On the Afterlife - Comments

  • Candy bowl!! This is a hauntingly beautiful poem. The words are crafted well, fit the scene and are very emotional. The words, "I think when we die our souls will break
    like a shattered vase, each shard still coated with filthy water, tainted by the dirt from the flowers we kept" depict how we die perfectly. I really enjoyed this poem, and it's obvious that you can write well. I've never been able to write so much depth in so few words. Good job!!
    September 30th, 2014 at 09:19pm
  • This is beautifully written. It's a very interesting take on the afterlife, and original at that. I think my favorite line is "and there will be a piece for every hell that was not ours." That is a very haunting stanza, and just ugh, I love it.
    January 12th, 2013 at 11:07pm