Constellations of the Heart - Comments

  • I really like the descriptive writing you've put into this (as the people who've commented before me have pointed out :) ) Just wanting to make sure I've gotten the picture right, here's my summary of the poem itself.

    A girl is reminiscing about a past love (judging from the seriousness of this, perhaps first love?). This lost love of hers hurt her so much that she tried to forget about him but as we all know shoving pain to the side usually doesn't work. But now she's finally able to open those closed doors in her heart and is letting herself relive the memory of them together.

    So begins the memory (more like a dream, or nightmare depending on how you look at it). I'm guessing that she knew that things between them had been kind of rocky and unsteady for a while. Just assuming that she envisions herself in a garden that could be symbolic for the paradise that makes lovers blind to when things go wrong. Then the boy appearing and telling her to do what she thinks is right for her, forget about what her feelings for him might be telling her to do. To me I got the image that he was asking for her to forgive him for hurting her but that he knows that nothing he can do can right the wrong that's been done.

    And then she asks him for one last night together, kind of like a final goodbye. While laying underneath the stars in each other's embrace, she's trying to find the right words to say. When she finally does, she acknowledges what she doesn't want to. That even though he's sorry he's hurt her, he has no intentions of stopping the cheating and the lying. And she's tired of it all. Of pretending everything okay, that they're a perfect couple, etc.

    So they say goodbye and go their separate ways, but nothing will erase the time they've had together. Instead she's chosen to cherish the time they've had together, but now that their umbrella is ruined with no hopes of repair, she waits for a new love to around.

    The last two sentences are my favorites XD

    "After all this time together, there comes a time to fly,
    And only the ladybugs know how or why"

    Thanks for entering my contest and good luck :)
    January 15th, 2011 at 08:44pm
  • Absolutely adored it. Worthy of its win.
    February 7th, 2010 at 05:52am
  • Just amazing.

    Congratulations on winning the contest :)
    December 20th, 2009 at 08:45pm
  • Extremely descriptive and moving. The words themselves piece together beautifully. They flow straight through each other. It's amazing. It's like an Aero bar melting on your tongue. It was well written, with a great starting idea. The dialogue was perfectly placed and useful. Breathtakingly beautiful!
    December 7th, 2009 at 07:24am
  • Absolutley amazing! Amazing writing, and its normaly hard and really doesn't work for people when they use rhyme, but it's great with this poem. Loved it :)
    November 3rd, 2009 at 06:09pm