
the absolute worst position to be in dont you reckon? im afraid that i might be falling for one of my best friends guy. :S except hes not her guy, entirely. its complicated because she likes him, he likes her a lot, but she doesnt want a relationship, she like the chase and the no strings attached hookups. he doesnt really want just the flirty hookups he wants the relationship. i know this because...
July 9th, 2009 at 07:18am

going round the twist, literally

"have you ever felt, ever felt like this, how strange things happen, are we going round the twist?" answer is , yesim in another depressing mood , in which i feel like im not going anywhere with my life. i have no idea where i will be or want to be in the next 3 years. i still feel like a child with everyone maturing and having different experiences while i just stay at home and do nothing. sure i...
June 21st, 2009 at 11:03am

PLEASE read and comment

OKay well i have a short story here which i actually spent AAAGGGEEESS doing because its for school and has to have certain techniques used...etc anyway since im never gonna get any credit for it apart from the teacher who may or may not like it and no-one reads stories only on the first chapter anyway im posting it here. hope you like and please comment, if its liked i may extend it into a full...
June 3rd, 2009 at 12:09pm

either *** off or *** me

UUUHhhhhh he really just knows how to push my buttons. yes i am supposed to be writing my 2000 word research essay for history thats due tomorrow but honestly im not gonna get it done anyway and i really need to get this bitch outa my system. grr well after trying to get over boy 2 i decided to find out once and for all if i had any chance at all. i texted him and after much poking and prodding...
June 2nd, 2009 at 04:18pm

going mad

uuh the benefits of human contact, it kinda stops you from going mad. ive been sick and holed away in my room for the last 4 days and really starting to miss things such as verbal conversation not textual. im missing my friends sooo much i think i will never have another sick day in my life even if i break both legs or go blind. with some of my homework and stupid assignments that are due A WEEK...
May 31st, 2009 at 12:58pm

Well all i can say is wtf

wtf indeed, no its not swearing is fucking letters stuck together. oh..anyway the reason for this journal entry is my ever changing situation which im finding increasingly wearying and quite possibly need help on. okay just in case you havent read my poems or other journals,boy#1- guy i liked, told him i liked him, he fucked with my brain then told me he didnt like me, i tried to be friends, he...
May 28th, 2009 at 03:29pm

why am i so sad?

good question, i have the best friends in the world and im doin okay at school, home life is peachy and i just finnished performing my school production to 4 over booked sold out audiences.well my bestie has just finally been asked out by the guy she likes and all the memories of my completely failed love life come flooding back. the guys bf so happens to be the one that rejected me, and now hates...
May 17th, 2009 at 02:05pm

life ( i.e. school, guys...etc) sucks sometimes

well my life officially sucksHad a lit assignment due today givent to me last term which i started when? oh yeah, last night. not particularly clever i know, but thats what you get from not reading the assignment sheet for the " extended writing poetry task" extended meaning 5 or so typed pages...on poetry. so yes had fullfilling sleep ( 4 hours) and was up at, oh joy, 3 in the morning to try to...
May 4th, 2009 at 01:34pm