Mood; Tired
Listening to; Souls on Ten by The Almost
Date; May 21st, 2010

I'm Michelle, I'm seventeen.
I like to write. I think that's kinda obvious though. I want to be a published author, it's as simple as that. It's my form of expression and it takes the shape of words beautifully crafted together. It's where you can see the perception of one's mind, where imagination runs free, an outlet to another world. However, I suck at updating on here, so it's gonna be a while if you wait... but hey! totally worth waiting for right? ha. :) It's because I have too much of an over active imagination. That's the truth for real, I have a huge binder called Stories yet to unfold, tales that must be retold. Oh, and a dresser dedicated to my creative works. I'm crazy, I know. I'm working on a novel right now and i hope to get it published by next year. I REALLY want to be on Oprah's book club before her show ends.
Here's some of my works on here, that's what you wanted right? If you want poetry you're better off searching through my blog.=D!
New Story! The State of Being in Between

Layout made by nephthys. @ gingersnapZ