I Keep On Crying - Comments

  • we_should_be_lovers

    we_should_be_lovers (100)

    United States
    Wow, I don't know if you really cut or if you just wrote that poem but I want you to know that you really aren't alone. I've never cut myself but a lot of my friends have .I don't really have any good friends that haven't except maybe one. After so long, they just cut because they've relied on it so long, they don't know how to handle pain anymore. I don't expect anyone to stop cold turkey but I hope that you can get better and don't have to face so much pain that you have to result in this. I know life is hard. Talk to me or someone whenever you feel like you need to do this. Cuz even if you don't know it, me and I'm sure your friends are here for you. :)
    February 18th, 2008 at 04:30pm
  • miss_unknown

    miss_unknown (100)

    hey, i can relate to that feeling a lot! just know that you're not alone!!
    *hugs you*
    February 17th, 2008 at 10:30pm