They told me to believe, but I never asked in what. - Comments

  • RobynEstelle

    RobynEstelle (100)

    United States
    this.... is beautiful. absolutely incredible.

    For a while, i would have agreed with you straight up. I grew up in a Catholic household and then all of a sudden, I lost my faith. your poem describes exactly how i felt until i reconciled with myself and decided that Catholicism just wasn't for me. The beautiful Tanya Davis said, "It's okay if no one believes like you. All experience is unique, no one has the same synapses, can't think like you, for this be releived, keeps things interesting lifes magic things in reach... if your family doesn't get you, or religious sect is not meant for you, don't obsess about it." and that really got to me. Currently, I'm just letting myself be:)

    keep your head up, and keep writing
    June 25th, 2011 at 07:12am