The secrets of mistaken identity - Comments

  • VeiledInsanity

    VeiledInsanity (150)

    Wow I have to say this poem is really amazing and quite unique. I've read poems of this similar style of poetry but still nothing quite like this. With both your word choice mixed with the way you placed things really made this poem something interesting and wonderful to read.

    Some of my few critiques though are that some of the lines seemed a bit unnecessary or if they did fit the poem, they way you placed them didn't. I know it can be hard with this poem, placing everything just right (Especially with how hard it can be to code a poem like this :P) But I really feel that if you got rid of some things/moved a few words around this poem would be even more impacting than it already is.

    Grammar, I'm not a grammar nazi or anything and am happy as long as it's readable and if you choose to ignore some rules for style, that's perfectly okay :) I did find a few places where commas would have really added a sense of flow and made this easier to read but they were so few and far between that it isn't a major worry.

    The one thing that you should do is fix the title of the poem. The way you've put it up goes against mibba rules, from what I know, it should be like this. "The Secrets of Mistaken Identity"

    What I really have to compliment in this poem is your word choice. While you didn't necessarily send me running t my dictionary from an overuse of a thesaurus, you instead seemed to use common words but mixed them up enough that the word choice seemed to be lacking. I really have nothing but praise for this category since it can be really hard to find that perfect balance between wordy and understandable.

    Honestly this poem was really difficult for me to critique because I really enjoyed reading it. with the structure giving a visual side to the poetry coupled with your word choice and the current of emotions you had pushing until the very end. Well, that doesn't leave a lot to complain/critique about. Anyways, hopefully you find my suggestions helpful, but really all in all I just want to say, good job :)
    February 6th, 2012 at 05:59pm