You've Got Me (Like No One Else Ever Did) - Comments

  • stencil heart.

    stencil heart. (100)

    United States
    D: It kind of hurt to read this.
    [i]Devoid of the happiness you trust in so blindly.[/i]
    That line is brilliant. Devoid is such a great word, first off, and then it provokes a lot of thought into being happy.

    [i]Blood seeps from the open wound at my wrist.
    The red paint no longer brings
    the same satisfaction.[/i]
    This makes me sorta sad. I wish I could hug you. But the way it's broken up is nice and artistic.

    [i]Misery can't get enough of me;[/i]
    I normally don't like rhyming, but this one was subtle and classy. It sounds like a line in a song, it's great.

    [i]These walls are tearing me apart,
    The way you once did.[/i]
    That. So much thought came from those two lines.

    Overall this was excellent, despite it being such a sad poem. You have a great way with words, and the way you broke it up was perfectly fitting.
    I don't even have any suggestions, honestly. This is perfect and twinged so many nostalgic heartstrings.
    February 11th, 2011 at 04:50am