Hi! I'm a Failure. / Comments

  • Right? RIGHT!? I'm almost 18. WHERE DID MY LIFE GO?!?! It feels like just yesterday that I was the weird kid who ate playdough (which is a more popular child pastime than I first thought...so now I don't feel so freaky)

    I dread the day I'm too old to party, then there'll be nothing to look forward too.
    Just work then bills to pay, food to buy...and I bet I'll be too busy working and paying bills to eat the food...

    T.V glamourises everything. I wish that after shows about general life would have warning after "DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME!"

    Ooooh OOOHHHH! I can join you. We could be a duo like the weasley twins! But [s]sightly[/s] less ginger. :P
    But I havaen't seen Potter either, I had to cancel my plans for the opportunity of a job. SEE adult life is taking over already! gahhhh!

    Whooooo! Nerdiness!
    December 2nd, 2010 at 08:20pm
  • Me neither I'm going tomorrow with...my mum. :P
    Oh no :( I'm sorry you feel that way but surely there's a reason you took those subjects? Maybe the thought itself of not being able to do them is holding you back. Mind over matter....or I could be wrong.

    I feel that way sometimes, I feel like I'm writing it but not actually feeling/meaning what I'm saying. Then I feel fake.

    Well that's good! :D I'm feeling pretty damn good myself. :)

    Haha! I know! But I want to be a paediatric nurse and I have to go to Uni...for 3 years. I'm gonna be 21 when I finish!
    ...that's a scary thought.
    November 30th, 2010 at 08:12pm
  • Yes. Yes it was. But its okay, the world forgives you xD
    I know how you feel, I've now got to choose what Uni to spend 3 years of my life at after college...

    Shoot me?
    November 7th, 2010 at 08:42pm
  • Awh, well I hope you drop in very often.
    I'm alright.. just incredibly stressed out with school.
    How are you, my love?
    October 27th, 2010 at 10:35pm
  • Hey, it's been ages since we last spoke. Too long.
    I have no lame excuse as to why I haven't replied in so long, nothing happened. Except life, who knew it could be so god damn time consuming? Then there's college which likes to make sucking the life out of me its life long mission. I hate growing up.

    But anyway...
    How are you? Hows life? How's the German band dude? Or are you not into him anymore?

    I ask too many questions......
    August 6th, 2010 at 07:29pm
    June 24th, 2010 at 07:10pm
  • You still active? :S
    June 2nd, 2010 at 01:52pm
  • Haha i saw your name and it made me laugh :)
    May 30th, 2010 at 05:26pm
  • no problem. x]

    and by the way, this part here:

    yeah... that didn't come from me, lol. it probably came from mibba somehow. you could try re-copying and pasting the css code - make sure that the entire css code part is empty before re-pasting. it should go away then. :/
    April 8th, 2010 at 04:09pm
  • hey! thanks for using the layout, telling me you're using, leaving a link and leaving the credits on. :D

    by the way, i'm really sorry. the CSS code i posted was slightly incomplete. >.< if you would be so kind as to replace your entire CSS code with this:

    html body div #menu, html body div #menu a {font-family: times; font-size: 9px; background-color:#FFE3BD; color:#ffffff; }

    html body div #options, html body div #options a { font-family: times; font-size: 9px; background-color: #FFE3BD; color:#ffffff;}

    html body div #options span a, html body div #options span { font-family: times; font-size: 9px; background-color: #FFE3BD; color:#ffffff;}

    html body div #options span a:hover, html body div #options a:hover, html body div #menu a:hover {font-size: 9px; color: #C2AC8D; font-family: times; text-transform: lowercase;}

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    font-family: georgia;
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    color: #B89A74;

    color: #D1BB9D;

    a:link, a:visited, a:active{
    color: #4F4334;
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    color: #E0BA89;
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    letter-spacing: 1px;
    April 7th, 2010 at 12:54pm
  • Oh haha, I completely misunderstood, HAHA. When you said make-up, I immediately though of cosmetics. Haha.

    Architecture and medicine are two very mature topics, you're smart. My friend wants to do medicine and then go to poor countries and give out free injections. I thought that was really admirable. I really want to do something to do with literature or writing. Maybe write my own novel, have my own column in a newspaper or famous magazine, write a comic, who knows? Haha.

    I've never read Death Note, but I ALWAYS hear about it. I might try it out one day, just for everyone else's sake, haha.

    Most of my friends talk about becoming a photographer, but I don't have much interest for the topic. It'd be kinda cool, but not suited for me. Painting is such an amazing talent to have, my friend is lucky. Sadly, I can't say I specialise in anything. :(
    April 6th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • Make up classes? As in, face make up? What do you do in a class like that? It sounds kind of fun, my girly girl side is somewhat intrigued. :P I was considering doing a class that like, 'taught' girls to behave womanly, have good posture, etiquette.. etc.

    So what do you want to be when you're older then?

    Haha, I've loved it for ages. And I still love it. I love all of my comics as well. I collect Archie comments, I got a couple hundreds. :D I'm a freak. I love the Kingdom Hearts manga. XD

    Omg, i envy people with one passion in their lives as well! It'd be soo cool. You'd feel so purposeful, you know? I don't change my mind every day, I just can't find anything that I'm good at. :( I want to become anything to do with books (author, collumnist, journalist, comic artist..) It'd be so cool. (y)
    April 5th, 2010 at 12:09pm
  • Oh, well maybe you did reply, and I just missed it. I always read comments, and tell myself I'll reply later when I have time, and much too often I forget to reply. :P So I completely get you.

    YAY, for us! Well I've got 2 more days of my little Easter break, then 4 days of school, and then 2 weeks of holidays! WOOT! So what are your holidays for? And howcome you have them for soo long? I'm jealous. :(

    I haven't seen Alice in Wonderland yet. :( I will one daaaay. :D I was going to the other night, but I couldn't be bother, because we finished dinner earlier than we expected and couldn't be bothered to hang around the mall for 2 hours before the movie started.

    I love manga. :) Hmm, some good books aye? Well, Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman is really great. So is The Resistance by Gemma Mally (I think that's the author's name..)
    April 4th, 2010 at 02:30am
  • Comment meeee. :( I miss you.
    April 1st, 2010 at 11:46am
  • Oh god, my friends used to be the same. I went out with this sweet guy called Thibaut, and he was a french-streamer and wasn't very popular (we're kinda of what you could call popular). Well my friends pretty much peer pressured me into breaking up with him. I mean, we were having problems, but a break-up wasn't really necessary. I was young, and wasn't very strong, but I'm a much better person now. So it seems we have similar friends. :)

    I never get into any fights. I've never been in a fight. I'm not confrontational enough. Lots of people say I'm the nicest in the school, but I'm sure there are other unnoticed people who are MUCH nicer.
    March 22nd, 2010 at 11:05am
  • Yeah, nah I get ya. Getting back with him would be slightly weird. But here's the thing. He didn't really explain properly in detail as to why we broke up. So I never knew why. All I do know is what people have told me, which is stuff like he; broke up with me because the most popular girl in the school broke up with her boyfriend and was 'up for grabs'; and that he broke up with me because I was too frigid.

    But I was talking to my good asian friend tonight, and he was telling me how he spoke to Dean a few weeks before he broke up with me, and Dean told him that he thought I was changing and shit and that I used to be nice and stuff and now that I'm all flirty. I don't think I was flirty, but like, I feel so relieved because it's such a decent excuse to break up with someone. You know what I mean?

    I hung out with him on Friday for a bit, it wasn't particularly awkward. When I'm with him, I don't like him as much, but when I'm not with him, I'm like IN LOVE with him. FML.
    March 21st, 2010 at 12:07pm
  • Oh god I hope not. Toupees just don't do it for me.
    March 7th, 2010 at 09:58pm
  • I'm sorry it's taken an age for me to write back, I did try and post a comment a few days ago but it kept failing. I got mad, so decided to leave it for a few days.

    Yeah that's happened to me a few times, usually when I'm typing to you. As a matter of fact, this is my second attempt at writing this comment as I accidently clicked outside the box and it disappeared. Grrr. =/

    I've been sick too. High five! I keep doing that thing where I wake up in the early hours of the morning coughing and although I'm so very tired, I can't go back to sleep because every time I swallow I trigger another coughing fit. Double grrrr.
    Ungrounded? YAY! *pulls party popper*

    Now that's dedication, I applaud you, not everyone can go the distance. xD

    Not going for a culinary career then? At least no one died......did they?

    I do dig. Do you dig, dawg?

    Okay, I'll refrain from beating him up (not that I'm that powerful anyway) in case I contract a flesh eating virus. From what I hear, they're not that fun. But what a douche, that fact that he can't even be happy for you just adds to his doucheness.

    Pah, boys. I don't really want a boyfriend because....I can't be arsed. Now that sound lazy but I am, they take up too much time. Although there is this guy I like at college....a smidge...maybe. He smiled at me the other day and I went all shy. ME SHY! Gawd.

    On another note, the Tim Burton version has Johnny Depp in it, of course. xD

    Okay, we're on the same page then. When I was at the hospital and the doctors were talking about what I'd had done, I was like, huh? When I get stressed I have panic attacks in which I have a little fall out with my lungs, because they don't want to work. =/

    We should sue, we'd make a bomb. In fact we discussed it on here so we've got proof, lets get crackin' xD
    March 7th, 2010 at 09:56pm
  • Aw, sucks for you. Goddamit, I am so sick of guys at the moment. I would consider becoming a nun if I weren't so goddam horny. :P Haha, jokes, I'm not horny. I just love boys. ;)

    Eh, me and Dean.. :S We broke up basically, if that's not obvious. :P I see him practically everyday, he reckons me and my bestfriend are the hottest girls in school. Aye-aye. ;) Well, maybe not school.. just grade. :P He texted me the other day, asking me who I liked. I still like him, but I said I was interested in out of school guys. And he didn't text back. :S
    March 4th, 2010 at 05:07am
  • Oh my gosh, it seems we're both in the same position. I don't like anyone either. Well, like-like anyways. ;) I'm sorry 'whats-his-face' is selfish and self absorbed. Well did you get a valentines on Valentine's Day? Dude, I do not want to talk about my day, it was embarrassing. :S I swear to god, I only got the loosers who like me. I NEVER get anyone decent... Accept for that Dean guy, which you might remember.. Boy, he was fiiiiine. ;)
    March 1st, 2010 at 11:59am