My Heart Will Still Flutter - Comments

  • blue-and-dark

    blue-and-dark (100)

    United States
    if he makes you happy, it's always worth it.

    trust me.

    The way boys/potential lovers work:
    1. If he hates you, he probably likes you.
    2. If he doesn't care, he's not worth it.
    3. If he uses you as a personal TV show and mocks you 24/7, get the fuck away from him, he will fucking break your heart.
    4. If he's shy, dig deeper; the shy ones at my school are usually stoners.
    5. If he's a dork, try to see him from someone else's eyes; is he a good or bad breed of dork?
    6. If he stares at you, again, dig deeper; either he's into you or weirded out.
    7. If he's hot, go for it until you figure out a reason not to.
    8. If he's your best friend, [u]tell him(her) when he asks what's wrong.[/u] They're the ones who should really understand you. Your best chances.
    --In this case, if he's all like LET'S DATE, you're lucky.
    --Not sure, just keep hanging on.
    --Cuts off all connection with you, well, fuck him
    --Accepts your need to cuddle and luff and sexually consume Swedish Fish... you/I struck out lucky.
    9. If he's dating someone else, uh, wallow in self-pity and sing obnoxious songs at him. (no experience with that one)
    10. If he's an idiot and you KNOW he's an idiot, just go away already.

    September 5th, 2011 at 04:21pm