
  • Living Proof

    Living Proof (100)

    United States
    hey! :)
    everytime i met him has been the best night xD
    how are you?
    April 6th, 2009 at 04:01am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    lol interesting combination. even though i know that now, i still cant but help seeing you as an eskimo! i wonder how long an igloo would last in the grand canyon (thats in arizona right? did u ever go there?)

    my favorites are coolers revenge (the first one, not when he's all metal and crap) and the tree of might.

    dont worry about it, im pretty anti social too. i went to a party last night, my friends sweet 16, it sucked soooo bad. and i couldnt help but be uncomfortable because i recently cut my hair (i'm almost bald and i look like a big penis apparently =/) and people kept looking at me. and my head was cold... i got the fuck out of there early

    NEVER PLAYED FINAL FANTASY? and you call yourself alive?? if you ever get the opportunity, play final fantasy 7, 9, and 10. theyre rpgs so theyre pretty long.. but totally worth it. ff7 and ff9 are ps1 games so they might be hard to find. ff7s graphics arent so hot but the story line more than makes up for it. ff9s graphics are amazing for a ps1 game, and the story is a close second favorite of mine to ff7. ff10 is a ps2 game, prolly easy to find, and cheap nowadays. graphics are really good and its my 3rd favorite one. omg, i could talk about final fantasy forever, but im gonna stop here. =3

    heyyyy, you have a mini fridge in your closet! thats kickass =D and your room doesnt sound like its cluttered with random crap like mine. and i only have 3 crazy pictures (my mom is a crazy person that believes that they bring positive energy), a dream catcher with a goat skull or something on it (which prolly negates w/e positive energy those other things bring), a poster of the planets and a poster of the day the earth stood still i got from the movie theater. oh, and a bean mask i made in like 5th grade. my parents brought all these black and white posters and put them up cuz they feel like my room is from an insane asylum, but they all fell down so fuck that.
    April 6th, 2009 at 02:25am
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    thats fuckin hardcore XD. which ones your favorite movie?

    lol, i had a huge craving to play red version over again and i found the alaska quarter under it! i was like "heyyyy! i know someone named alaska now!" XD it has a bear with a fish in its mouth on it =3

    oh another thing about me, i collect the state quarters (yeah, did i say i was a geek at heart? try uber geek X_X lol oh well) my grandpa gave me a map to put them on a long time ago. it's almost done! i think i just need alaska and hawaii (which i have somewhere around here...) and like 2 more old ones. it'll be pretty cool to have completed when i dig it out of my attic when im like 60 years old =3

    you'd probably love my room. its like a tribute to video games and dbz and things like that. it looks like a fuckin space ship too in the dark, all the technology with all the dots of light everywhere. and all the random crap i have. stacks of dbz videos. pokemon game boy games strewn about everywhere. i have 2 cd cases holding boris karloff on the radio reading scary stories from like the 50's. a fuckin spiky slipknot dedicated cup that i made in pottery. a model of midgar (from final fantasy 7, BEST GAME EVER) that i also made in pottery. halloween lights around the perimeter of the ceiling. a vial of my own blood from almost a year ago (my friends mom takes blood =3). and a big ass real industrial chain in my closet (which i turned into a bass guitar strap). and the video games. all of the video games. its kinda sad, i can have more fun by myself or maybe a few friends with a video game all night long than going to a party. ehhh, oh well, i have no regrets. =D

    lol.... and i'm rambling again. =/ sorry bout that
    April 6th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • OrangeIsHot

    OrangeIsHot (100)

    United States
    Haha, my friend Jesse is a dude, so I doubt he watches My Little Pony...I really have no clue how he came up with it. But he knows it annoys me so that's what he calls me all the time. >.<
    April 5th, 2009 at 08:45pm
  • phantomatthewindow

    phantomatthewindow (100)

    United States
    lol, and ur a girl too, ur awesome =3
    picolo and cooler are my favorite guys.
    me and my friend found a shitload of dragon ball z movies in his house. like, stacks of them. we're gonna lock ourselves in a room and watch them all one day, its gonna be pretty cool XD

    lmao, so u were seriously shouting at her?? that is amazing. i bet she felt like such an asshole. hahaha, wow thats funny.
    April 5th, 2009 at 02:58pm