XMorteXdeXRireX / Comments

  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Yikes, yes it would be! I imagine that it would not be very fun for either of our parts, and I don't wantto choke on letters and/or numbers!
    Yeah, I understand what you mean about the Internet, I don't quite like it either but then again a part of me doesn't care and another part is too lazy to put it in the inbox so I'll put it here. Basically I have these discolored spots on my chest and inner elbows and I have had them for awhile but now more are appearing and they are getting bigger and further up and down my body. I used to have weird pains every now and then, but now the time in between getting the pains is getting smaller...it is starting to freak me out a bit.

    I thinktha you can pull off the story! I believe in you! =]
    I'm not so good at it yet either, so you are not alone!
    I actually don't want to drive yet, it is to save my family money and because I am a bit of a pansy in that area. What about you, do you have your license yet?
    August 10th, 2011 at 05:46am
  • sippingcyanide

    sippingcyanide (100)

    United States
    OOOOO, that's an interesting prospecttt....
    August 10th, 2011 at 04:40am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Aw! =[ you have me on the tips of my toes when it comes to your stories darling!
    You're not pushing me at all, don't worry, I actually think that it is incredibly sweet, and caring of you to keep mentioning it, and I hope so much that you know that you can come to me as well, even if it is in a private message or something. I'll tell you about something that is worrying me if you can agree to trying to tell me what is confusing you darling. Does that sound like a fair deal?
    Haha! Nah, I am not so much of a Gleek-ish person tha I would trample people, or bombard them, with questions about it. If anything I think it should be a causual conversation, not a some sort of pre pubescent teenage fan persons rant and such. =P
    I think that you'd do wonders on that type of story! =]
    One thing I like about the show is that it is so open to all. It is open to boys, to girls, to every race and religion (or so it seems) and doesn't mind what orientation you are.
    I am not, but my friend is in orchestra, and she plays the violin. I am learning how to play the guitar. =] do you play, want to play, or are learning to play an instrument?
    Don't worry about it being short! =]
    August 10th, 2011 at 04:15am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    That is true i want one soon but not for a while if that makes since.. I know im geting one when i turn 18 reguardless :D
    August 10th, 2011 at 04:01am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Yeah i love revenge and bullets the best and yea i want i lost my fear of falling to start at my big toe and curve along my toes and up my foot and a cherry blossom hmm it represents alot.. Faith. Peace. Hmm alot. And haha tattos are sexy in my opinion so i want alot :D reguardless of what my mum says
    August 10th, 2011 at 03:39am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    and a few more mcr quotes ;)
    August 9th, 2011 at 07:51am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    oh god okay i really want the lyric i lost my fear of falling on my foot
    + I want keep the kaith on my back kinda like franks. but also with a few norcal stars around it
    + i want the number 13 tattooed on me because of friday the thirteenth
    + i want rise against's logo on my ankel because they have inspired me alot
    + i want a green day lyric on me but im not sure which though because there so many amazing ones
    + i want 5 guns on my calve like the revenge style ones and it each gun i want a little design that repsresents each mcr member because i love them and theyve helped me through alot in life
    and on my side i want a tree with cherry blossoms on it with a music staff around it as if its blowing in the wind and that would go up to about my ribs ;D sorrry about my little rant xD
    August 9th, 2011 at 07:49am
  • Frank_Iero

    Frank_Iero (100)

    United States
    hello. :D
    i would like to thank you for both of your comments! they made me smile like an idiot, i'm still smiling right now.
    and i hope you eventually finish reading since you seem to be enjoying yourself :D
    so yeah, thank you!!!
    August 8th, 2011 at 09:18am
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    That stores expensive but i freakinglove her! And alot i want alot of lyrics. Spriderwebs. The number 13 god theres to many tats i want to explian on a mofo ipod
    August 8th, 2011 at 08:57am
  • Omniverse

    Omniverse (100)

    United States
    Wow, thanks 8D I should read yours.
    August 8th, 2011 at 05:20am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Older comment:
    I am doing alright, I will admit that my stress level is rising though, but that is to be expected.
    You are so very welcome for mollesting your stories! I love to do it! (now that sounds creepy)
    O.O this world is a new world to me, but hey, I'm not one to close off new worlds. ;]
    Don't be embarrassed about the Glee thing, I am a bit of a Gleek as well. =P
    Classical is wonderful, I love a good, strong live orchastra to listen to. We have a small one at my high school, but sometimes all of the high school orchastas get together and play, so that is fun. Haha, I will definately have to take a listen to your favorite classical song then. =] Especially if it was in Silence of the Lambs.
    Precisely! Just, argh! I can not stand it. If you want to do poetry go do spoken word where it will be appriciated and not so freaking offensive. It just makes me mad to be honest, just because they all infuriate me, and I hate slang most of the time. I had a guy in two of my classes last year and every freaking day he would decide out of know where "hey, it's time to rap". I can tell you that my teacher kept us far away from each other and I wanted to act out in violence.
    Oh I wish, these complications are a little too big to be flipping the bird and screwing the world, unfortunately, but things are bound to get that way sometime in life.
    Haha, well that is an interesting pair of undergarment that he choose to wear that night. If he was not planning something special with those, then my gosh Gerard is in for a wild ride when and if they do get serious, eh?
    =D Eee! I am excited for those to update! I have been looking forward to it for a while, but I could not comment! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! =D
    How have you been darling? Any problems with you?

    Newer comment:
    I do not see you losing the cuteness in the story, you have kept it up this far, so I doubt you will lose it. I believe in you. =]
    Haha, well, smut is not a bad thing as long as it is not forced, eh? Plus they are way too young to be doing the dirty deed right now! Haha! =] It is so cute the way that they cuddle and stuff though, it makes me smile all day long, and get such a happy feeling, so thank you for doing that darling.
    Ew, ew, ew. I do not understand, nor do I want to right now, why people get those kinds of piercings.
    I am supposed to be Catholic Christian because my mom is, but I am not. I question the bible a lot. When I was like 10 I told people that some person could have just come up with this stuff and made a book about it, and they were not a witness to anything, so they have no proof that it is real. For people that do believe in the bible and spout out shit like the burn at a stake thing I just say that the bible is open for your own interpritation of it, or so people say. So those people that say burn at the stake and that gays are bad are just ignorant people. =] In other words I agree with you, and I love your spin on it by saying "Who gives ten fucks about the bible…It was written to give people something to believe in when they should just be living the fuck out of their life….and hard."
    Of course! =] You are so very welcome for the comment silly!
    Oh dear, now I am worried about Gerard, he is not going to get kidnapped, or raped, or beaten, or completely rejected is he? Oh please spare them almightly writer! Please!
    I have trust issues so I never really tell people about stuff that is passed skin deep things and surface things. I believe in best friends, or I did believe in friends that are closer to you than others, but one being a "best" friend I do not know about.
    You did not make them come across as too cheesey at all! It was perfect! =D I absolutely loved it. =]
    August 7th, 2011 at 10:09pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Music? Um current obbsessions MCR, Green day, Get scared, Drugs, um go to my about me ;) theres lots
    Hometown? Indiana. It sucks
    Hobbies? (knitting? walking puppies? xDD) Art, Playing guitar, music, being anti social :)
    Television? Um dont watch much but i do like Teen Wolf and when ever mcr preforms
    Life? hm living on the computer
    Peircings? ears.. soon to be lip and belly
    Tatts? noone currently but i love the idea and want to be a tat artist when i get older i plan on geting some mcr and green day tats and they have to be done by Kat Von D :D
    and you?
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • JckWhite

    JckWhite (100)

    United States
    YAY for commments!!!!
    glad to be spammed lol
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:36pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    ahh thankie for the storie comment :) ill be updating soon once i get another sub :D im glad you like it
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:24pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    -waves back- im savannah but you can call me sam :) pretty good and yourself?
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • JckWhite

    JckWhite (100)

    United States
    Elllo :D
    Thank you for the comment on Living Dead girl, I will be updating today so you'll see it soon :)
    August 7th, 2011 at 09:13pm
  • Sora Kotes

    Sora Kotes (100)

    United States
    Hello :3
    August 7th, 2011 at 06:36pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    I was always a trooper for gay rights but then I came into being and accepting that I am bisexual and I go really protective of it especially after being told to go burn at the stake and what not. I won't care so much if a person says it to me, but to anyone else or about anyone else is a big no-no.
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:29am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Ew, dude I started to twitch and cringe by just reading that. That is kind of gross, on your wrists? Ee...might as well do your neck an spine. Eesh...>.<
    Hahaha!!! Don't forget the hobos that watch and the CIA that sneaks around to getthat sort of intel. Gerard's poor mommy! And Frankie's poor mommy! They will be going through a bit of early mid life crisis hell knowing about their baby boys scream festival.
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:27am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Ahaha!!! Doesn't he always? ;] and hey! I thought these were private shows (wow, unintentional pun)!
    Yeah, I think as people in general we have a habit of changing our mind a lot, and especially when we are younger like now, it is just apart of life. I guess that is what people mean by a phase.
    Urgh! Yeah! Well, personally I don't like belly button piercings anyways, but I agree that it is a sexist piercing. Also if a chick gets a "hardcore" piercing, or tattoo she is considered a dyke? People need to just get over it and let us all be who we are. Surface piercings? *completely clueless*
    August 7th, 2011 at 04:14am