Remembrance - Comments

  • This is quite beautiful. I really like it. Your theme is compelling and your language is enthralling.
    [i]I stall can’t remember what our love was like.[/i]- I believe that was supposed to say "still" instead of "stall"; just in case you didn't notice.
    October 28th, 2011 at 07:36am
  • But until that time, I shall hold tight to a single rose. The same one that is in your hand.
    It has been bathed in our blood.
    A dark promise of love that will wither when we die.
    Both of us shall become ash and only the rose will remain.
    The blood red rose and the story of its star-cross lovers.

    Star cross lovers reminds me of the hunger games. I love those books. I love the imagrey behind this.
    August 21st, 2011 at 02:17am