QueTheCrazyGirl / Comments

  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, I knew it would happen soon, Ive stood on it hundreds of times, But this time, I didnt stop all my weight going on to it! lol

    Yay! Bet its much funner for you now, And you prolly dont feel like a loner anymore, Thank fuck for new friends,lol
    Haha, We are actually too simillar,lol

    LOL, Bless, Bet hes heartbroken! lol
    Haha same, Then they end up startinf at you like...Wtf, the
    Same here...plus i don't want the other person to find out at all..in no way possibln you feel like a even bigger retard,lol

    haha, Coffee with cookies is nice, Coffee on its own is too strong for me! Hot chocolate for me please!

    Haha, Really? What did you do to her?
    Love shannon=)
    October 14th, 2009 at 08:50pm
  • Saying-I'm-So-Sorry

    Saying-I'm-So-Sorry (100)

    United States
    Eww walking through the rain must suck.
    I'm doing good.
    Yeah class is a pain. They leave me soo bored and swampe din work. XD
    Glad that school is working out for ya. Though it sucks that your friends are fighting. I hate when my friends do that. I always make sure to tell them both that I don't want to hear them talking shit about the other. If they have something bad to say they better not be telling me. I don't get involved unless one of them did something obviously wrong to the other.
    I'm glad it's getting better for you overall though, for me it seems to be getting a little crazy lol.
    Like with a guy that likes me that I don't really like back, but I said yes to be his date to this dance. Though just as a casual thing, cause I didn't know he like REALLY liked me at the time...that's actually tonight so we'll see how that goes lol. Hope I don't hurt him...
    What else is up with you?
    October 10th, 2009 at 10:22pm
  • Saying-I'm-So-Sorry

    Saying-I'm-So-Sorry (100)

    United States
    Oh I'm sorry to hear that. ~About your headaches and illness, and slow updates.
    Yeah here I'm feeling so overwhelmed with the classes I'm taking and then trying to actually have a life. Plus I'm such an insomniac I don't sleep much I swear. XD
    It's funny cause school is sooo chaotic but yet none of it is even remotely interesting enough to talk about. Wish it were.
    How bout on your end?
    October 3rd, 2009 at 10:02pm
  • Saying-I'm-So-Sorry

    Saying-I'm-So-Sorry (100)

    United States
    I've been pretty good.
    Seems like I'm always busy and I have horrible writers block :(
    You're welcome for the comments!
    The stories seem interesting.
    How are you?
    September 24th, 2009 at 11:00pm
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Gahh, Sorry for late reply, I stood on my lptp and broke the screen, SO i had to get a new one.....Thank fuck for insurance! ... And, A few minor lies:/

    I know people..but they're not there at free period..i hate being so shy..hate it..
    Aww that sucks, I guess im kinda lucky as im a shy person, But then i go into this weird rambling/stuttering/clumbsyness and then after a while it goes and POW! New friend,lmao

    Stupid guy! Lol, Awww, Dont ignore him, He only loves you and wants to make babies:O
    Im the same as you, If someones making hints i actually have no clue, Then my friends are like....Your stupid...They like you! And then i think there lying to me, So i act awkward around the person next,lol

    Eww coffee no....But with biscutes....Mmm, I want some now:')

    Aww that totally sucks, You should happy slap her...Then say....I was dared!:)
    But yeah, That is tight, Just basically using you, Evil fucker!

    LoveShannon =)
    September 24th, 2009 at 06:22pm
  • Saying-I'm-So-Sorry

    Saying-I'm-So-Sorry (100)

    United States
    Yeah I'm better
    and the concert was amazing~ I had sooo much fun!
    How are you?
    Woah~ I got distracted there for a minute reading titles of some of your stories, I'm gonna go check them out!
    September 21st, 2009 at 01:10am
  • Burnt and bruised

    Burnt and bruised (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    im good
    the 6th formers started school this week and omg they are hot!
    im really obessed with boys hehe

    my arm really hurts and i have no idea why??

    so what new with you?
    September 16th, 2009 at 08:43am
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aww bless! Haha, Kinda, Yeah just make him slave around for you for days to repay the dept,lol

    Hahaha, Our love 2 ate attitude towards fake plastic people just made me chuckel outloud,lol
    Not falling my ideas...Check? Dude, That makes no sence...Have you been smoking wakki bakki? Lmao
    Oh thats cool, Atleast now you wont be sat there bored shitless as you know no-one!
    Haha, Thats exactly what im like, But i usually keep quiet as this triggers them into a whole day ranting about them, So i just say...Back in a sec, Ima talk to ryan, Bring cassie with me, And we jam there for the rest of lunch or summin.

    Dude, Its GOOD advice, Aslong as you dont mind getting attacked or some shit like that! Lol, And its no problem,lmao.
    Hahaha, It was, As was really tierd and would prolly fell over or summin like that, lmao
    LMAO, WHats with you and the....Checks! But yeah, I do too, Especially with marmite on, As my bestfriend throws it at me as she KNOWS i hate it...Ewww, So i pick it up and throw it at others,lol

    Ha, Your actually pretty nice:)
    But yeah, I know, I guess ima have to stick it out, As if i dont, Then i fucked up big time id say!,lol

    Haha, Thanks, I prolly need it, lmao
    And thanks, Same applys to you! :)
    Found the thing, Now im happy:) Haha, I said ALOT more then get lost to him,lmao, Around 10 minutes of random mixed swearwords thrown at him,lmao, But i was pissed enough so i have a excuse!:)

    Oh no, Please god, Your just like freaking zara, She spends fuck knows on freaking coffee and muffins, Like fourty quid a week id say, I mean dude, Seriously, When a few coffees and a muffin comes to 15 quid in two hours....YOU FUCKING RUN....
    But she dont, ANd she drags me there with her, ANd theres this ANNOYING man whos like everytime i order hotchocolate, Hes like....Im afraid i cant do that, This is...STARTBUCKS, Ya know, Coffeeshop, Them im just liek, You freaking looser it says it there, And im sood there having a argument about hotchocolate, I get it, He just thinks hes funny, SOmetimes it is, But when i feel poop or am late, Im just like, Grr, Stupid worker man.

    Um, Freaking hungover today, Friday got completly wrecked as i was mixing weed and vodka, Eww, It wasnt good, I got carried to laurens and stayed in a tent in her frontroom as i wasnt trused to slep on a bed or sofa,lmao.
    Then saturday went to this music festival thingy in town gardens, That was crud, But mikeys house party was awesome, We left to go to this field, I was pretty drunk, Talkinging to hannah, Then nicole just comes over and gets off with me, Im like, AHH, Turn my face, Then naynay gets off with me, Im like ahhh, Im safe nowhere, And hannahs just creasing so i run to the slide and trip...Fail,lmao
    Then we gets back 2 mikeys and naynays being sick everywhere, Nicole gets naked....Opens her legs, Right infront of me, Hannah, And ryan, And we all shoot our heads at eachother and start creasing, Lmao.
    Love shannon=)
    September 13th, 2009 at 08:50pm
  • Burnt and bruised

    Burnt and bruised (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lol thats excatly what my friends say when i say something dirty
    umm okkk
    umm for some strange reason i cannot remember a thing we were talking about
    September 12th, 2009 at 07:40pm
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    LMAO, Dude, That woulda freaked the hell out me, And then ended up punching him in the face as i though it was a killer :O,lol
    But that is dead sweet though!

    Lmao, And they have stupid faces which are funny, And make me laugh even more, As they are stupid, And look stupid, All because they cant get srcasm,lol
    Aww that sucks, Like loads! Ha, And i bet you didt need me reminding you, But ehh? Maybe you should actually talk to a wall, Compare notes on who are better conversationalists....They give the boring people the notes you wrote! Then theyd be all angery and shit!, Wait, Then theyd hate you....Scratch that plan!
    You will eventually become more open and less anti social, I used to be dead antisocial, Id even stitch up my best friend as i hates meeting other friends of hers, So i pretyy much secluded myself in my room, But gradually ive gotten better, And now, Im pretty much cured, But im still dead shy, But freaking loud, Which is kinda a cover tbh,lol
    Woo, you must eat!:)

    Haha, Exactly,And then all they go on about is how many guys theyve..Um..SNazzeled?, And im like....:O:O HOE!, And then all my people are like, Explaining all these things whats wrong with them, And im like....i though her hair looked nice today, I didnt know she had different extentions in, Gahh, Girls can be so bitchy even my bunch,lmao
    Haha, She did, She sounds like a right little evil fucker!

    Dude, Your school people are just as whorish and stupid as mine! But yours is prolly worst as yours is college and have MORE stupid and whorish fuckers, You should thrown bread or summin at them,lmao
    Ha, I fell asleep in geography today and my teachers pretty cool, Even though hes like 60, And was just shaking my chair, And i finally woke up, And my best friend jess who i was sat next to said that he was shaking in for kinda long and everyone was staring i was like.....Oh crap!

    Haha, I had to re-read that like 4 times to get that little section, But yeah dw that your rambling, Its cool, If you havent noticed...I do it all the time,lol
    But yeah, That would shat me up, Gah, So not only is your schools filled with boring, Plastic, Backstabing stupid people, Theree is also phycotic people, Great one,lmao, Next time a creappy guy comes over, Throw bread at him!

    Haha, You will so regret this, But ill try and keep it short as possible as im really tierd,lmao

    Well, Ive been kicked outa my freaking house again by my mums crazyass boyfriend over some coursework of mine he binned, And then i now have no lock on my door as he kciked it open as he though i stole his weed..I was like...Wtf!?
    Im like, Really into this girl hayley atm and like, She has so much freaking drama about her ex im like...Ahhhh!
    I swear to my pillow im going to have a nervous breakdown again as all the same symtoms are happening again, And this cant happen as i will fail at school if im out for months again!
    I was in a really bad mood today and then this girl cassie made me happy by giving me a fag, Drawing cassie loves shannon on my school bag, Making me a diamond ring outa bluetac, And then i got caught with the fag i was like....Grr stupid dinner lady, Ex boyfriend is trying to talk to me again and its getting me annoyed, And i lost this thing and i need it:O:O

    Haha, I did warn you, So hows abouts you?
    Love Shannon=)
    September 11th, 2009 at 12:34am
  • Saying-I'm-So-Sorry

    Saying-I'm-So-Sorry (100)

    United States
    Well I'm glad it's going good except for the lack of sarcasm and those classes without anyone you know. Hopefully that will change.
    Yeah guys can be horrible huh? Damn bastards... XD
    Oh I'm doing good. So busy I swear it's horrible and I was just sick and it sucked. God I hate being sick.
    Yeah I'm sooooooo excited I absolutley can't wait. Those concerts sound cool too, wish I could be going to them XD
    You gotta love music right? I know it's my life.
    September 10th, 2009 at 11:56pm
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aww, They were tryna be nice to you , They gave you th phone,lmao, Even though you were sleeing, lmao, Gah i get on with none of my family, They all call me emo, dyke, unwanted child, hoe, aidsgiver? Fuckers they are,lmao, Theres like only two cousins i get on with, But the live in glouster and its TRECK to get there, So im like...ehh?

    It just reminded me, And i had to tell you then or otherwise youd get a random comment from me talking about what i wanted to say, And then youd just think im crazy,lol

    Haha, I know right, They tell me random stories and im just like...Woah, thats awesome, You should tell so and so,lol
    Pheww,lol, No worries, My mind wanders all the time, Then i think about random shit and im liek....Wtf!?
    Aww the worst, Just slap em! :)
    :O, Dude, id be fucked if i was in ure college as im pretty much run on sarcasm, After whatever you say just be liek.....Im dead serious! *With a straight face and low tone of voice* Then theyd be confused even more,lmao
    :O Im offended, I may just have to eat my pack of choco chip cookies just to feel better :/ ..... YOU SUCK :D lmao

    No problem:) Haha, Im exactly the same, Im like bare loud and crap, But dead awkward at the same time, If that makes sence?
    Haha, Id prob be like you friends, I mean seriously, Why call me...Babes, And hun and hug me all the time if i dont freaking know you!? And then they use fuck knows how many mascaras which make there eyelashes look like catterpillars,lmao
    Aww the worst...Um, If i was where youd live...Id bitchslap her....THEN RUN TEH FUCK AWAY! Haha, Im such a pussywimp.

    Haha, Ok:) Aww teh worst, Must such chickennipples mega!
    Lmao, Unsocial, Made me chuckel! Aww shit, That sucks, But wooo new phone, yay! Haha, When i listen to music people tell me to turn my shit off, Im like....Gah, Fuck you, CUt your hair, Your musics SHIT!
    Aww the worst, Thats the one thing im dreading, Not being with all my friends as id have to be stuck with lame people who i dont know and will prolly annoy me...Gah, I just figured, Im such a nice person,lmao

    To be completlly honest, Kinda sucky atm, But i wont bore you with my life story, lmao
    How are you?:)
    Love shannon =)
    September 10th, 2009 at 01:11am
  • Burnt and bruised

    Burnt and bruised (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aww im sure it'll be alright

    can you believe it we only have 1 hot teacher
    and he's not even a proper teacher

    hmmm i hate going to an all girls school

    lol oh then you can sleep through some of the lessons like maths or science
    September 9th, 2009 at 08:32am
  • Saying-I'm-So-Sorry

    Saying-I'm-So-Sorry (100)

    United States
    So sorry I haven't replied in a while.
    My mibba has been acting up like crazy. It's been driving me insane. Oh well though it seems to be working today.
    Howa is the new school going you were really worried about it, no? I hope that's working out well for you.
    Yeah doing something. I'm always doing something despite it being a whole lot of nothing. XD That's just how I am.
    Right now a friend and I are so ecited about trying to get tickets for this concert coming up. It's of Skillet, Family Force 5, and Flyleaf. I want to go sooo bad XD
    How have you been in my absence?
    September 8th, 2009 at 11:09pm
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No, Ima just give up on cussing off your head, As i fail epiclly tbh!

    I know right, They suddenly think that a fiver is more deserving then a pound for a trip downstairs to get me a chocolate bar...Grrr!
    Woah, I had jacket potato today, I didnt really like it as in had this mincy thing on it, So i fed it to my dog, WHich mus of given it even more of a sexdrive so it humped my litlle sisters doll thingy, It made me feel sick so i went outside,lol

    Lol, That reminds me, One of my bestest friends Luren just randomly texted me like 10minutes ago saying im a awesome lier as my facial expressions never change, I was like...Um, Ok, Thanks? Lmao

    Haha, Not weird, I just have a overactive imagination, Old/Older men scare me! They all look at me evilly, Im like...Arrgg!
    Haha, Im sorry our conversations distracted your in your exam, Um...If you do bad......Dont blame me! Not that your gonna do bad! But if you do! Lol
    Mm me too, Mmm, Chocolate icecream on a chocolate cake with chocolate bits and chocolate brownies, Mm, I can imagin it now, Yummy!

    Aww the worst, I hope you make friends and all that snazzy, Your a funky person, Im sure you will!
    Haha, What she do? If shes a fake-plastic whorey person then i can relate straight away, I hate them kinda fuckers at my school, Gah, College will be triple the amout, Nooo!
    Aw, Whats all your lesson times and snazz?
    So why dont you know anyone in your new college, Did you and your friends pick different colleges or something, Or you just stuck in different classes?
    Love Shannon =)
    September 8th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • Burnt and bruised

    Burnt and bruised (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ohh you've started school today
    i start mine tomorrow
    im just scared of basically everything hehe

    lol that cool, i go to an all girls school so i perfer have good looking teachers but its a shame their off limits

    probably in january
    ...i dont know to be honest

    umm not much
    yesterday i had this movie night at my friends house
    and today im at home doing absoultely nothing
    September 7th, 2009 at 10:48am
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Haha, Exactly, Your a crazy fucker yourself :) But then, Some people say I am, But tbh, Im a tad too lazy to figure what there talkign about,lol
    LOL, Um....You have a big fat head?
    Only joking, Im sure you have a small skinny head?
    But that makes you have a pea head! Um...Your head is roundy?

    Haha, Aww the worst, Evil sister >_> But my familys the same, They be evil about everything, Grrr..
    Haha, Im sorry the convo on cheese made you hungry! Ive been hungry all day, As im too lazy to make food myself, My little sisters are claiming a pound isnt enough for them to make me a sandwich, Grrr...
    And my mum is freaking addicted to facebook, Grr, And then she brags about her.... 13 friends, Which make me crack up!
    Aw the worst, Um....Throw things when her back is turned? Ha, My whole family is stronger then me...Even my 8 year old sister, Which is embarressing tbh, Gahh, Stupid lack of muscels!
    Woah snap, thats freaky, Her leg went weird after she lied about it! Sanp, Thats actually kinda freaky strange :O

    That...Is a good saying, And as im kinda stoner and people blame the weed, Ima use that line! But yeah, I get really freaked out that people might kidnap me and molest me, And i picture it all in my head, But then....The person i think is going to do it to me...Walks right past, Im like...Pheeww, Im safe,lol
    Lol, Suprises are good,lol, Maybe you should make me a....chocolate chocolate chocolately cake? Then scream...SUPRISE...That would we a good one :D
    Haha, I pictured me being in my front garden, Cussing off the little blonde boy at the end of my street! Randomness,lol
    Haha, Its good, Because our family give you sympathy and buy you stuff Nurses slave around for you, And the cooks cook pretty much anything you want.....AHh good times!
    Hey lazy! :)
    Love Shannon=)
    September 7th, 2009 at 01:28am
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Well i guess its just gonna be school times and stuff, But when we went to college and i wanted to pick three, This random who worked there shouted..NO YOU WILL FAIL....I was like...Eh, Two courses?
    Oh, Well um, If you dont hate her then its all good :D
    Haha, Im the same with my headphones, But its because im lazy and dont actually take them outa my ears, I just pull and hope for teh best, lol

    Lol, So im guessing you have a flat butt like me then? >_> , Gah, i blame my genetics,lol
    Lol, Yes....Very cheesey! Which isnt good as i dont really liek cheese, Unless its all grated and snaz!
    :OYour sister sounds evil....But thats exactly what mine do, But i push them down, As im a pussywimp and they can beat me up, SO if there on the floor...I have a chance to run,lol
    Haha, Mine started in year 8, I used to skive pe all the time, And we never had excuses so we said we hate feet(We failed at lying then), And then it actually made me feel physicallt sick, Even on tv and pics, There just ewwy, My friend put her feet on my legs and i was sick on her rabbit:O

    I know right, I get it alot as im yaknow, Bisexual, They all think im a freaking whore who will ave a threesome:O:O, Im like, Dude, Im 15! Jesus, Go find a porn star,lol, But then i get scared that ima get raped, Gah, Stupid overactive imagenation!
    Haha, Aww bless, Too close to your friends? I dont get it, Are you mena be enemys? Ha, my family are slow and think the person im going out with im my friend, And my friends are lover,lmao
    Haha, I must try it, But first i need better cusses, The only one i have is..Your hair looks so wiggy! Which, Tbh is a EPIC fail! :'(
    Breaking your leg is fun, You go to hospital, And they cook whatver you want, Theres so much stuff to play with(Keep in mind i was about 7 so now id proly be bored stiffless)
    Love Shannon
    September 6th, 2009 at 04:31pm
  • Unknownwriter

    Unknownwriter (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh thats cool, Snap, Your gonna be bare busy with all the lessons, As usually people onl take like 2 courses,lol
    Haha, I cant help it, When i get angry(Very rarely) I get too skatty and stutter and break things and stuff,lol
    And when i try and cuss someone off, Ever if im being dead serious...A weird accent come outa my mouh which just fails, lol
    Haha, But dont, As when you break it, They dont get you a new one untill LONG, Kinda wished i never broke my phone, Took like 2 months to get a new one....Which totally sucked tbh :'(

    Your jealous of your friend being a hoe?
    Haha i know right, It makes me feel used,lol
    That why when i like peoples stuff, If i dont comment, I get all ratty and i know why, And then....I come back and comment,lol
    Which reminds me, I like your newest poem:) ... But i didnt comment:O, But i spoke about it here so its all good :D
    Haha, The only two things i dont like about in dance is, Is alot of lessons, We haave to go barefoot, Which is the worst thing ever as peoples feet make me feel sick...Errggh how can anyone have a foo fetish(No offence if you have one)But seriously errgghh, And the ALWAYS make me take out my peircings, Grr

    Haha, Indeed they do make a butt outa everyone, People used to do that to me when i was a horrible person,lol, Theyd think i was bare nice, And then now, They all think im satans child...Im just like...Gah you all fail in life,lol
    Omg the worst, I seriously dont think id be able to handle no interweb, When i get home from school, If im going out im straight on my lptp, Haha, WIthout a phone and lptp my life would be retarded,lol, Haha slow dad!

    Haha, My friends always say im mean as i suposedly "Rip out there self confidence", But if people ask me what i think of something im gonna be honest!
    Haha, Yay you trip over air too!? lol
    Love Shannon=)
    September 6th, 2009 at 01:01am
  • Akther

    Akther (100)

    United States
    ohh i know what you mean
    i dun wanna go to school
    September 6th, 2009 at 12:25am