Hi! I'm a Failure. / Comments

  • HERE I AM! Loverly, it's nice here.
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:48am
  • Yeah...I'm going to keep going 'til I get to #340.
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:48am
  • I think you [i]did[/i] break my comment box. But now it's better. Yay. xD

    p.s. Spam or no spam, It's amusing. =P
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:46am
  • You know what? I began to read it then gave up. It gave me a headache. Please tell me you copied and pasted those and didn't write them out.

    First try sounds so adorable, and that's not a word I use often.
    If you're on about 'New Perspective' then yes I have heard it, if you're on about something else then no I haven't. :)
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:43am
    (Nobody understands meee!)

    Hmmm let me think...How about a picture of us sat on a beach surrounded by palm trees in straight-jackets, heads tilted to the side, teeth missing and a psycotic grin on our faces with blood dribbling from our mouths above the line, 'wish you where here' or simply 'paradise' or rather creepily 'join us'. Think it over. xD

    Haha yes that was what I meant by 'thing'. ;)

    Yeah...well...you didn't know what a volavont was. =P
    Hmm they sound nice i'm gonna go and google them.

    Oh yes it really sounds like you're trying to restrain yourself. xD So what you saying is no matter where he is you stare at him. Wow, that must mean that you have x-ray vision. =O

    Haha, watch yourself you maneater. =P

    What we have [i]is[/i] special, I'm so sorry! It was a moment of weakness! He means nothing to me. FORGIVE MEEEE!
    I've never had my hair cut in a salon, ever. I don't trust them. You want one thing and they do something completely different. Fiends.

    My hair has been cut shorter but by a family friend (who is also hairdresser) so I'm confident that I don't have any bald patches at the back, you better check.....
    August 24th, 2009 at 10:33am
    I changed my layout and everything! Are you proud of me? XD
    August 24th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • Hahaha, I think I read that too. Oh well. I love Rob and his hoboiliciousness. :D
    August 23rd, 2009 at 09:17pm
  • P.S. I kinda sorta am in love with your About Me.
    August 22nd, 2009 at 06:55am
  • Thanks! I love it too. :D

    Hmm... I guess I probably hate dirty-ness the most. Or just douchey-ness in general. As long as the guy is nice and clean, I'm good. :P Haha.
    August 22nd, 2009 at 06:54am
  • crap..lol sorry i forgot the link:
    here ya go.. it's on wikipedia.. :

    August 19th, 2009 at 03:26pm
  • dude.. awesome profile!
    it's like, way better than mine!
    lol, anyway, thank you,
    ha, I mentioned that twice now..anyway,
    Z for Zachariah is about..oh, I can't be bothered lol..sorry, click the following link for the info:

    i'm too lazy to type it up on here lol.
    so what i was about to say was, AWESOME!!
    coz i need to read some more books, i've gone completely dull and haven't even read since a couple of months back.
    eeeepppp, what's happening to ME?
    -cough- sorry..anyway, yes we do need to catch up..coz i've been away a lot..and yeh, hows life?
    ha, what an original saying..

    bye xox
    August 19th, 2009 at 03:23pm
  • OMG, I MISS MY RANTING TOO! Lol, haha jokes. My ranting is incredibly dull and bleak, but i shall rant if that is what you want. Yes, it seems I abandon mibba quite regularly these days, I'm sorry. Is The Time Traveler's Wife good? I will read it if it is. :)

    Omg, I love it when I get my haircut. It feels so different and cool. Whenever i get my hair cut, I always get something really different. Last time I went, I got my full on fringe. :) My fringe is growing out a bit, but not much. I sometimes cut my own hair, not a whole hair cut, just sometimes a little snip here and there to fix things up.

    Why no school for the rest of the week? Damn, I wish that was the same case with me. I'm stuck with school, still for another five weeks. LAME. I hate school. Everything's been so gay lately.

    Va va voom. It seems everytime I comment you, you have a new lover! So who is this heart stealer, hey? DETAILS PLEASE! I've never thought of becoming a nun, I don't think I'd survive, lol.

    Not to worry, my long-comment-writing skills are a little dodgy. I will work on them, lol.

    August 19th, 2009 at 01:26pm
  • YO!
    Sorry I haven't been on.
    Gah! Been busy cause I did work experience.
    And trust me, it wasn't very interesting...lol.
    Anyway, I haven't forgotten about you yet!
    Hah, your like, awesome to talk to. :)
    lol..anyway, I love those Beat It jackets.
    I'm like, "I WANT ONE... NOW! GIMME GIMME GIMME!' ^.^

    Anyway, I've heard of My Sister's Keeper.
    I was searching the other day for some interesting books to read since I just finished Z for Zachariah, and after reading that, I came across that as a top best summer reading book!
    By the way, have I asked if you've read Z for Zachariah?
    August 18th, 2009 at 09:14am
    Pardon my absence.
    I have been so busy. :(
    It sucks majorly.
    But I am currently obsessed
    It's sorta hopeless romantic.
    But atm, I'm reading
    It's cooooooooooool.
    And awesome. Sorry.
    I have no idea why I am
    ranting about my current

    August 18th, 2009 at 12:17am
  • I loved Fred...and
    George's ear haha! I
    cried when he died, and
    when Snape died.
    Actually I was happy at
    first, and then I read the
    next chapter and was
    like "NOOOOO"
    Even if they are
    fictional, we still love
    them like they were real
    <3 Who knows why?
    I think I'd probably be in
    Hufflepuff,,,at least that's
    what the Facebook quiz
    told me =P
    I'd personally want to
    either be in Gryffindor
    (awesome people, plus,
    hello? Weasley twins
    or Ravenclaw (Luna is
    wicked, plus I think they
    have the coolest common
    Stupid question, but did
    you see the newest movie
    August 16th, 2009 at 11:33pm
  • Yeah, I'm not even gonna try to do my homework until Sunday night...haha. I'm like a professional procrastinator. I got mad skillz, yo. :P

    Eww, wax in his hair? Gross. :/
    August 16th, 2009 at 12:14am
  • haha Secret Circle was
    pretty good, but her
    Night World series was
    amazing. It's not
    just witches it's also
    vampires, werewolves
    and shapeshifters too.
    Man I love Harry Potter.
    It's amazing, especially
    Fred Weasley...just saying
    August 15th, 2009 at 05:13pm
  • Of course I remember you, silly! I'm not THAT crazy! Hahaha.

    Not much. I'm just busy with school stuff, unfortunately. =[ What about you?
    August 15th, 2009 at 06:01am
  • Umm, I didn't really
    think about it. I'm
    not too good with that
    kind of stuff.
    Yeah, I'll definitely
    watch it. I love VD.
    Haha my sister is in
    love with True Blood.
    Umm, I'll read anything
    fantasy or vampire
    related, you know?
    If something inpossible
    doesn't happen in it,
    I'll put the book down and
    walk away...except for
    the Clique, that's my
    weakness XD
    So, have you read any
    other of LJ Smith's
    (sorry it's all centeredish
    August 15th, 2009 at 02:58am
  • Oh wow. =O I. LOVE. IT. how did you find it and is it a cover or is it one of his, 'cause there was a little debate about it on the comments.

    P.S. My little sis asked my mum what a volavont was as I was writing the first comment. Weirrrd. =p

    That ↓ comment makes no sense. xD
    August 10th, 2009 at 05:38pm