All it takes is a mask, gloves, and a gun

My life was going no where. for years I have been struggling to build myself up to be something great. I struggled to be recognized. It seemed that I was a dead beat, a nobody, stuck at the same dead-end job and never having the confidence to be able to stand up to my boss at the time. I was a coward, scum, a lowlife.Growing up, my father always beat me down emotionally and physically. He would...
April 22nd, 2009 at 05:58am


Don't you break. Don't you fucking break you coward, you spineless inconsiderate bitch. You worthless piece of shit, don't you fucking break. You are a failure. You will never succeed. You think you are doing people a favor? Your not. You can reach out and try to help people all you want in their time of need but it will surely go unnoticed. Don't look at the ground you little bitch! you fucking...
April 18th, 2009 at 09:56pm

To Think

To think, yet to sit back and recount everything that has happened so far I feel it is insane. I sit here though I know I am not alone. I am here yet I don’t fully exist. I peer out my window; countless stars coincide with the number of tears I have shed over this earth. The coolness of night envelopes the remaining fragments of anything that has once made me distraught. I look up and see a vast...
April 13th, 2009 at 09:17am

To The Asshole...

It sucks when someone who is supposed to be in your life isn’t. When they make promise after promise of things to you then end up breaking them. Then tell you excuse after excuse to cover it up. It sucks when everyone else around you talks down on him, when you’re the only one who defends him because you feel obligated too, yet slowly and surely you see what everyone else sees in that person....
April 13th, 2009 at 09:15am

Person I Am

The kind of person I’m defined as is based on my actions. So take a look at my life what I’ve done, where I’ve been, and what I’ve been through. And until you do, don’t force any or pass judgments towards me until you been in these shoes see life through these eyes and feel pain through this body that has grown numb to this world this body that’s grown immune to deceit of other’s you...
April 13th, 2009 at 09:13am