Jenna. / Comments

  • They're so cute ae haha xD
    We ish indeedy.

    Vest are pretty snazzy, I have a black one which I absolutely LOVE.
    Yeah it pretty much sucks a LOT.
    Yesh, feel pity for me haha.

    Lol, strange huh??

    Thankies xxx

    Oh noes that would be funny haha, he'd look at your page and be like OOOOO
    Sounds lovely, you should totally go out with him haha.

    Well Paul is 23 as I said on one of my last comments lol
    He just graduated Uni with this huge, smarty-pants degree but he's one of the teachers at the drama school I used to go to. He is soooo funny and we get along really well haha.

    And David is my age, he goes to my school, I've known him almost 4 years but only just started liking him that way really. He's quite quiet but once he opens up he's just so awesome haha. I sit beside him in maths and we talk a lot, it's nice :)
    Plus he's really, really, really rich...just a plus though...I don't like him just because of that lol.
    September 1st, 2009 at 06:43am
  • Indeedy, we are just the icing on the cake ae or as my friend says we make the world a brighter place haha.

    Yeah I didn't really want to much either so I got Maggie to do all the grinding up of it haha. It was sick!!

    Awesome!! New clothes always make me excited, like when I wake up in the morning it's like OOOOO i can wear my new clothes haha.

    Yeah ae accents are so awesome!!
    But I don't reckon I have one haha, but everyone else in the world thinks us New Zealanders do, suppose its the same for you ae??

    Yeah I hope they do too ae
    The other guy I like is a little bit easier to get, considering as he's in my form class haha.

    OOoooo do tell! What's he like?? Name, age, address <--- haha kidding :P
    August 30th, 2009 at 02:42am
  • It would indeed!!

    YAY haha us losers are so cool!!

    Haha yeah a few people did that in my class ae
    It was kind of gross xP
    We cut up livers in Bio just the other day, I was almost sick because it smelt so rank...ewwy i refused to touch it...

    It's so fun ae!!
    Shopping is fun, but not all the time haha.
    LUCKY!! I wish I didn't have to wear a uniform. NOrmally we don't have to wear one in our last year, which is next year for me but they changed that rule and now we have to still wear uniform -_-

    Slang is funny ae
    We were talking about it in English, it was like how English use different slang too it was funny.

    I just had breakfast too!! It was more like brunch though cuz I woke up at about 11:30 xD

    I went to see a musical a few night ago, it was really good. It was called Chess which made me think it would be boring but it wasn't, it was great. Sat beside the guy i like and we talked heaps haha it was awesome!!
    But he's like 23 so I can't see anything happening, although Beka thinks maybe because he does talk to me a lot xD

    Do you have a guy you likes haha?
    August 29th, 2009 at 03:16am
  • hi jenna
    just wanted to say bye

    my sister got banned so am leaving to
    f* this site
    August 28th, 2009 at 11:03pm
  • well it did work out. she shouted at me for lyk 2 to 3 hrs non-stop
    sweet success....LOL
    but i had to say gudbye to my spongebob shirt.
    i dont think i am ever gonna understand the draw behind twilight...i mean c'mon how can u LUFF a guy who stalks u and watches u sleep!
    August 28th, 2009 at 03:38pm
  • I'm sure you have tons of amazing stories, just can't remember them. ;D
    Because if you don't, then you must have no fun in life. D:
    August 28th, 2009 at 01:35am
  • Ya i have been changing my username alot haha etfandparamore was boring and i have like 3 other accounts with that name :D
    August 26th, 2009 at 06:44am
  • OHOH.
    I eventually DID get Mr. Fuzzles. I just had to get my other friend to BUY it for me. ;D
    August 26th, 2009 at 04:43am
  • It's a long and complicated story. ;D
    Well, kinda.

    WELL, me and a few friends (one said she'd buy me the bear) all went on down to macy's, and then when we got to the bears, she like, stuffed it in her coat.
    'Run!' She whispered, and started speed walking to the door.
    The other three of us were like, 'No.' And just let her go.

    Good thing we did. The alarms went off when she tried to leave. ;D
    We saw that, and THEN we ran. When they were taking her to the backroom. o:
    August 26th, 2009 at 04:42am
  • Yeah ae, it would suck not being able to go anywhere because I was broke. At least flights to Auckland are only 74$ haha that's where I want to go for Uni.

    Yay losers for life xD

    Well my class didn't, which kind of sucks but ah well.
    We did in year 10 which was pretty awesome haha.
    Cutting things up isn't the nicest ae? But it is interesting...

    It was nice here today, I went dress shopping for my school formal so I didn't really get to appreciate how warm it was. Buuuut I did get to wear my summer uniform to my exam this morning so that was good enough. Winter uniform is so BLEH xP

    Awesome :)

    Haha yeah NZ has a few weird slang words that no one else seems to understand but we do get a lot of our word from watching American TV haha....NZ is influenced so much by you guys TV programs and gossip stuff.

    Eugh yeah food is gross atm, I'm feeling really yucky haha.
    Might be because I just had dinner...
    August 25th, 2009 at 10:15am
  • There's actually a long and interesting story with Mr Fuzzles.
    It has horror, thievery, and laughter at other's stupidity.
    August 25th, 2009 at 12:26am
  • The name Jenna is cute :D
    August 25th, 2009 at 12:19am
  • Haha yeah ae. xD
    I just hope I have enough money for it, finding a job is proving really hard...

    Lol, well that makes me a loser then too
    Well my friend does call me a loser about 60% of the time, the other 40% is when she calls me retard...but she can hardly talk xD

    Oh right lol, that's all good
    Hope you have fun with it, Bio in New Zealand is fun so yeah...

    It's not too bad for me today, it's kind of like just going into Spring so it's slowly getting nicer and nicer YAY
    It's my birthday is about 11 days, 17 finally.

    Yeah skinnies as in skinny jeans lol.
    We call them skinnies haha :D

    Wait I shall find a conversion thing....
    Oh 4 kgs, that's not too bad xD
    Hope you lose it and good luck, eating chocolate won't help though hahaha
    I tried the stop eating thing haha, its hard...
    Now I'm just cutting back on cheese and junk food xD
    Even talking about it makes me feel sick now HAHA
    August 24th, 2009 at 02:48am
  • Thanks for the welcome, Jenna. x].
    August 23rd, 2009 at 10:05pm
  • ahah i know what you meant hahah ya i like my first name tho bc its also a guy name so it works :D Alex. I hate girly stuff personally so im glad my name isnt girly :D
    August 23rd, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • Normal is boring :P
    August 23rd, 2009 at 08:35pm
  • colorful should be my middle name but unfortuantly its shelby :P
    August 23rd, 2009 at 07:29pm
  • xD

    G-get up and dance
    Move your body
    August 23rd, 2009 at 02:12pm
  • LOL!
    At first, I had no idea what you were talking about.
    I was just sitting there, looking at it, going 'whaaaaaa....?'
    I had to go to your comments and scroll through them. (:
    And magically delicious. <3 That's me.
    I want a damn teddy bear. -goes to get someone to buy me one-
    August 23rd, 2009 at 07:46am
  • Yeah that would be better haha but I'm just going to do my road trip around NZ first then Uni cuz I know if I take a gap year I'll never go back haha.

    You're not a loser lol.
    I hope I passed xD
    What kind of things do you learn in Biology at your school??
    I wonder if its the same as my school haha

    We're just like replaying the weather to each other each day haha
    We should just start up a weather channel xD

    Yesh, skinnies xD

    Yeah I'm trying to diet for summer and the formal lol but this week hasn't helped much...
    How much is 10 pounds??
    No more chocolate for me...haha.
    August 23rd, 2009 at 01:06am