Man Overboard. - Comments

  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Fro the first line I could see that this poem would be drenched in emotion, and I was right.

    The narrator abviously broke up with her lover, she ppushed the other person away because her heart wasn't ready yet. We can see that in the first stanza.

    The narrator has built a wall where she drowns in self-pity (for unknown reasons to us; readers, yet) and she imagines her lover screaming loudly, creating another image on the reader's mind.

    because I would rather hear the screams,
    than never hear your voice again

    Why never hear that person's voice? That wasn't explained and I can only wonder. I mean, I get that its better to hear someone yelling that being mute, because still that person will show emotion but why si she sure he won't just calmly speak to her? Maybe because in fact, he never did? Just saying...

    At the fifth stanza the narrator talks about the scars she sees as beautiful, yet her lover was mad upon seeing them.

    The last two stanzas shw the narrator's wish for her lover to understand her and accept her for who she really is, while listening to her pain and accepting her trust.

    -Maria. :)
    May 7th, 2014 at 04:21pm