The Color of Life - Comments

  • stencil heart.

    stencil heart. (100)

    United States
    [i]They sail me across the mountain peaks,
    past the moon,
    the sun,
    the stars.
    Take me away like I've been begging for years.[/i]
    I love how you don't stop with them taking you higher than you've ever been, you describe it and add layer after layer to the emotion. And the way it's broken up is excellent, the flow is perfect for the words.
    [i]Light my eyes with the color of life.[/i] This is my favorite line. So much... feeling.

    [i]You're so convinced you're bad for me,
    You can't see you're the best I've ever had.
    Why should I be anything,
    if I can't be
    your everything?[/i]
    I know exactly how this feels. So I really relate, and the "Why should I be anything?" is exactly how it feels. You've captured the feeling perfectly.

    [i]You can't be alive
    with a soul as dead as mine.[/i]
    This line literally brought tears to my eyes. I'm definitely quoting you on this one. Morbid, but good.
    [i]The scars on my wrist tell all the stories
    you scream not to hear,
    they break you down,[/i]
    More thought-provoking lines. 'you scream not to hear' paints such a picture. I can see it happening, I can imagine every bit of this stanza.

    The entire last stanza feels kinda like lyrics to me. I like the repetition of "I've been begging" and the different lines in between. You give the reader a real picture of what's going through your mind.
    The last line is so conclusive. It feels like you said it and just walked away.
    I love this one as well.
    February 11th, 2011 at 05:02am
  • DanKoteas

    DanKoteas (100)

    United Kingdom
    You can really feel the desperation for love and the concept of being free. But ask yourself? can another person really free you? or just create a whole new prison for you to dwell in.
    February 7th, 2011 at 01:14am
  • hypmatizarism

    hypmatizarism (100)

    United States
    Good job =). Even though it is depressing I like the way you wrote it Xd.
    February 7th, 2011 at 01:13am