Black Stallion - Comments

  • sixftdeep

    sixftdeep (100)

    I understand how this poem represents being brave and fearless, so you did meet your objective for the poem. What I don't understand is why compare being fearless to a stallion? what I think makes someone's poems meaningful is when no on can write a poem like them. Anyone can compare fears to a horse, but it takes a talented person to compare it to something personal. If you still like the idea of a black stallion portraying fearlessness, then I'd suggest putting more of yourself into the poem so that the reader can feel what your trying to say. - sorry if I came off rough, but overall I think that this poem has potential.
    June 20th, 2012 at 02:24am
  • sixftdeep

    sixftdeep (100)

    I understand how this poem represents being brave and fearless, so you did meet your objective for the poem. What I don't understand is why compare being fearless to a stallion? what I think makes someone's poems meaningful is when no on can write a poem like them. Anyone can compare fears to a horse, but it takes a talented person to compare it to something personal. If you still like the idea of a black stallion portraying fearlessness, then I'd suggest putting more of yourself into the poem so that the reader can feel what your trying to say. - sorry if I came off rough, but overall I think that this poem has potential.
    June 20th, 2012 at 02:24am