Run - Comments

  • This is superb. It really reminds of the game The Big Bad Wolf from when I was little. You know, the one with the times (I think...)! Anyway, enough of me, this really is brilliant. Hoping you get some more comments (another 4 to be exact) so we can find out the real meaning of this poem. Well done, good work!
    August 3rd, 2012 at 12:28pm
  • Very provocing and stimulating to the imagination. As a poem I would say this is coated in marshmellow fluff and covered in reese's hard shell chocolate which goes to say AWESOME! I'm curious as to know the intention of this poem because I get the sense of either a cold realistic view of reality or the underlining witness of life experience around a mental trauma, physical ailment, trauma with an interrelationship, or drug affliction. But those are my thoughts on it. One red hood in the Forrest.
    August 3rd, 2012 at 09:29am