Retail Therapy

Well, hello my fellow Mibbians, how are you today/tonight? Since you're not talking to me, I am going to assume you're doing well, at least, I hope you are, and if you're not, you should do what I did and take yourself shopping, 'cause it's fun :) I'm not sure about you guys, but shopping, though I hate to admit it, because it is so obscenely girly, but shopping makes me feel good. There, I said...
December 28th, 2010 at 07:01am

Under pressure

Hello world, It's been a while hasn't it? I'm just stopping in, trying to see if anything good will come if I type a little bit about my life, maybe get some interesting responses from other human beings who might get how I feel. There is a very confusing jumble of thoughts and feelings inside of my head. I'm trying really hard to understand my feelings, trying to figure out what and want, and how...
October 21st, 2010 at 04:24am

Pouring my heart out to no one.

Hello! Is anyone out there? Is anybody listening?I feel pretty safe in assuming that no one's going to read this. I'm not ok today, in fact, I'm far from it. I have just heard some news that made my heart sink. I have no idea what to do write now, because I don't really feel like I have anyone who will listen to me. I don't understand why people have to complicate things. My best friend has just...
August 26th, 2010 at 02:30am


Hello my fellow Mibbians! How is everyone doing on this lovely evening? I myself am doing well, and feeling pretty content with my life. As some of you may know, this week is Be The Change week, which is all about supporting positive in the way members of the L.G.B.T.Q. community and their supporters are treated.As some of you may know, and for those of you who don't I am Bisexual. My story,...
June 16th, 2010 at 04:38am

The sexiest thing about anyone is CONFIDENCE! and I've got loads :)

Hello world!!! How is everyone doing on this lovely day?Well, technically, the day is but an hour old where I reside, but still,day nonetheless.I feel that I am quite overdue for a new entry, so here it is.I am a very happy, very busy person these days.I am in two plays, one of which opens in two weeks o.0 .I am trying to balance work and play, and doing the best I can to sate my thirst for...
April 24th, 2010 at 08:13am

This is a toast to friendship, to love,and to life!!!!

Hello world,how are my neighbors on this lovely planet we call home? I am well, very happy, currently spending time with a fellow Mibbian, who, by the way, is one of the greatest friends ever!!! :) In our corner of the world, it is 3:32 am, and there is a beautiful, starry sky outside our window. We are sitting side by side,writing, talking, listening to music, behaving, in general,like the...
March 18th, 2010 at 09:21am

A sanwich, some gushing, a rant, and some more gushing.Anyone wanna take a bite?

Hello big wide world, how are my neighbors on the planet we call Earth? In Case you're wondering, I am well. It is after midnight and I am sitting in front of the computer at my mums, listening to a playlist of songs that I created that make me think of Darren. I am living in my own little world right now, missing him, loving the dark, living in my daydreams, and fighting the urge to go dance in...
March 14th, 2010 at 07:50am

Just felt the need to write

Hello world, how are you tonight? Where I am, it is 11:21 pm, and very quiet, seeing as I am babysitting, and am currently the only person awake.I'm not quite sure where this is heading just yet, but I do have alot of thoughts running through my mind.I would like to say, that I am a very happy girl right now.My life is good, my mind is relaxed, some what, and my outlook is positive.I am feeling...
March 13th, 2010 at 05:58am

How about a round of applause for all the drama queens! -_-

Hello all, how is everyone doing today?i hope all is well in your lives.I am going to talk about something that many of us are familiar with, DRAMA!!! Gotta love it right? When your so called "best friends" start hating you for no reason at all, isn't it just fucking wonderful ? >< Not! So, to explain this a little better, i am going to give you a short form of whats happening.There are...
January 5th, 2010 at 05:01am

I'm in love (Gushing and icky lovey dovey cheesy obsessed teenage girl babel.)

Well, hello world! I'm back again! I would like to warn you now, this will contain excessive gushing and icky lovey dovey cheesy obsessed teenage girl babel.With that being said,I so totally understand if you stop reading, in fact,it may be the best of options, for those who stay Thanks!!Okay, so, I have an amazing boyfriend!!!He's corny and cheesy, and totally adorable! I love him so much!I am...
January 2nd, 2010 at 07:37am

Another year over, wow, how time flies(Could also be called, Lessons I learned)

Hello world! How is everyone doing today?Here where I reside, it is 11:49 am, and very cold outside.It is a beautiful morning, the sun is shining, my house is quiet, and, I am drinking a delicious cup of coffee.I am in a great mood!!! I've got some upbeat music playing, and I'm feeling like today is going to be a good day!Wow.So, anyways, the point of this journal is that it just hit me that the...
December 30th, 2009 at 06:25pm

Life is good.

Hmmm, well, I know I haven't been on in a very long while, and I think I'm over due for some introspective writing.My life has taken a turn for the better.I am still as messed up as I was before,but now, I have someone to let into my delirium, someone who is aware of how fucked up I am, and loves every bit of me.He is my best friend, still, even as a couple, we are best friends who fell in love.I...
December 30th, 2009 at 08:00am

I feel like I'm fine today!!

Alright, so, it's been a while since ive posted anything, I was taking a break from the site, as to avoid my compulsive need to check my ex's profile.I have been working on making myself better, and I am happy to say that I have done a pretty good job! I also just recently celebrated my 15th birthday!!!! YAY GO ME!! Anyways, now for the reason I was struck with the need to write. This week, my...
November 7th, 2009 at 07:17pm

Making Friends

Hello all,How are you?Here where I am, it is 6:20 am, and I am heading out my door for school soon.I am writing on here because i need somewhere to put the jumbled mess inside my brain, before I go fill it up with more.I have been working on listening to what my friend suggested, which is that i socialize whit people outside of my little group. I have discovered that its not as hard as I thought...
October 22nd, 2009 at 12:31pm

Calm, at least for a little while.

Well, I am in an exceptionally good mood, I talked to my "therapist" for a little while, and he seems to have an amazing ability to calm my little breakdowns and bring me to a point where I can understand logic again, which is quite a feet, considering I'm a very stubborn and highly ILLOGICAL person.He calmed the shakes, brought me back down to Earth, away from that little ledge I like to perch...
October 20th, 2009 at 05:58am

More brain gook, just in case anyone cares.

Well, I survived another day of school, another Monday coming to a close, another little tour of hell.I survived, yay, lucky me, I get to do it all over again tomorrow.I'm trying this wonderful technique called denial, my favorite friend.I'm OK I swear(how many times do I have to say that before it's true?)My life is in shambles, but I'm an actress, so I can pretend :)Well, it's not all horrible,I...
October 20th, 2009 at 02:01am

Monday morning brain gook

Alright, good morning all, if its morning where you live! Here where I am, In southern Ontario, it is 6:12 am.I am enjoying my coffee and dreading going out into the cold to catch my bus.If you have been reading my work, you have probably figured out that I am more than just a little INSANE.To add to the list of proofs for that statement, I wake up at 5 am every morning, so I can get ready and...
October 19th, 2009 at 12:26pm

7 things

alright, yea, its inspired by a song, so what.I am hurting and in my cruel ways I want him to be hurting too.He fucked up, and I am a nasty vengeful hateful bitch, and have a need for revenge, and am quite creative in my ways of getting it.So here is a list of why I hate him7 things I hate about you1)I still love you2)you cheated on me with my friend3)I will never be able to take you back4)You...
October 19th, 2009 at 02:43am


Hello all, how is everyone?I am great today, either that or delusional, which is a very strong possibility.i have a question.Have you ever been in love with someone, and then they broke your heart?(most likely, the answer to that one is yes)OK part two of the question is, did you, after breaking up with whomever the heart breaker was, develop a whole bunch of compulsive habits, like checking their...
October 18th, 2009 at 10:23pm


Hey everyone, well, anyone that actually reads this, my little inner workings, my last entry was kinda depressing, but i swear, I am not always like that. This entry is just a huge thanks to 2 of my friends who are like the most amazing people I have ever met.These guys who's names I will not mention, but probably will know who they are if they ever read this, are just the greatest friends I could...
October 17th, 2009 at 10:49pm