A Stream of Glee - Comments

  • Cryptic Ink

    Cryptic Ink (100)

    United States
    PLEASE READ ----

    Alright, I'm sorry that this particular poem hasn't been organized in stanzas and whatnot, but when I wrote this, I wasn't really thinking about the rhyming scheme or the "beat" as you'd have it. All I was trying to do was get this...raw emotion out in words as they came to me while I was still feeling it. Mind you, there is some rhyming buried down in there somewhere so I still consider this some kind of poem.

    That aside, I hope whoever comes here doesn't leave automatically upon seeing a chunk of words through together in a few seemingly ongoing sentences. This right here is like a thought and it's how the words actually came to me as I wrote the poem.

    I hope you guys like it, and I would LOVE comments. I'll even do my best to return the favor. ^_^


    August 13th, 2009 at 04:28am