Blackbird - Comments

  • Elephant PJs

    Elephant PJs (365)

    New Zealand
    I love the repetition of the Blackbird and the questions. Coupled with the ending, it is also totally appropriate and effective.

    The psychological element is integrated really neatly and it carries so much impact too. I had to reread the ending just to make sure what I'd read was for real. It's almost like we'd being stringed along by the blackbird descriptions and then there's the shock of the narrator's own actions. It was a very clever twist.

    It leaves me with several questions at the end but in the best way possible. It's like you need to take a moment to reconsider what you've read and that makes it a truly excellent piece.

    You have the tiniest grammar issue in the third stanza with the "it's."

    Anyway, I really like this. It's intelligent and well executed. Beautiful.
    November 19th, 2012 at 11:04am