Entry Five

"Now I'm not a saint, but I'm not a sinner"-"The Fear" by Lily AllenYeah.So I just got back from Yosemite yesterday.It's fucking beautiful up there, did you know?It really is a magical place, like my friend Amelia said.Really, if you've never gone up there, you should.Now.It was fucking hot, and the water was gorgeous, and there were a lot of foreigners and my legs tanned nicely.So there.Padre...
July 21st, 2009 at 07:20am

Entry Four

Shit Happens.That's about all I can say now.Especially considering the past couple of weeks.In the past two weeks I:1. almost lost my boyfriend2. made amends with an ex-bff3. learned my bestie won't be here for a week4. got pissed (drunk) out of my mind5. was puked on6. learned that my really good friend doesn't like most of my friends.and Hell, four of those six happened the same day.So I have a...
June 27th, 2009 at 01:37am

Entry Three

Summer vacation.Riiiight around the corner. Really, it's only three more weeks!Woo.Yeah, so what are my holidays consisting of?Nothing, at the moment.Help me, I think I'm going to die if I don't get out of this fucking country.Or at least get me out of here. Specifically Suburbia.Hmm, that's a good name for something. A story - a poem maybe?Anyway.Sure, there are a LOAD of things I want to do:1....
May 27th, 2009 at 06:06am

Entry Two

I am confused. That's pretty much THE word that describes me now.Why? I'll tell you why.So I liked this boy, we'll call him D, he's really nice and the way we think totally matched up, and this should have gone somewhere, except for one (or rather, two) problem (s).He has a super-jealous girlfriend and another girl he fools around with.So I already knew that this wasn't going to go anywhere, and I...
May 18th, 2009 at 05:22am

Entry One

YelloW!Uhm, so if I've commented on your page, you probably know that that's just how I say "Yo!".So if you were wondering, then yeah.So, journal entry. Cool, I'm not very good at these either :PJust start with WTF's going on conmigo?Okay.So I'm ina a musical, yeah? (totally not a dork. Shh!)And opening day is Thursday. Uh-oh.Yeah, I'm kiiinda freaking out right now.On a brighter note...My "best"...
April 13th, 2009 at 04:11am