Animals Hath Become Us - Comments

  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    And oh my gosh I am shaking, haha I just subscribed to you, and saw you were a greenday fan. I am as well, they were my first band I ever fell in love with, even when I was really really little! Billie has such an intoxicating voice, and all his songs portray different messages which never cease to amaze me!
    April 21st, 2013 at 04:19pm
  • Writer in the Rye

    Writer in the Rye (100)

    United States
    You have such a wide vocabulary, it really paints a picture for the reader. You are such a gifted, blessed poet and I feel honored to have been able to read this! I like how there are no "set" stanzas, it really leaves the reader wondering what will happen next, how you are going to end this poem. I was very sad when it ended of course! ;) The imagery and metaphoric phrases have left me just speechless. You words flow so effortlessly, I can tell you have a pure, sheer gift. Don't get complacent with your writing though, always keep writing because the world needs more perfect poets like you!! :) You title was stunning and I cannot wait to read more by you. It would mean the world to me if you reviewed my poem "DON'T GIVE IN", only if you want to, of course ;) Anyways, this poem has left me speechless, I can't really say much more, it was absolute perfection. I would not change a thing, except maybe make it published, because it truly deserves it! :)

    God Bless!

    April 21st, 2013 at 04:17pm