Fuck off, Dude. You Suck Cow Tits. - Comments

  • I've Lost My Mind

    I've Lost My Mind (100)

    United States
    I have to admit, the title's what made me click on it :P But it's, well, the first thing that came to my mind was "Dayyyumm" 'cause, even though it's written casually without all that sometimes annoying twenty-four syllable word crap, it has feeling.

    For example, when I read it, I got the impression that you were just tired and sick and fed up with whatever this person was doing. Kinda like "-.- You know? Fuck you and your imaginary friend". It seems stupid to say that, since it's plainly wrote out in the poem, but I mean the [i]feeling[/i] of the poem was fed up and tired, like if you stripped it of the words, you'd still rel...

    Yeah, so, enough of my babbling! Point is, I really love this piece :) Great work!
    August 1st, 2011 at 06:40am