leaveyouhigh / Comments

  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    :D You're welcome! :D
    I've been good too. I've had off school the past two days because of snow. :P And my birthday was yesterday. I'm 16 now! :D
    January 28th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    that reminds me of that song from that's so raven, the one her little brothers band would play... ahaha... i hope you know what song i'm talking about or else i just sound stupid... *awkward turtle*

    ahahahha YES, i don't think we would make much money though... people don't like getting hit in the face for some reason, even though a lot of people deserve it. :(

    I can't wait for college boys, i bet they're cuter & more mature. alllllll the sixth graders this year, are like 3 feet tall, they look like kindergarteners... it's pretty sad if you ask me. You should totes date him when he reaches high school :D bet he'll be super hawwwwttt.

    Oh my, I just said totes. I apologize for my legally blondness.

    Yesss gorgeous! Not to sound like a total creep, but I bet you are gorgeous, anyone who has an amazing writing capability & a freaking SHITBALLS personality like you, is bound to be beautiful. :)

    I'm done being creepy now :)

    I usually think of all my wedding plans when I'm day dreaming, i just love thinking about who I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with. It fascinates me.
    It's kind of scary in a way though, because, I always have that little fear in the back of my mind, that I'll never find somebody, and that I'll just be lonely forever. That's probably one of my biggest fears. That, spiders, death, & heights. Actually, not just spiders, but bugs in general. Haha :)

    It's saved onto my computer, so I'm trying to figure out how to send it to you..? IT'S SO CUTE THO, OMG.

    I said shitballs in front of my friend and she was just like WTF IS SHITBALLS & I was like YOU DON'T GET TO KNOW. It was awesome.

    Idooon' really have it all planned out, just little things, like the meadow & flowers & gazeebo thing & then i want my reception inside of like a cassel type place, & i want it to be like midevil times themed. & then I want the grooms men to be in all black tuxedos :) Whattta boutchuu?

    ME TOO! I don't really share these thoughts with people though... I feel as though I would be put into counseling if I did.. ahah :)

    nicholas is rather entertaining to undress. he's very muscular you see.... (; you're practically a virgin! i lost my undressing virginity as soon as i laid eyes on nicholas... good times... goooood times.

    the quarter just ended so my new quarter resolution is to start doing my homework :) i got a d in science, so as soon as my parents see my report card... my phone, computer, & extracurricular activities are taken away until they see improvement :/ FML.

    my mom has turned off my computer with my unsaved stories numerous times, i wanted to strangle her. it takes me foreverrrrrrr to type up chapters.

    just my left ear :) but i'm getting another right underneath the one i have. yeah my parents are really strict with peircings too, alll i have are my first holes and my cartilage & pretty much i'm only allowed limited ear peircings & then everything else has to wait until i'm 18. for example, i want an industrial, but my mom said no. i also want my conch peirced, but she said no. i want my nose peirced, but that's a foshoooo no. i want my monroe peirced, noooot happening. it's irritating at times, but then again, i'll most likely not want them when i'm older anyway... so i suppose it's a good thing, haha, but right now, i want them :D

    i want a younger brother soooooooooooooooooo bad. but my mommy got her tubes tied after me :( i've asked for another sibling and she said no. how selfish. RUDE. ahahah :)

    i don't blame you! i'm almost tempted to cheat on nicholas with his ever so scrumdiliumptious brother joseph, but i'm too nice :)

    THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, my mother is so odd.

    it's otay :) i figured you were busy wifff school & stufffff :)
    take yooo time chica, i understand

    i think i'm going to go and eat a hot dog...
    that's what she said.
    January 25th, 2011 at 03:53am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Haha, well, hopefully that will help you get more readers. I'll definitely try to spread the word. :D
    So... how have you been? :D
    January 19th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    Well I'm glad you think I'm hilarious :D

    I love hearing this. It makes me feel loved, haha... that sounds uber lame.

    I'm going to open up a bitch slap booth... you know, kind of like a kissing booth, only instead of a kiss.. you receive a big red welt on your cheek... & depending on how irritating you are.. possibly a black eye.
    Awwwww god, I would pay to see that trial go down.
    "I SWEAR I DIDN'T SLAP HER, my hand just spasmed."

    Aweee this batman & robin thing sounds cute. I want a fudging batman. If only all the boys in my grade weren't completely repulsive.
    Okay I'm being dramatic, they're not all ugly. They're just all immature.
    & the ones that are decent, are like 4 feet tall & it's awkward to even think about dating them.
    Does that sound vain? Yes? Ehhh.. oh well.

    Ahahaha, YES. I don't want to be cute anymore anyway... I want to be scrumdiliumptious/beautiful.
    But more of the first one (;

    It's as if you read my mind. TELEPATHY.

    Whenever I share my wedding plans with my mother, she just sits there silently threw the whole thing, while she's giving me this smirk/ "you're insane" look & then when I'm done speaking, she goes "& does he know of any of this?" NO MOTHER, BUT HE WILL SOMEDAY. SHEEESH. Nicholas & I will make beautiful babies. Do you wanna see a picture of one of them? Not to sound all creepy & actually admit that I went onto a website & morphed our pictures together to create a baby..... BUT IT'S SO CUTE. It has my lips.

    WE HELLA DID. awwww yeaah, that is so SHITBALLS. i would like you & your amazingness for coming up with that word (:

    you shall be my coolest brides maid :D i'm going to have my wedding in a meadow somewhere, in a gazeebo :D it's going to be totally secluded & it'll have pretty flowers everywhere, & gahhhhhh it's going to be romantic.

    shhhhh, keep your voice down, they might hear you... but yes, I am physic [;
    just keeeeding, but that would be the shit. correction, i would be the shit if i was like legit physic :D

    as long as i get nicholas to myself, i will stay away from john (:
    it does sound dirty.. but that's okay, i've already undressed nicholas with my eyes... & trust me, THAT'S dirty.

    i was a nerd up until 7th grade, & i missed like two weeks of school because i had stomach flu, and then it was like impossible to make up all the work before the quarter ended... well it wasn't impossible.. i'm just extremely talented at procrastinating. anywhoooo, now i like never do my homework... but i ace my tests so it averages out :)


    i cried like a baby today.. i thought i was going to die. i took my cartilage piercing out & cleaned it & i was trying to put my earing back in and i couldn't back the opening in the back of my ear, i sat there for like two minutes poking around for it, i finally found it, got my earing in, tried cleaning it one last time, and then the earing fell out... and i couldn't find the earing anywhere so i started to freak thinking it would close up before i got my earing back in, then my sister came over and was like CALM THE FUCK DOWN, i got this, and i was like okay, okay, and so i was fiddling with my ear while she was searching for the earing AND THEN I NOTICED THERE WAS FUDGING BLODD ON MY HANDS I WAS LIKE OMFG, im gonna die and she was like check your shirt for the earing, sure enough it was stuck in my shirt, so i got all the blood off my ear and then i put my earing back in, and then i put the backing on, and now i'm never ever ever going to touch it again.
    so yeah.... there's my story of the day :)

    me & my sister are like two years apart, we used to fight like cats and dogs, but recently we've been getting along really well... it's cool :)
    i dig it because this means that when she gets her license in a couple months... I'LL HAVE A RIDE EVERYWHERE ALL THE TIME, i'll never be bored again... everrrrr :D helll yeeee.

    ahahahahhaahha, okay garrett is extremely attractive, and i love his song.
    i'm going to go and watch that again now :D

    it makes me smile to read that you like it :) <--- see.. smiley face.
    THANK GOD, when i'm caught saying poop... my bed time becomes earlier.. my mom says this is her way of weaning me off from saying it.

    IT'S JUST POOP, it's not even that bad. D:
    January 19th, 2011 at 04:54am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    oh oh oh oh!
    & thank you for reading my story :)
    but i now believe you are lying.. my writing is poop.
    (please don't tell my mom i just said poop...)
    January 18th, 2011 at 04:11am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    that comment just made my freaking life.
    not only was it long and beautiful (that's what she said), but i was literally cracking up while i was reading the whole thing & my sister was like "WTF ARE YOU GIGGLING ABOUT" & then i started to laugh harder & i almost peed my pants... it was great.

    I'm all ears whenever you need me... well... actually... eyes, i suppose... but i think you get what i mean ;) Aweee you're super sweet, & it's awesome :) <3

    i feel ya, there are a couple girls at my school i wouldn't mind smacking the living bajeebus out of... but then i'd get a referall & possibly a suspension & that's no good for college applications.... *sighhh*

    Okay.. you kind of lost me on the whole batman & robin thing... I'm just a tad bit confused, ahahah (: But i totally feel you on that whole, he's cute & he talks to you thing. I get attached really easily & so like if a boys like, "you're cute" he automatically becomes my new crush.
    not that a boy has actually ever said that to me randomly... i'm forever alone D:

    everyones either harrases me about updating stories, or bothers me with lame chatting that goes a little something like this.
    "hiyaaa! what's up?!"
    "just updating stories.. wbu?"
    "cool :)"
    "yeah, so what's up?"

    LIKE OMFG, just leave me alone if you're going to be unbearably boring.

    "like omg, her names hannah too, IT'S FATE!" fuck yeah, i do this too! & now i don't feel like sucha goober! yesssssssssssssssssssssssss

    ahahahha, i totally just like mimed "who's that chick" by rihanna with my sister.... it was SHITBALLS.

    "oh no, that made me sound like a fangirl.. oh well." lmfao.

    if i didn't have a sister, you would fosho be my maid of honor ;)
    yesssss (for the second time in this comment) the jobros are going to stop being a band, kevin will become a director, joe will become a big actor/singer & nick will become a second generation john mayer. i just know it.

    okay, so like, the maine has a friggin awesome band symbol. i kept seeing it all over tumblr & i was like WTF IS THAT MOTHA FUDGING M WITH A CIRCLE AROUND IT.
    & now i know :D
    the lead singers voice... i gotta admit... it's pretty sexy.
    like i could see myself making babies with his voice.
    but that would only happen of course after nicholas and i got a divorce.. if that ever happens... our love is pretty strong.... even if he doesn't know it yet....

    ohhh yeeee, i can see it now. dopeeeenessss :D
    ahahahaha, "What! I'm totally using that all the time now!"

    It's only 6:47 here :)
    Me niiiiiiether.... i procrastinated on all my homework & now i get to get bitched at by all my teachers.... it's their fault for giving homework over the weekend

    same here! my parents are uber christian, so it's like if i cuss, i get some big lecture.
    so i try to stick to made up words to replace cuss words... hence fudging... i also say poop a lot.. but my mom told me to stop saying that.. she said it was too graphic... ahahah :)

    my older brother is just annoying... ahaha, he's very opinionated & so am i... so we butt heads all the time... ahahahahah.. buttheads.
    January 18th, 2011 at 03:53am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    ahahha :)
    we do in fact, that's why talking to you is so fun :D
    January 18th, 2011 at 01:09am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    I only liked two songs off of that soundtrack, (kiss with a fist & teenagers) so i just got them both from youtube kindaa.. it's like this website where you copy and past the youtube videos url & then it gives you the audio thing & all you have to do it drag it into itunes & BAM, there you have it :)

    here's the linnnnnk :D
    January 18th, 2011 at 01:01am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    Aweee you don't have to, i'm really not that good, haha
    the only semi decent one i have up is called "Stay" it only has one chapter though... it's a newbieee (:
    if you ever need to vent to someone, i'm here! i don't judge, promise :)

    i say you "accidently" slap her across the face. she sounds like she deserves it.

    do you like his personality, or is he just extremely cute? or is it like, a mix of both?

    dude, me fudging too! i literally go giddy when i see i have a new comment from you. you're so easy to talk to [:
    & thank you, i'm glad you think i'm awesome :D

    ahahahha, me too! i usually get over my obsessions quickly... but this obsession i obtained over nicholas jonas has stayed. i don't even like, like-like their music, like i listen to it, and it's aiiiight, but if he weren't the one singing it... it would never even come close to being on my ipod... i just find him undeniably attractive. we're going to get married someday. we would get married now... but it's kinda illegal... so we're waiting until i'm 18 (; i enjoy his nj&ta music though, that is defffff amazing. his voice is just.... unnnnffffff.

    i'm fosho going to youtube some of the maine's music :D

    ahahahahaha, i wish we could speak in smileys. like, i wish it was a language... that would be freaking amazeballs... <--- stole that from you. :]

    bro, ME TOO. mondays are the freaking worst... well in this case, tuesdays, but still, THEY SUCK MONKEY BALLS.

    this is when a snow day would come in handy.

    omiiiigawwwd, that's like my favorite line in the whole soooong, i just like how blunt she sounds when she says shit :D

    their version is deffff better than the original, but the kaiser chiefs lead singer has a sexy ass voice. i think it's just me, but i find it to be extremely legit.

    awwwwe, i'm the baby of the family haha.
    I have an older brother, Matt, whose 22, he'll be 23 in march & an older sister, Kelsey, who just turned 15 in november :)
    i love how our comments keep getting longer & longer each time :D
    January 18th, 2011 at 12:45am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    you are oh so very welcome [:
    i do that with every story i write!
    i'm trying to plot out this one i'm re-writing though, that way i know what i'm writing about & it doesn't end up like poop, like the first time i tried it.
    i'm an awful writer, haha.
    it's just an awesome way of getting lost i suppose, it's like an escape :)

    aweee you're so sweet, i love you hannah :D it's okay. i'll get over it eventually. i'm really sorry about your situation, i'm an extremely jealous person, and i would be devastated if i found out my crush had hooked up with someone else.

    but honestly.. he's probably trying to make you jealous... i bet he has a big fat crush on you too [:

    ahahah yaaay! i love your comments, you're like the coolest person on mibba :]

    shaaaaank you :D i just reblog pictures i like haha, yours is pretty cool too, you introduced me to this band called the maine :) i haven't listened to their music yet, but they're extremely cute... just sayin' (;

    me too! i feel the need to post a smiley after every sentence, because i have to erge too and if i don't i feel like what i'm writing seems too mean, ahahha :)

    ohhh snapppp, i meant to put three, ahahh, we just have today off too. but a four day weekend would've been awesome :D

    i bought;
    something beautiful - needtobreathe
    misery - maroon 5
    teenagers - hayley williams
    kiss with a fist - florence & the machine
    runaway - yeah yeah yeahs
    big jet plane - angus & julia stone
    over the hills & faraway - led zeppelin
    R.I.P. - 3oh!3
    just like heaven - the cure
    jolene (cover) - the white stripes
    love is not a competition (but i'm winning) - kaiser chiefs
    blood bank - bon iver
    bullet with butterfly wings - smashing pumpkins
    & a walk through hell - say anything

    sounds fun-tertaining! how many siblings do you have?
    i ? mibba & tumblr. haha :D
    January 17th, 2011 at 10:57pm
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    I read it, & so far, I think it's amazing.
    Idunnno how it's gonna end up, but I like where it's going :D
    I'm deffff subscribed.

    Awwwwe, I'm sorry :( I kinnna know how you feel. I've liked this guy for a while & i told my best friend about it, and she's like "oh, i'll hook you up" so they like started texting and oovooing all the time, and then she started telling me how she didn't think we'd be good together because "he's a player" and i found out the other day that they were like sucking face at the movies. i just kinda feel like betrayed, like i don't understand how my best friend could do that to me, but at the same time it's kinda like... it's not like he was mine, so she kinda had every right to. idunnno.

    i enjoy your rants & excessive commenting, so it's okay :D

    i'm fosho following you on both :)

    i use smiley faces a lot... ahaha

    it's allll good, i just woke up and i'm like half asleeep right now, haha

    welllll... i have to work on homework, and then i'm gonna spend two hours getting ready to go over to my friends house.

    i can't believe it's already sunday. thank god for four day weekends.

    ohhhhh & i'm gonna update my ipod again today :D
    whattttta'bout'chu girlfraaan?
    January 16th, 2011 at 07:15pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    That's cool. :D
    Aw, thank you. I love both of them too. lol.
    I don't know if I ever told you this, but I love your layout too. It's really unique. :D
    Aw, and you're welcome. It's no problem; it's a really great story. :D Aw, but I'm sorry that no one is really commenting. :( Hm... I could help spread the word if you want me too. :D
    January 16th, 2011 at 07:20am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    Ahahahaha, "not to brag... just kidding" :D

    now I feel like a douche, cuz I went all off about making you happy and commenting on that story... & I never did it... my apologies fair lady... I shall do it now [:

    Awwww 5th grade.... I remember 5th grade... it was the time where I thought I was the shit because I was at the top of the elementary school.. & then I got to 6th grade.... & I felt even cooler... then 7th grade hit me like a bitch slap across the face & my ego was belittled.... it did me some good... but boy did 7th grade suck ass. I got my first "F" in 7th grade. It was also the year I found out people actually drank & smoked. Now it's like, you hear about someone drinking or smoking & it's just like "oh... whatever" or "wow, they're cool." i kinnnna wish i was still ignorant and innocent... like in kindergarten.. kindergarten was dope. my mommy still dressed me then... i was one fly ass 5 year old.

    wooooow... i totally just started babbling about 5th grade. ahaha.

    i agree with that all the way, as long as they're happy & paramore is still a band... i suppose i can go on. i just hope that josh & zac's replacements are twice as funny and ten times better musicians.. maybe then it might be kinnnda the same.

    ahaha :)
    I do in fact! I have both,

    twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/kdbish

    tumblr: http://karleimay.tumblr.com/

    January 16th, 2011 at 05:43am
  • Simply Ace

    Simply Ace (100)

    United States
    Thank you for commenting on Redesign Me! I'm glad you like it :D
    January 15th, 2011 at 02:13pm
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    i haaaaaaate being cold D: but the idea of not having school during the middle of the week because it's snowing sounds absolutely amazing :D

    Well I'm about to show that story some love... because frankly I have nothing better to do & I'm just that nice.
    Well actually I have some stupid algebra project... but you're happiness is more important (;
    i got to eat ice cream in english today... it was pretttttty rad. (:

    i take it you read josh & zac's blog post then... yeah that upset me. like, hayley williams was literally my IDOL and after i read that.... i can't help but to think that everything i ever thought of her is a lie... ya know? idunno, i still think she's awesome, but somethings just off now... yeah i kinda always knew something was up, expecially after they cancelled all those tour dates and everything... josh never reallly seemed happy to me, haha, he's always like... frowning. i can't wait to see what turns out of them both.

    i feel depressed just talking about this now.... *sad face* ahaha
    January 13th, 2011 at 03:17am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Haha, really? Well, hopefully I can make it come true... I'm going to get that unaccomplished feeling if I don't. :/
    Aw, lucky! I only had a two hour delay today. :/
    Um... nothing much. I just changed my layout and username and stuff, lol. Like it all? :D
    January 13th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    It's okay, you only crushed my hopes & dreams of a morbidly obese man breaking into my house, eating my home made cookies and giving me free presents, before calling me a hoe three times and leaving with his reindeer.

    I can't keep my room the same way for too long... i get bored with it & feel the need to change it haha :]
    Luckkkkky! I live in norcal, so we don't have snow days :[ I wish there was such a thing as cold days! That would be awesome.
    I'm right there wiiiit'cha, I'm currently working on editing this story i posted a few months ago... I don't know what was going threw my mind when I posted it, but my writing is horrible & i'm ashamed.. so I'm editing it haha :]
    bro me too! kinda, i have to read a book about mark twain & write a biography about him.
    but it's aiiight, mark twain is legit.

    besides my math grade, i'm excellent :D
    i'm drinking hot cocoa & listening to john mayer... life is good, my friend.

    did you hear the new paramore news? it made me want to cry, no bueno.
    January 12th, 2011 at 04:51am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    That's cool. lol.
    Mine was good, I guess. Kind of boring, lol, but it usually is every year. My one resolution for next year is to go to Times Square for New Years! :D
    So... how have you been? :D
    January 11th, 2011 at 01:42am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    I''m swell :)
    I just finished cleaning/re-arranging my room... & I feel oddly proud in some way.
    that & accomplished.
    It's cool :D

    & how are you? :]
    January 10th, 2011 at 06:37am
  • finding.karlei

    finding.karlei (100)

    United States
    I forgot what my last comment said.
    Ahahahah :]
    I know! Holidays aren't any fun now that I'm older.... it sucks monkey balls.
    2011 doesn't even sounds right.
    January 7th, 2011 at 12:46am