Under Your Umbrella - Comments

  • I really like this, in my opinion although maybe not needed the capitalization wasn't too distracting, as it definitely didn't take me away from the genuis that is your poem (: I really like this, it has quite an unexplainable rhytm thats hard to explain, but makes for a really nice read. I love how you took apart the whole concept of 'under your umbrella' and really broke it down. its really effective how you repeat those words again and again. Really well done, I really like this! x
    November 26th, 2010 at 08:31am
  • thnxs dude for the advice srry i just capitalitze ramdonly idk even if i spelled that right:D lmao. anyway srry 4 distracting u with emphasizing words that weren't suppose to be.
    June 16th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • Can I drop you some advice?

    Don't capitalize random words. It's extremely distracting. I couldn't even get through this because I kept getting confused on what your purpose was in the pattern of capitalization. It's different if you wanted to put an [i]emphasis[/i] on a particular word for a profound meaning, but I don't see any reason for it here. Just...normal capitalization, okay?

    ^.^ Hope this helped.

    May 31st, 2010 at 03:41am