The Cherry Drop (La Houle Rouge Cerise) - Comments

  • Penguin.

    Penguin. (350)

    United Kingdom
    Okay, let me just start by saying I freakin' love this!.
    I especially love the imagery presented in this poem, especially in the first half of the poem, especially in the third and fourth verse, '[i]In your bomber jacket, I remember it well
    With the white cuffs stained with an odd yellow tinge
    Of Nicotine. You don't look your best.
    Either side of your powdered nose is a

    Rose-coloured sore and, although turned-up
    And lovely, is sporting a rather ugly
    Silver bull ring,
    Like I could clip on a leash and tow you home[/i]

    That really stands out for me and I have to say it is possibly me favourite part of the poem.
    I really think this is one of your best and hope that all your others are as amazing and excellent in the future XD
    November 21st, 2009 at 07:25pm