a visit from my ex - Comments

  • @ The Doctor
    thank you. i'll be sure to make corrections as soon as possible and keep these things in mind. often times, in the heat of the moment, i overlook the tiniest errors and, since i normally don't re-read my work and have an attachment to them, i post them immediately to wherever i wanted to put it.

    but thank you. i'm glad you enjoyed it.

    seth w.
    January 6th, 2013 at 08:11am
  • Very nice. The ending is really beautifully written. You have some little errors and parts that have holes in them, though.
    Here are a few spots:
    "I felt the years flying pass me." It should be 'past'.
    When Chris says, "Careful, Ya' f*cker!" it's not obvious to the reader as to why. He is described as being impatient and having a hot temper, but you say "Chris was patiently waiting in the car." For him to suddenly explode like that was unbelievable to me as a reader, and contradicts how you described him as patient.

    When you describe the main character putting the bags in the car, the words "bag" and "sweat" are repeated when a more diverse selection could be used. Also, why would sweat be forming in heaps just by picking up a few bags of an ex girlfriend's stuff? You described what was in them, so we know it couldn't be that much- you even said that there were two bags, so...

    The stanza where he removes the items from his closet has one little mistake: The last four lines are talking about people, which is plural, but you end it with "life", which is singular. Just a little, easy thing to fix. "For the rest of their lives."

    Well, other than those really minor things, this is a really great poem. I NEVER read through long poems, but you were able to write it in a way that held my attention.
    January 6th, 2013 at 03:18am
  • Oh yeah, and the poem's good. The imagery is good for my active imagination. I think you should label your poems as narratives though because it's like you're telling a story in each one.
    December 19th, 2012 at 11:21pm
  • Oh yeah, and the poem's good. The imagery is good for my active imagination. I think you should label your poems as narratives though because it's like you're telling a story in each one.
    December 19th, 2012 at 11:21pm
  • Whoo, I feel off the mibba earth for a minute. Haven't commented or recced in a while. Anyway, I want to make sure I'm right, but do you prefer girls with dark hair and brown eyes?

    That is all.
    December 19th, 2012 at 11:20pm