All The Things We Promised Will Never Come True. - Comments

  • KayJay

    KayJay (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Reminds me of one of mine Really nice work tho.

    All hope is gone, gone for me.
    For me hope is one thing I cannot see.
    I have no hopes for me anymore
    Hope is a rare virtue mines on the floor

    Down the road I once stayed
    Life was good there. But I was only just made
    As a child we have no responsibilitys in life
    It was just us, brothers and sister and the farthers wife.

    I have an unscratchable itch
    You know who I miss that guy called .....
    I'm not in love with him still
    But though thoughts I cannot kill

    I still miss him today
    I wish my thoughts would fade away
    It's the time of rememberance
    Novemeber and all.

    The coffe shop, the market place, the museum of many.
    I can never remember anything else.
    The thoughts was never even that great
    Its just to seem to left me in this state

    They say nothing is as good as your first
    I can't find anything to clench this thirst
    Down this road we must go
    All this river does it flow

    I want to get away from here
    Meet somebody new I still shead a tear
    They'll always be a place for you.
    In this heart in mine,
    But I know All hope is gone, gone for me.
    April 24th, 2010 at 02:18am