All To Much - Comments

  • Lurking_shadow

    Lurking_shadow (100)

    It pains me so much to know what you are going through. I so badly want to prevent any more harm coming to you. Anything at all I can do to save you from this please let me. I can't let this continue, it is too sickening to see you in this state.

    Your poem is amazing but the subject in such a terrible one. Powerful but I'd do anything to prevent you from having this happen to you. I'd gladly take this torment to save you from it.

    You are extremely talented. Never have I met someone so caring, strong or giving. He is completely blind to not see how amazing you are. He should be kissing the ground you walk on hoping that the specks of dust left behind that have felt the touch of your shoe could provide him just a second of your Incredibleness.
    November 7th, 2010 at 10:57am