Free From Sin - Comments

  • @ CatchingDreams
    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thank u so much for the comment!
    Also,I appreciate your respect for Christianity, a lot of the time if a person is not a Christian, they are bitter and treat us all badly bc they were mistreated by one person in the religion :) So thanks again!
    April 25th, 2013 at 10:26pm
  • @ StaticWolfGirl
    Ooooh wow, I love that theres lots of references to water and the subsequent warping of perception and images.... really clever!!
    The religious references didn't offend me at all - personally I'm an agnostic, but I deeply respect religious views, particularly Christianity because it is my blood root.
    Overall, I did really love the poem :) please keep writing!
    April 25th, 2013 at 09:14pm
  • @ CatchingDreams
    No, I don't mind at all, thank u for the interest :)
    In the first few lines I was trying to describe the way Sin morphs your image until your reflection is nearly unrecognizable to you. The Water/Ocean represents the devil that tries to "draw you in" and houses Sin itself(herself in this case).
    The four lines starting with "I try to hide her from the world..." is there to demonstrate the intense paranoia u feel when you've done something wrong, and how desperate u are to be rid of the guilt.
    From "Without Him I don't have a chance..." All the way to the end is saying the God is the only way to be truly free from Sin, and with his strength, u can break free. :)
    Sorry about the wall of text, just trying to cover everything. Lol. It's a very religious poem, I hope I didn't offend u with the explanation. If I missed something that u have a question about, feel free to ask! Thanks again for the comment!
    April 24th, 2013 at 01:40am
  • Wow, I really love this. I couldn't grasp what it was about (blame the rum) but the language and the pace was so beautiful. Do you mind telling me what was behind some of the words there? I'd love to gain a deeper understanding of your poem.
    April 19th, 2013 at 12:50am