Let it Be - Comments

  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    I do want to start off by just pointing out a couple minor errors, just to get the nitpicky stuff out of the way:

    Stanza 2, Line 3: "don;t" should be "don't"

    Stanza 3, Line 1: "Your" should be "you're."

    What's really tricky about rhyming poetry is that often, flow is sacrificed to make the end lines rhyme; that happens here, in the form of meter. Of course, not all rhyming poetry has to have meter, and sometimes rhyme can be intentionally irregular, but here the way some lines only have a few syllables and others have many interrupts the flow for the sake of rhyme.

    I want to say this in a way that isn't harsh, because the sentiment in the poem is very obviously real and heartfelt, but it doesn't pull the reader in because it's done often in very vague generalizations. I would like to see some sensory language here: You mentioned "memories of you flood my head." I'd like to know what those memories are. The speaker talks about crying and how hard life is without this person; it's spoken in generalization, and I'd like specifics to make me feel the way the speaker does. Does that make sense? The poem has so much great emotion to it; I'd just like to see it evoked in a concrete way that makes the reader feel what the speaker does.

    One thing I found really interesting is in the fourth stanza, the rhyme pattern changes: instead of ABCB, it's ABBC. This often represents a turning point in the poem, and it can be a very effective way to draw attention to a certain stanza.
    April 22nd, 2012 at 01:01am