Wind It Up - Comments

  • Maggie_gaga0_0

    Maggie_gaga0_0 (100)

    United States
    I like how you compared love to a toy.
    I think it has some irony though because people tend to play with others hearts and they end up getting hurt, but i like how you seen it in a different perspective. Sometimes it's hard for people to just enjoy what they have while they have it. Often people look back and wish they did enjoy it when it's too late.

    Great work. I also like this because it's true. You have to work harder if you want it to last longer, and i don't think some people understand that.

    It's beautiful to say the least. :)

    Please check out some of my poems and return the favor. I'd appreciate it. :)
    September 23rd, 2012 at 06:36pm