Timeless / Comments

  • What movie?!
    June 19th, 2010 at 05:22am
  • yeshhhhhh! i'm so excited. i don't [i]really[/i] mind waiting. but i'm excited!
    June 19th, 2010 at 12:10am
  • the nurse and police thing will be addressed. it's not that the actual nurse won't treat him, but i don't want to spoil anything :x and the police thing is a WHOLE different issue... but i like that you're pointing those things out. they're sort of important. :D
    June 18th, 2010 at 11:02pm
  • Well that's better than them laughing, like my jerk-face brother...
    but he said he liked another story I wrote, so..yeah. It was about these rebels in a futuristic world where some people gained had supernatural powers. he's all into that sort of stuff, so maybe Iron Age just wasn't his cup of tea.

    Still...at least you showed people that weren't your family. I mean, I honestly know my friend would encourage me to write and whatnot, even if i sucked, but it's always been such a private and personal thing that it's nerve wracking, y'know?
    June 12th, 2010 at 08:51am
  • [i]Hell no![/i]

    I mean. There's one of my friends who's like... a huge fan of reading and she's really close with me. Like sister status, she'd be the first I'd show but...I honestly don't have anything to show her that I think is lile...good. I mean, maybe when Hallow Boy is done, and you've corrected all my grammar mistakes...[i]maybe[/i] then.


    What about you? Do you show people your stuff?
    June 12th, 2010 at 08:06am
  • Oh that's good to hear! How cute, you have a baby brother... lucky. All my brothers are grown up now and they're just total pains in the butt.. XD
    June 12th, 2010 at 07:03am
  • Oh of course. But it's still true. And yeah, that sounds exciting! Whatever you write up I'm sure it'll be gooood. :D

    Mmmm. Well, lots has happened since then. She was definitely diagnosed with Lyme. She's been on a lot of medications for it, and for a while she was doing REALLY good, like...really, really good. And her brother came back from Argentina, so he's been able to help out now that he's back, which takes a load off of her parents, which is good. But now, more recently, the bacteria has started to become resistant to the medication. Sorta like it built up an immunity to the medication. And she's relapsed quite a bit. So her mom and dad made the decision to put her on a couple baby Asprin everyday to thin her blood -- because apparently that's supposed to help with the meds fighting the Lyme. [i]SO[/i] that's been what's gone down since. But during the good times she, her brother and her mom took me to La Selva beach for my birthday and then threw me a surprise party with all my friends back at my house. So there's been some ups and downs but she's really getting better. So I have a lot of hope. (:

    How 'bout you? How's college stuff going? Did you get enough money saved up or whatever. I can't remember exactly but you were working on some sort of payment... ?
    June 12th, 2010 at 06:51am
  • Bahaha, that it is, [i]that it is[/i]!

    Well. I'm excited for whatever you come up it! :D Demons or not.
    June 12th, 2010 at 06:11am
  • Ooooh. Murder/mystery :D What happened to the demon one, with Ashen the cat -demon. Did you come up with anything?

    And I sort of took your advice about Hollow Boy being more of a mystery. At first I was going to have the murder be sort of, blah, out in the open, everyone knows/has know, but now I'm making it a little more mysterious. Hopefully. I'm not great at that. :P

    And I'm glad that my writing get yous writing! It's vice versa for me :)
    June 12th, 2010 at 05:51am
  • Hahaha and guess what. Just your little mention of Iron Age has me editing the next chapter. It's got about six pages but it's been SO long since I last wrote for it I need to do a little refreshing. So expect that to updated relatively soon..

    I'm just seriously procrastinating from doing my History final. Bleh.

    Oh and I'm sure you'll find the balance. I'm just trying to be pushy/encouraging...and slightly PUSHY so you get those fingers typing (;

    Haha, Hollow Boy is what was originally going to be Silent Lake....remember WAY WAY WAY back when I messaged you about it?...yeah. This is it. I changed the name though, since the story changed a little. But this is going to be about Emily Taylor and whatnot. I'm excited :D
    June 12th, 2010 at 05:42am
  • In response do you story comment (which, I've updated since then), LOL. You have no idea how spot-on you are when you say she's an 'old soul' thing ;)

    Anyway. I WILL finished Iron Age. My last final is Monday and I WILL post that week. I promise. I miss it.

    And where is my update or Masked, young lady! *shakes finger like a mother* XD

    Seriously though. Like is BUSY.
    June 12th, 2010 at 05:18am
  • Good. How've you been? Busy... (:
    June 8th, 2010 at 06:39pm
  • It's been TOO long!
    May 28th, 2010 at 12:43am
  • you have an epic (haha) email awaiting you.... XD
    April 26th, 2010 at 03:30am
  • Hahaha i'm glad i could clarify that.

    OH. Well i'll email you then. Now that I know what you mean. The Demon logo and the Sun and Cloud right?

    Am glad too! and I'm totally a stalker too, since I read your story on Quizilla but never said anything.. so i think that makes me the stalker one.. haha. I'll totally build you sand castle! XD

    You must watch Beauty and the Beast. That's the best one!

    Ohhhhh I totally will help you with names! I love making up names. and I'm assuming you'll just email me about it lol XD I love how we have conversations on mibba comments, gmail emails and chat like... at the most random times. we just jump from email, to comment to chat. it's epic. lol
    April 23rd, 2010 at 06:16am
  • [i]One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
    One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.[/i] it's the inscription on the ring. It's the Black speech. Lol, I'm a LOTR nerdddd XD
    Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
    Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

    I'll be spending saturday and sunday with her. It's been pretty difficult to get her to take the medicine but she tends to take it when I give it to her. So that's good because I'm always stopping by. And I'm taking her to the beach on sunday. she loves the beach. she's getter better... slowly.

    okay, are you talking about like the BIG pictures? or the small little ones. The small ones are fairly easy. You go to picnik.com and click "collage" and just upload your pictures to photobucket where you get the IMAGE code. The bigger ones, you use the image url when you're making a layout. (send me an email explaing further and i'll help you!)

    about Iron Age, THANKKK YOOUU millions. Your reviews mean the world to me. And I'll fix the little error, thanks for pointing it out!

    Yeah, Rephaim have different talents/skills. Rephaim like Eilish are like athletes, they train. People like Luka are born with their fire because of their bloodlines/families. I swear, questions WILL be answered next chapter. Luka will explain himself and his plan to save Max's mom... if it's not too late *muahaha*. And I love Lyon... he's going to be a big character. but not immediately.... i have big plans for him and max near the end. ;)

    How are YOU? I shall be the first to comment Masked.. whenever you get around to it. I know you're really busy. But you're going to make it through! and I'll wait a year for another update on Masked! :D lol
    April 23rd, 2010 at 05:27am
  • Si si! Muy bien :D Que paso?

    That's good! I'm excited to read it.And I hope you get better. Or your allergies decide to screw off. All my broskies have allergies but I don't :D They look horrible though!

    I've been good. (: I'm just trying to keep up with school and writing and my social life. And my friend of course, she's doing okay. Better than before, so that's good!
    April 19th, 2010 at 09:02pm
  • Oh no! that sucks :/ well, i hope the host gets things fixed or whatever.

    haha that was like me when we had to read The Joy Luck Club for H English at my old school. Ridiculous. I liked listening to my teacher read the book but I don't think I read a single page that was assigned.

    I can't wait for Masked updates *woop woop*
    April 15th, 2010 at 06:00pm
  • It's so stupid because I looked exactly where he found it, I just didn't look in the right place...We have these old recliner chairs that are probably just as old as me, or older, and when I sat down one day and my memory stick was in my pocket it must have slipped out. But I looked there before. I stuck my hands down the sides turned it over... like we did a SERIOUS sweep of the house and everything in it. Then, just the other day, we were moving furniture because we got a new puppy and Zack (shhh, he doesn't know i used his name in Iron Age ;P) was lifting the chair and he turned it over and he found it stuck in one of the springs all coiled around the chair. That's why I didn't find it when I was looking, because I didn't turn it ALL the way over, I just looked under it and in the side pockets. Stupid.Haha XD

    I'm sad too! But at least I got a little teaser! :D What's the novel about?

    What about PF, did it crash or something? :( That'd be so sadddd.
    April 14th, 2010 at 08:36pm
  • that sounds like a ton of fun! and I LOVE cheesecake as well. it is like... amazing. especially when it's frozen *yum*. school is so boring for me. i'm trying to drop an unwanted class so i can just ease my work load since i've been busy helping my friend. so that's about it really.

    So much better than before! especially Iron Age. Since I had like a chapter and a half written I had to re-write the chapter, but the one I lost (and now found) was so much better. i was kind of holding back on posting the next chapter because the wording and scenarios turned out different. now i'm glad I didn't post it. i'm still going to have to edit a lot though but hopefully i'll do that today. i'm just super stoked.

    my brother (the one that knows that I write) found my memory stick and then after he did he came in privately to my room and was like: "That has all your writing on it, doesn't it?"
    I showed him some of my other stuff that I've written. it was from a while ago but it's kinda like my pet project when i get bored and just want to write for the hell of it. he really likes it though. which figures because it's kinda spy-ish. and he loved to read Alex Ryder books. but yeah. so i'm just having a really good week. :D
    April 14th, 2010 at 08:12pm