So Alone - Comments

  • rose.pricked.lovers

    rose.pricked.lovers (100)

    United States
    I LOVE POEMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They give me happiness. Even the sad ones like this one. I like it because it follows like a chant. Like something pumped into someone's head until they chant it over and over, believeing the words no matter how bad. That being said it takes on a whole new meaing to me. Instead of a teen depression poem it's a teen revolt against depression poem. A sort of this is what they tell us. This is what's normal. Break the trend of believers. I know, not what you were thinking but take credit anyway, cause I'm impressed. A poem has a thousand meanings, everyone the author writes but only he one he means to. Take credit for all of them thgouh.
    Here's your Christmas. Thanks for letting me rip apart your poem, I love poems more then air.
    February 10th, 2010 at 07:03am