Earl of Phantomhive / Comments

  • Northern Rock! (aw that was terrible, bad girl, very bad girl...)

    Ooh, Paulie told me you had an exam earlier this week! How did it go? What was it? Was it hard? How long was it? Speak up, man! :P

    Dude, that's what I do, ya know... :P It's not a skill or an art or owt. It's a load of gobbledegook that no frigger reads, that I scribbles on papier! (yes, I know there's an i in there, I felt like putting it there. :P)

    What are your opinions on Avenged Sevenfold, by the way? I never heard you mention them before, but I have to you, and I wanna know if you've listened before? And if you'd heard about the recent death of their... *sniffle* drummer... *sniffle*

    Frankie Boyle's bio is hilarious. Kept getting wrong in Sociology 'cause I kept picking it up in the lesson. Teresa wasn't too bothered 'cause it's a chilled week (exam last Friday, she's got family stuff going on). I've found myself listening to Avril Lavigne a lot this week.

    OMG I have so many Doctors appointments to make. I need two completely different injections, and I need to talk emo with Bhati *giggles* Bhati... *coff* Anywho, so yeah. I want it all over with in one. Might get one for next Tuesday afternoon so I get it ALLLLL at once. Would like it tomorrow, but will neverrrr happen. Bummerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    BLEH college...

    I've had a decent day today! No tears, no feelings of emoness (apart from... I had to find skills and abilities this morning and you know what I'm like with shite like that... but, I found one of each (vair crappy ones) so s'all good.). No hacky slashy for weeeeeeeeeeks, but I did attack the wall so I dunno if that counts. Still bruised, and it's been nearly a week! Suckyyyybollocks.

    BiPod needs charging. Must turn off my bluetooth. Makes my phone batt wear doon. I'm into even Northerner stuff than you right now; I'm into SCOTTISHNESS! (and not the whole Scottishness me and you made up about being retarded either lmao, even though I am a total spazz...)

    Anywho, gonna end this essay reet noo! Kthnxbai!
    January 21st, 2010 at 04:19pm
  • I started chapter 13. It's coming along good. I think it's gonna be longer than most of its predecessors, but not by much. And it is definitely gonna be happy!

    I fancy changing it again... I might A7X-i-fy it, as a tribute to Jimmy. *sniffle* He was only 28! It's actually scary. He was such an amazing drummer; he's definitely gonna be missed by a lot of fans.

    Doctor Cox rocks. But I actually haven't watched [i]Scrubs[/i] in ages. Not [i]Doctor Who[/i].

    OMG have you ever heard of a program called [i]Nurse Jackie[/i]? It fuckin' rocks! Honestly, it's so funny! It's all like, sex, drugs, blood and comedy hahahahaha. No wonder I like it xD

    I'm currently reading Frankie Boyle's [b]My Shit Life So Far[/b]. I'm only on like page 10, and I'm laughing my arse off so much already. He's actually such a compulsive liar. My dad says it's a really funny book. I'm glad I got him it for Christmas :D

    Anywho. How's college? We've actually only talked about pish for the last couple weeks lmao.
    January 21st, 2010 at 01:44pm
  • Le gasp...!...
    I Coxified my profile... (sounds WRONG but iduncare.)
    My favourite thing to say right now is 'Kthnxbai' (Okay, thanks, bye!) :P
    I'm stuuuuuggling with writing a 13th chapter.
    If you get time, read One That Got Away (by me :P) and tell me what should happen next?
    Needs to be happy, though. She's gonna live it up before that accident... OOPS ^^
    I know it's McFly based... But... If you can stomach it... :P


    Just wanted to say it lmao :P
    Okay bai :P
    January 19th, 2010 at 11:02am
  • It very hurty. ^^
    Not as hurty as eyebrow plucking though! *holds faces and pouts*
    But if I don't do it, I'll look like a total MAN.
    If I didn't pluck, shave or trim I'd look like a man all over...
    I no wanna do college anymore!
    But I has to... *huge pouty face*
    I smell food. O.o I hungry!!
    I added your naaaaaame! And corrected my stupid spelling mistake.
    Was great :D
    MMMM onions...
    January 18th, 2010 at 11:08pm
  • It'll loast forever... or I;ll be dead :P
    I feel awful! I left your name off my friends list! How stupid! I must put it on immediately! Very important, veh-hery important! ( Dr. Cox moment )

    I'm in a shitty mood. Battered fook out of the wall. BUT I suppose it's better than slicing meself open in some potentially suicidal place.

    Just having a couple ciders to numb it slightly. Peckish... want some fodder. :)
    January 17th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • No problem^_^
    January 17th, 2010 at 09:18pm
  • Dad bought a laptop! I now have permanent internet. I also have a brand new keyboard to get used to. This week's going to be so much fun! I forgot my crazy pills on Thursday (coz obviously I thought I'd be in college) so when I cam in tonight I took three lmao. I'm gonna be squee happy.
    January 10th, 2010 at 08:05pm
  • Iyarrr!!! I ended up losing all of those ideas. *sniffle* Completely forgot them. Oh well! Out with the old; in with the new! Those damn exclaimations again...

    I'm off college today! Was off yesterday 'cause, well, I'm always off Wednesday's. But I'm off today 'cause of the weather. Drove all the frickin' way there only to find that the f--king gates were locked! Wazacks. Coulda told me, right? They coulda like, text! They texted about STD's FFS! Calming down...

    My hats are actually awesome. They're like, normal wooly ones BUT... they have flaps, then plaits, then tassles! And a git huge bobble on the top! But my black one died... *sniffle* One of the tassle/plaits came undoned. So I'm wearing my awesome bright purple one I got for Christmas off Nana. It rules lmao. But my grey/white one's the best! It has the bobble and the flaps, but the next bit isn't plaits but strings, then bobbles on the ends! And they're like, half a meter long lmao. These hats actually rock! Mam's boyfriend and me call them my special hats xD The one I'm currently wearing (It's cold in here!) is my extra special special person hat. :P

    Haven't got round to making that character yet! But I will. I wish 12pm would roll around, I'm starving. Diet! Will have some gum. Packets squished... Woo, the smell of mint when I pulled it out my pocket! Loverly. One chewy... might have two... Theytake an age to detatch from the packet. It's like fags; the paper rips! TBH, completely worth it. *chews noisily as dad loads bullets*

    My crazy pills still aren't working! I feel tired and sad when I have them... That's why I'm so full of energy now! Which is weird 'cause I should be slightly hung over... Nah, didn't have that much. Had these pills [s]26[/s] [b]27[/b] days now. When I get todays, there'll be three left and I'll be back at the doc telling Doctor Bhati that I'm no effing different. *sings* I just need a stronger doooooooose! (I was boogying to Fall Out Boy [b]From Under the Cork Tree[/b] the other day... It's lodged in the crook of my braincell slightly!)

    I haven't listened to McFly in ages! What's wrong with me? O.o

    Doctor Who made me cry... I was drunk like. I drink too much. Must cut it out. Adds to the weight. Oh! I've lost three pounds! I was dead chuffed! Eating really well, doing some walking, not smoking. Don't look any different, but my lungs are chucking all the shite out now. Can't stop coffing! But, apparently it's a good thing. Didn't even ask for one off my Mam! I was dead proud of me. So's everyone else! Makes me feel good inside.

    Sorry this comment's so long. Sat in the office, starving, food and caffeine and nicotine starved, and COMPLETELY BORED. No work to do, and I'm doing eff all for no pay.

    Ooh! I helped push a car yesterday! I got a thank you, and it made me smile. The guy was so nice to me! And we got him free from the snow and he was proper grateful. Dad was proud of me when I got back to our car (that also nearly got stuck). I felt warm and fuzzy inside. ^^

    Right, I think I should hushabye now. I've annoyed you enough! Really need something to write; really stumped now. Will never write that award winning novel at this rate! Oh well. Always McDonalds lmao!

    'Kay, 'kay. Bysiebye now!

    PS. This chewy is yum! ^^
    January 7th, 2010 at 12:13pm
  • LOL I do, I'm old school, the sounds bad about the homework
    I don't go back till the 13th but its actually worse, I'd rather go back earlier.
    You were on a roll with the chapter, how could you get stuck?
    January 4th, 2010 at 05:53pm
  • I actually just bothered to sit down and read your profile through (that sounds mean, I'm sorry!).. It's actually brilliant. Loving the quotage! I actually have so many bloody ideas running through my head but I'm scared to start them in case my dad comes before 5 and I forget by tomorrow and that will suck donkey poop.

    I used a lot of exclaimation marks in that last comment... Oh well! They're fun! I might end every sentence to you with an exclaimation mark from now on! Just because I feel like it! Nah. It's annoying haha.

    And I definitely am going to make you a wrestler on Tom's [b]Smackdown vs Raw[/b] for PS3 with pink emo hair. I might put a monacle and a cape on as well... and a shirt with a dickie bow. Yeah! hahahahaha and pinstriped trousers! That'll ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuule... *imagines* Feel free to use that as a character; I just want credit for it! ;)

    I'm loving Lady GaGa right now...is that bad???
    January 4th, 2010 at 04:21pm
  • Ahahahaha AH I needed that. Back in this hellhole, but it's worse this time... I'm on a diet and trying to quit smoking as well as being a million miles from home! Least I'll be healthy whilst I'm unhappy haha. Hope my teachers are sympathetic for my chewing gum!

    Glad you liked the card! And happy New Year to you also! I'm slightly happier than I would have been 'cause my nose ring didn't fall out last night! For the first time in ages, I might add. Yeah, I got it pierced, in case you didn't know. I'm sure I texted you though!

    How was Christmas for you? Get anything nice???

    P.S. Apologies for any stupid spelling mistakes - I forgot my glasses this morning...
    January 4th, 2010 at 10:36am
  • P.S. I thought you were doing another chapter :)
    January 3rd, 2010 at 02:44pm
  • I'm good, I like your new year resolution lol
    When you next on MSN so we can chat?
    I don't like saying stuff over the internet, you never know who is reading
    January 3rd, 2010 at 02:43pm
  • Hey, Just wondering how you've been?
    Happy New Year lol
    Have you got any new year resolutions?
    January 2nd, 2010 at 09:48pm
  • Massage bed, Laptop that i got earlier in the year, new phone and the usual clothes, make-up, sweets lol
    Good christmas if you ask me :P
    December 27th, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • I don't feel like doing dark, it christmas, dark is depressing lol
    Maybe i'll just leave it how it is for now lol
    So wha did you get for christmas?
    December 27th, 2009 at 04:09pm
  • I want to do something different with my profile again lol
    Any suggestions...?
    December 24th, 2009 at 06:02pm
  • i agree, Marilyn Manson is a genius.
    December 22nd, 2009 at 07:48am
  • Thanks, its fun experimenting with it lol
    That's bad, I hope she is okay
    Sorry bout the cold lol, I know how you feel, I had it the other week too :(

    Not really, Dad was bad yesterday, he had a big fit and I got scared for a while, but he okay now. Ambulance got stuck in escomb though because of the snow, for 3 and a half hours!!!
    Not looking forward to Tuesday because of the funeral, but got to get on with it really lol
    December 20th, 2009 at 10:26pm
  • Lol messing around with my profile again lol
    December 20th, 2009 at 04:03pm