i like mibba.

i really do, it's a lovely website full of lovely people who write lovely stories and leave lovely comments when i'm confused or just plain want to cry.and i suppose i should go on, seeing as i need a hundred words to post this.elliot minor's acoustic album is the most beautiful thing i have ever heard.like seriously, that shit is good.the only flaw i can think of is that ed minton does not sing...
July 10th, 2011 at 03:15am

confused rant.

i'm confused. i'm confused about who i am, namely my sexuality.a few weeks ago, i felt sure i was bisexual but now i'm just so unsure.the most confusing part is that i have feelings for someone.it's like, i don't know what i like, but i know who i like.and what makes things a hundred times more confusing is that i feel like i might be uninterested in guys at all, but the person i have feelings for...
July 8th, 2011 at 01:15am

it's annoying how these have to have titles.

everyone is in love with you, it seems.i'm half expecting the guy i like to turn around and say to you "ohmygod i love you"i'm seriously fucking sick of it, yeah you're my best friend, and i'm not jealous; i have no interest in the people who like you, it just pisses me off.especially how you insist that they're not and that you're totally unlikeable. you know you're stop, it's not 'cute' to be...
July 7th, 2011 at 01:41am


i should be really happy today but all i really want to do is cry.but i can't, y'know? there are no tears.and my best friend doesn't care.she won't even speak to me.which is partly why i feel like crap, she hasn't spoken to me properly for days.my brother keeps shouting at me.self confidence is at zero.i just want to cry.and oliver is being really nice, and afore mentioned best friend is blowing...
June 28th, 2011 at 07:54pm

more ranting, hollaaa.

this whole 'replacement' thing is really going too far. we're meant to be your best friends, yet you're hardly speaking to us. c'mon gurl, this isn't fair at all. atleast give us a heads up if you feel we're not as close as we were. i know shits been hard for you recently, but your attitude sucks. there's a difference between getting over him, and getting over yourself. yes, you're hurting right...
June 26th, 2011 at 09:02pm


okay, i have nowhere else to rant so i am resorting to mibba.i know exactly what oliver means. we're meant to be your best friends, so why do we both feel like we're being replaced? this fucking sucks, okay. you're my best friend and i love you to pieces but i feel like since the ~thing happened, you just don't give a fuck about me nor oliver. i know that's not true but it fucking seems like it,...
June 25th, 2011 at 02:04am